DEPTH: Helena vs Lisa


Active Member
You wound me.

To think I would be so callous as to enjoy watching super high tier become super low tier, and super low tier become super high tier.
No no, I actually would not put it past you, good sir.

What can I say? Women are easy. At least, easy women are easy.

The hard women you probably don't want to mess with unless they are genuinely fat or have some kind of obvious flaw you can exploit on an emotional level.

Not to suggest that you should do so purely for fun, but more often then not they will fuck with you emotionally without even trying to do so and it always feels better if you can take a little piece of their self esteem with you after you've departed from the battlefield.

Keep to the ugly and the emotionally insecure and you will forever be a happy man.
*snrk* X)


Whoa now, that was good advice.

Don't be hatin' on a mans need for self preservation. You know as well as I do that women are far more cruel than men. We've gota put ourselves in an advantageous position in order to counter that innate cruelty, that's all I'm saying.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Didn't know where else to post this so... small birthday gift to Erik.


I couldn't think of anything actually funny to put )= but the thought is what counts.


Active Member
Whoa now, that was good advice.

Don't be hatin' on a mans need for self preservation. You know as well as I do that women are far more cruel than men. We've gota put ourselves in an advantageous position in order to counter that innate cruelty, that's all I'm saying.
Psh, don't worry bro, it doesn't even matter. According to DOA, we're all just cute kunoichi sex dolls, obsequious to the male fantasy.

Preach, JennaMarbles, preach. She is many a 20-something-yo's Buddha.

EDIT: Btw, in all seriousness, happy birthday Rikuto. =) Did not realize that. Now I feel like a bitch for putting you on blast. ._.


Active Member
If he isn't really able to yet, then I'll put it another way....

Did you notice any deep sitdown stuns in that video off of single hits? Did you notice any big damage? Anything scary at all?

I feel the same with Ayane. But, in all actuality...I'm not sure how I feel about her. I'd need to know a bit more about her.

This is sounding too scary, everybody saying shes worst than Lisa. First, they killed hayate, now they're going to kill helena?
:confused: oh boy.........TN is on that RETARDED shit again, believe that! :mad:


Now now, it's not the end of the world guys. Without low tier characters, how will we ever be able to embarrass someone to death?

I made my name by repping low tier. So did Chosen1. It can be done.... it's just incredibly difficult.

Leixia player in Calibur. Respect.

I just can't figure out why Helena seems to have been hit worse than the other top tiers. Gen Fu will be BS because he always is, Ayane is the same with some new string transitions and Busa is slightly slower.

Can Busa still crush everything with his 2F+K? I'd understand her P+K getting destroyed if Busa's 2F+K, Fu's 3P+K and Ayane's 4P got raped too but I don't think that's the case.

Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Maybe you've forgotten, but have you seen her damage? Much less.


Active Member
I'd rather not provide details because then you'd have a list to see exactly what didn't make it in. My suggestions were about the same as you've seen me discuss here. Safer transitions into stance and all of that. Helena IS safer going into BKO, but unfortunately it's a moot point against most of the cast. If you don't have advantage in a stance you can't block from, it doesn't take much to figure out how to evade/interrupt every option from that stance. Lisa has the same problem with her running stance. Sarah doesn't have that problem though.

And that's because Sarah is ridiculous...

They nerfed the shit outta Maxi. Thats why I had to hang up my gloves up...

...I'm sorry, what? He went from hilarious damage to slightly above average damage.

Did you SEE what they did to Leixia?


Active Member I the only that still wants to play Lisa?

I might play her again, I'm an Ayane player though, just didn't play Ayane in 4 because I knew she was going to get a bit of the bat and I didn't want to make bad habits.

Whoa now, that was good advice.

Don't be hatin' on a mans need for self preservation. You know as well as I do that women are far more cruel than men. We've gota put ourselves in an advantageous position in order to counter that innate cruelty, that's all I'm saying.


Nah, I doubt that. People who really enjoy her will still play as her. When it comes to serious competitions you may not see her as much. I have always liked to play around with her and I am still going to continue to play around with her when DOA5 comes out.

People loved Leixia to death in SC. Have you SEEN what happened to her? Character got smacked with the nerf bat and even Kayane dropped her.

I don't understand why they purposely made her absolute garbage. I would have prefered this to happen to kasumi, not helena.

So you would rather the entire series die than make your character bad. Because you know damn well Kasumi players wouldn't stand for that shit.