DOA5 ver 1.03a Bugs,Glitches, and Tweaks.


Well-Known Member
I think its annoying they allowed people to put a connection rating on every room. And the default is 5. I have the best internet I can get but never get into ANY rooms because I'm not a 5 star with the host. About to stop trying to get games and play something with a better online system.

I kind of agree. This games way of determining internet connections is so flawed. Not to mention hosts will require anyone who joins to have a certain connect (say 5 bars for example) yet they don't even have 5 bars.


Active Member
I kind of agree. This games way of determining internet connections is so flawed. Not to mention hosts will require anyone who joins to have a certain connect (say 5 bars for example) yet they don't even have 5 bars.

Of course they have 5 bars, everybody has 5 bars with themselves... DOA5 has peer to peer connections, meaning that if you host a fight, you have an offline-quality connection to the host (you).


Well-Known Member
TN needs to nerf the free step movement (increased speed movement as well) and fix some clipping issue.


Well-Known Member
Huh? So you'd rather play a laggy match then. This games online netcode is pretty decent. But by hearing your complaint you obviously don't care about smooth matches as long as you can play. I love the fact that you can filter matches by connection quality. I wish more games would adopt this feature. No one like to play on lag -_-

The fact is the game isn't accurate with connection speed. I can be playing a 4 bar that suddenly turns into a 1 bar, and vice versa.


Active Member
Anyway, after several days of tests, a small report to sum up the issue me and other players have been experiencing.

The Issue:
On Xbox360, after the latest patch 1.03A, the game doesn't recognize the Online Pass anymore. You cannot play online anymore.

Things tested:
  • Removing all updates
  • Removing and redownloading the Online Pass
  • Using different devices to save game data
  • Clear Cache
  • Delete Game Profile
  • Delete everything about the game and start anew

Odd happenings:
  • I had this random error appear to me a couple of times in the past as well, but redownloading the Online Pass or Rebooting the console always fixed it.
  • If you decide to play without selecting a device to save your data, the game will recognize your online pass. You won't be able to save or to use your saved data though (gamepad settings, additional titles, stages, costumes etc)
  • If you create a new game profile, either by using a new device or deleting the previous one, the game will initially recognize your online pass. If you turn the console off and then back on again, the same error will appear again and the game won't recognize it
  • When you don't use a game profile or use a new one, the initial "Checking Game Version" when you first access the main menu is really fast. When the game gets "broken" (i.e. it won't read the pass anymore) that initial "checking game version" is much slower.

Who did I contact?
Microsoft - Official forums, got some kind replies but alas no solution
Tecmo - Email. Around 1 week and no reply yet
Tecmo - Twitter, same as above
Team Ninja - Twitter, same as above
Update to the issue quoted above.
After many more emails and tweets I finally got a reply, from the same guy who sent me a read mail confirmation couple of weeks ago.

He kindly asked me for further info, details and screenshots so he can forward all of this to the upper floors.
Let's see if I can finally get this sorted out... had to keep playing on PS3 lately because I can't access the online part of the game on X360, it's preposterous I tell you, first time something like this happen.

And all of this why? For stupid features like DRM and Online Passes, made to fight piracy and people who re-sell used copies of the game.
And who is to pay the price for all of this? Not the pirates of course, but the honest, loyal customers like me.
History repeats...


Active Member
Update to the issue quoted above.
After many more emails and tweets I finally got a reply, from the same guy who sent me a read mail confirmation couple of weeks ago.

He kindly asked me for further info, details and screenshots so he can forward all of this to the upper floors.
Let's see if I can finally get this sorted out... had to keep playing on PS3 lately because I can't access the online part of the game on X360, it's preposterous I tell you, first time something like this happen.

And all of this why? For stupid features like DRM and Online Passes, made to fight piracy and people who re-sell used copies of the game.
And who is to pay the price for all of this? Not the pirates of course, but the honest, loyal customers like me.
History repeats...

Did he inform you of what they intend on doing, if anything, other then forwarding the info to "the upper floors"? Did he at least give you a hint as to what the problem could be (is it related to the latest patch as I suspect, an issue with the 360, etc)?

Wait until the next systems come out from both companies, used games will be a memory & places like Gamestop where you bought retail copies will be probably a gone before long. They may only exist as specialty stores for those who, like me, tend get Collectors/Limited Editions of games.


Well-Known Member
Update to the issue quoted above.
After many more emails and tweets I finally got a reply, from the same guy who sent me a read mail confirmation couple of weeks ago.

He kindly asked me for further info, details and screenshots so he can forward all of this to the upper floors.
Let's see if I can finally get this sorted out... had to keep playing on PS3 lately because I can't access the online part of the game on X360, it's preposterous I tell you, first time something like this happen.

And all of this why? For stupid features like DRM and Online Passes, made to fight piracy and people who re-sell used copies of the game.
And who is to pay the price for all of this? Not the pirates of course, but the honest, loyal customers like me.
History repeats...

There should have never been an online pass to begin with. Just another way for them to scrape money from customers. I normally don't support games that require online pass codes, it's not fair. Can't even buy some games used now because they have all had their codes used, which cost like 800msp for a new one. That's absurd. I've paid for your game, don't make me pay to use online features. I already pay Microsoft for that. I really hope your issue gets resolved, it really shouldn't be this difficult for them to get it straightened out for you, but it is what it is.


Active Member
There should have never been an online pass to begin with. Just another way for them to scrape money from customers. I normally don't support games that require online pass codes, it's not fair. Can't even buy some games used now because they have all had their codes used, which cost like 800msp for a new one. That's absurd. I've paid for your game, don't make me pay to use online features. I already pay Microsoft for that. I really hope your issue gets resolved, it really shouldn't be this difficult for them to get it straightened out for you, but it is what it is.

Get used to it, online passes are probably here to stay if used games are kept &/or if the game has any multiplayer/online component. They want their cut, anyway they can get it, simple as that. Only if the game is strictly "offline" (like an RPG or action game) will we probably not have to deal with that.


New Member
There should have never been an online pass to begin with... I've paid for your game, don't make me pay to use online features.

When you buy used, you did indeed pay for their game, but you didn't pay them. You paid the retailer. By buying new, you support Tecmo, who use a fraction of the revenue to offer the online service. By buying used, you freeload off the service because you pay Tecmo nothing. Online passes are meant to prohibit that.

That the online pass is screwing up when it shouldn't is another matter.


Well-Known Member
When you buy used, you did indeed pay for their game, but you didn't pay them. You paid the retailer. By buying new, you support Tecmo, who use a fraction of the revenue to offer the online service. By buying used, you freeload off the service because you pay Tecmo nothing. Online passes are meant to prohibit that.

That the online pass is screwing up when it shouldn't is another matter.

Regardless, I pay enough money for my gaming. I'm not going to get gouged for everything.


Well-Known Member
When you buy used, you did indeed pay for their game, but you didn't pay them. You paid the retailer. By buying new, you support Tecmo.
Thats why I buy new games, to support the game developers. Out of my whole PS3 collection I only have 2 used games And not mention I prefer neat looking game cases.

On topic: Had anyone discover sound glitches?


Well-Known Member
When you buy used, you did indeed pay for their game, but you didn't pay them. You paid the retailer. By buying new, you support Tecmo, who use a fraction of the revenue to offer the online service. By buying used, you freeload off the service because you pay Tecmo nothing. Online passes are meant to prohibit that.

That the online pass is screwing up when it shouldn't is another matter.
THIS. Let it be known. No company likes a pirator. They should keep doing online passes to discourage pirators from pirating. You know what? They should make a system where the console can't read the game if its pirated..... BOOM they killed two birds with one stone.


Well-Known Member
I actually make it a rule not to buy games with online passes or excessive DLC. If I had ANY idea DOA5 would have $100+ worth of DLC I wouldn't have pre-ordered it or played online... Although the funny thing about online passes is that they're just as pirate-able as DLC and the games themselves. So those who got the game for free are playing it online while some customers are screwed over by glitches :p Pirates will ALWAYS get the most enjoyable experience, that's why DRM is stupid.


Active Member
Did he inform you of what they intend on doing, if anything, other then forwarding the info to "the upper floors"? Did he at least give you a hint as to what the problem could be (is it related to the latest patch as I suspect, an issue with the 360, etc)?
No he's just a community manager/PR etc.
He is forwarding my detailed info directly to the team in japan.
Meanwhile he gave me another Online Pass, but I haven't tried it yet.
In theory I still have the "Insert Online Pass" option in my menu (for some reason it stays there on X360 even after you inserted a code already), I tried to press on it and it actually asks me for the code, but I didn't use the one he sent me yet.
Simply because I'm afraid I could mess things up even more. I've been waiting a month, I want to wait until the official reply from Team Ninja now.
I already have a pass, it shows on the Xbox Live Marketplace and I can re-download it.
What would happen, were I to insert a new code?
Would I have to delete the one I have from my hdd first?
And were I to choose "download again" from xbox live would what happen? Would I redownload the first or the second?
So yeah, too many doubts and variables, don't wanna make the situation even more complicated, but it's been kind of him to give me one I guess.

Wait until the next systems come out from both companies, used games will be a memory & places like Gamestop where you bought retail copies will be probably a gone before long.
Same will happen with physical games probably, seeing the success of shit like steam etc.
I don't even remember how many pre-owned game copies in my life so far, very few. It's just that stuff like DRM and online pass are WRONG, no matter if they directly affect me or not, I just feel them as an abuse of power from game companies, and it makes me very angry.

And about the pre-owning thing, I understand the companies' concerns and tbh I feel I'm on their side.
But still, the way they are trying to address the issue is wrong, it's a way to circumvein laws and to trick customers. And who is to pay the price for that? Us, the customers.
That's just wrong.
Either sales of pre-owned stuff is declared not possible by the laws of a certain country, or if it is, they are circumveining the possibility of selling pre-owned stuff by putting a "tax" on it that usually just creates issues to other customers (take my case for instance) or just make things more annoying, slower and less user-friendly.
Each time you get a new game you have to subscribe to that new network, website, online code here, online code there, register here, insert this.
I mean, damnit, this is getting boring. I just want to PLAY, know what it means? I put the disk inside and I PLAY, I don't want to spend hours doing other stuff to play my game.
This is getting preposterous with some games where each company has their own "social gaming network" and basic features of the game force you to register to those networks to make use of those features.
Maybe it's just me being an antisocial, I dunno.

Back more IT, am I the only one experiencing a lot of bugs online on both PS3 and X360 versions? Compared to DoA4 and DoAU at least.
You had bugs there as well, sometimes the game would hang up and you had to turn off the console etc, but the "black screen" thing seems to be way more common in DoA5.
Basically you try to access a lobby but you get stucked in the black screen before the lobby is really loaded.


Active Member
For the new code I'd say wait until they answer those questions that you've asked. Of course given how long they've taken to answer you already the next console could well be out by then.

As for issues post 1.03A, I occasionally get the "player cannot fight/connect" message after I've been the one challenged, but that's rare now (you should've seen it pre 1.03) & it happens more on the PS3 side then the 360 side. If by "black screen", you mean occasionally trying to get into lobbies & being there forever attempting to get in & having to either exit out of the game entirely or reboot the system, then yeah I've had those on both systems. Other then that it's when I upload occasional replays from the 360 to Facebook (Fb), then from Fb to Youtube, occasionally they're shaky from the Fb to Youtube transfer. No issues there on the PS3 side, but then again, on the PS3 I can DL directly to Youtube. Anyone else experience that?


Active Member
For the new code I'd say wait until they answer those questions that you've asked. Of course given how long they've taken to answer you already the next console could well be out by then.
Hahaha indeed :p
Well I'm killing time playing on PS3 meanwhile, so no big deal. Altough my ranked score is on Xbox, together to all the DLC costumes etc =/

If by "black screen", you mean occasionally trying to get into lobbies & being there forever attempting to get in & having to either exit out of the game entirely or reboot the system
Yep that's exactely what I meant ;)
Sometimes this also happened to me while moving from the lobby to the character screen, and during the stage select screen as well, but these happened only a couple times to be fair.


Active Member
Hahaha indeed :p
Well I'm killing time playing on PS3 meanwhile, so no big deal. Although my ranked score is on Xbox, together to all the DLC costumes etc =/

Yep that's exactly what I meant ;)
Sometimes this also happened to me while moving from the lobby to the character screen, and during the stage select screen as well, but these happened only a couple times to be fair.

Hasn't happened while moving from the lobby to character screen with me on either one... yet. I should probably play more ranked on PS3, but their freakin' controllers are just so small. They're sized for midgits & painful after prolonged play/use.


Active Member
I love PS3 digital pad, but the shape and size of the pad not so much. It's just too small... Xbox one is more comfortable in that regard. Same for the position of the left thumbstick. Which I don't use for DoA, but it's too close to the digital pad and it's annoying. And let's not talk about L2 and R2, they suck.

Really I love the digital pad but everything else for me X360 >>> PS3.
Dunno why for so many people it's the other way around. Imho it's just a matter of habit, you're so used to a certain thing for so much time that you become unawaringly biased and unable to judge it in a more objective way.


Active Member
I have a question regarding controllers: Most people seem to think that an arcade stick is not good for DOA games and many even say that they use one for some other fighters like SF4 but not for DOA. Why is that? I play with an arcade stick and it's pretty smooth after the initial getting-used-to-period.

My complaint is that doing some inputs is maybe a bit slower than with a controller, like counter holds don't necessarily come out as fast, but then again this could be because of the relatively large throw of the Sanwa JLF... maybe a Seimitsu stick would be faster.

On the other hand a joystick is far more precise and I never miss QCF or 11/33 inputs... any thoughts?


Active Member
I love PS3 digital pad, but the shape and size of the pad not so much. It's just too small... Xbox one is more comfortable in that regard. Same for the position of the left thumbstick. Which I don't use for DoA, but it's too close to the digital pad and it's annoying. And let's not talk about L2 and R2, they suck.

Really I love the digital pad but everything else for me X360 >>> PS3.
Dunno why for so many people it's the other way around. Imho it's just a matter of habit, you're so used to a certain thing for so much time that you become unawaringly biased and unable to judge it in a more objective way.

I got use to the analog, but for a really good 360 Dpad, then you might wanna look into this: Hori Turbo 2. Easly the best Dpad I've ever had the pleasure to use on 360. The controller is wired, but the cord is long (10ft/3m). It's actually slightly bigger & far more durable then the 360 stock controller. The only thing I have a slight beef on is that it's incompatible with the chatpad, but that's a minor issue. I really wish the PS3 had something comparable & trust me I've looked. So far Sonys 2nd party controllers have been wanting, for fighters they're simply not responsive enough & I've had to go to the stock controller. I have an arcade stick for PS3, but I'd be thumbs if I were to go back to it now.