Does anyone understand ranked online?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I'll get like 30 points for winning a 3 round match, sometimes 400. I've heard it has something to do with winning streak - but is it based on yours or your opponents, and is it character specific? Also it seems like I get to pick the stage 90% of the time, am I just lucky?


Active Member
Sometimes I'll get like 30 points for winning a 3 round match, sometimes 400. I've heard it has something to do with winning streak - but is it based on yours or your opponents, and is it character specific? Also it seems like I get to pick the stage 90% of the time, am I just lucky?
I know one thing the more rounds the matches are the more points you get for winning but you also lose more points if you lose.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I understand that they're trying to make ranked matches so frustrating that they want to get in everyone's head that rank doesn't matter.

However, I do enjoy the thrill of not knowing who I'll fight next. It's like an elaborate roleplay from a dominatrix when she randomly kidnaps you from the street, blindfolds you, and treats you to who-knows-what when the blindfold comes off... it's exhilarating.


I'd say it also depends of the difference between both ranks. If you're rank E and win against a rank C, you'll win tons of points. But if the Rank C wins against the rank E then he won't get much, probably like 30.


Well-Known Member
depends on rank, If you and the other are both C but his rank is number 300 while your is 350. You win the match you get more points. If he wins he doesn't get as much. Also I believe if they are on a win streak and you beat them you get more points. Same if you are on a streak. In DOA4 you would get an extra 10 points for ever win while on a streak.

I also notice i tend to play the same people a lot. No matter the settings. I hate it when its some 1 laggy. Im stuck playing them 3-4 times in a row.


Active Member
My blood pressure dropped 1000% percent when I stopped doing ranked matches. It seemed to love matching me with people over in France, which resulted in some rather unplayable matches.

It pretty much goes by streak - I think. For me I'd always go 37, 47, 57, 67, 77, etc till you'd lose. If you fight someone ranked higher than you, you get a random amount of points. Now, as for determining the amount of points you'd lose - that's a black voodoo magic I haven't the foggiest idea of how it works. I'm going to roll with "It's RNG"

Oh, side note - disconnects cost you 300 points. I know this because the glorious Ranked match finder would match me with like, 4 people at once, get confused as shit, and disconnected me from all of them, crashing my xbox and costing me 300 points for each disconnect.

That, and I may/may not have quit after some rather disappointing loses. >_>


Active Member
I like ranked match way better than lobby match. Lobby matches always lag like hell for me. I can beat people who actually have an understanding of the game but I'll lose to a nooby ninja -_-


New Member
50 points awarded for each win if you win. Only the case if you fight someone at your skill level. Higher skill level makes that number higher. If you lose to someone of lesser skill, you lose points. ive been fighting people of equal of higher skill and have not lost points when i lose.


New Member
You get to choose the stage because you are searching the game after the other guy, making him the host.

When it says ''unable to find opponent'', its because some asshole with strict NAT is searching at the same time as you and if you both keep searching again you will keep getting that message.

Ranked matches is truly the worst mode in any Doa game. At least for now, maybe once there will be more people per region playing it will be ok but right now I get lagless match maybe once in 20 fights. It takes too much time, for finding then searching again and going in and out of the game really throws me off.

Its really frustrating to see most highest ranked players have no idea how to play, but have mastered ability to abuse lag tactics.


Active Member
The way ranked matches work is you will get +37 points for playing lower ranks at the start of your streak. The more matches you win the higher the score goes. Once you get about 7 wins you will be getting around 190 then it will max out (from what I've seen) at 300 unless you run across a higher rank, then in that case it's possible to get 1500+

Once you lose a match during your streak you will go back to getting +37. Also, when you lose to a lower rank you don't lose as much points as the other person will get ... for example, since I'm an S- and I lost to a B+ then the B+ will get 1600+ pts ... however I only lose 100. I'm not sure if this number goes higher the more points you get since I'm only at 62,000 right now. :)



Well-Known Member
So 37 is the standard reward? What an arbitrary number... Things make more sense now, thanks

Are you playing on PS3? On 360 I play ranked almost exclusively since there's rarely lag (and no queue if you lose..)


New Member
On Ps3, only 1 day that I remember having perfect ping, it was really weird cause it was perfect even against American players. But haven't had a single good match since then.

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
Rank matches gets annoying/boring after a while. Especially when you start running into laggy people. Sometimes I just stick to lobby matches. I seem to deal with lag less when in lobbies compared to Rank matches. Also fighting the same people gets irritating.


Active Member
Standard Donor
I haven't ran into one laggy person in ranked play. They are ubiquitous in lobbies.


Well-Known Member
I understand that they're trying to make ranked matches so frustrating that they want to get in everyone's head that rank doesn't matter.

However, I do enjoy the thrill of not knowing who I'll fight next. It's like an elaborate roleplay from a dominatrix when she randomly kidnaps you from the street, blindfolds you, and treats you to who-knows-what when the blindfold comes off... it's exhilarating.
And Christie is that... dominatrix?


Active Member
Rank matches gets annoying/boring after a while. Especially when you start running into laggy people. Sometimes I just stick to lobby matches. I seem to deal with lag less when in lobbies compared to Rank matches. Also fighting the same people gets irritating.
Lol wait arent you playing the same people in lobbies?


Active Member
Since this is relating to ranking points I'll post this here: Any reason why you lose to a person with the same rank as you you lose more points than if you lost to someone who is ranked lower?