DOA5U Exhibition with Kat "Mystik" Gunn and Sebastian "Chosen1" Burton

Looking forward in seeing changes to at least: Akira, Brad. And the new characters: Jacky and Rachel.
Still, Main will be Akira. ;)
Akira all the way.

Sir Skeleton

New Member
So i'm guessing they are just going to be mostly using the brand new characters and will be trying to use any new mechanics as much as they possibly can.
Do they really need a whole 3 hour block to showcase this game though? I can't imagine I will be tuning in for the entire showcase.


Well-Known Member
It could take a while if they wanted to legit break down the new characters, but the other modes would only take 10 or so minutes each.

Chances are the first hour will be a showcase and the latter two will just be some exhibition matches. We can only hope, It'll really be something if I'm bored watching a stream for a new game I'm supposed to be hyped for. Especially when the stream in question is supposed to get me hype.

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
stop complaining guys, mystik and chosen1 are names and names are something people look for.

my suggestion is to make things interesting via stream requests.

ill be watching and ill be asking for a kobe or two....and im going to make them say it when they do it.


David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Mystik is amazing *___* (coughs) anyway the problem sometimes with C1 (he's awesome though) is that he talks over the other co-host and says "WHOOOAAA" and "WOOOOWWW" a lot.

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Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind if c1 talks over mystik since he's more knowledgeable with the game. Mystik is definitely easy to look at
LOL that is true. And Matt watch your mouth, don't you got a girl? You shouldn't be looking at other women.
Especially if she's wearing that costume in the poster above... If you know what I mean..
Dude you would get a new bleed if she cosplay Eliot.:p