Ein's name pronunciation

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I don't like to open threads like this but I was discussing this topic with some friends recently and I decided it'd be best to just ask here. What's the canon pronunciation for Ein's name¿

I'm from Latin America so I naturally read his name "Eh-In" but I've heard most people online call him "Ah-in".


Well-Known Member
Well, the English VAs in Dimensions pronounce his name "Ah-in". I always pronounced it "Ee-in" before I heard that, and "Ah-in" just sounded more natural to me.

Matt Ponton

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It's actually from German for "Ein". Because he was found in Germany and given the name by the locals there due to his amnesia. I believe the Katakana actually spells it as アイン (AIN).

Similar to Helena, where the H is silent due to the French pronunciation. Her katakana is エレナ (ERENA).

You'll see the katakana for Ein on the character's wiki page: http://www.freestepdodge.com/wiki/ein/


Active Member
Ein it's a german word? In this case it's Ah-In...i didn't know this. Everyday learns something new.

Edit: Ein means "a" or "one".


Active Member
Well, Japanese katakana (which is used to write Ein's name) is a phonetic syllabary. Essentially, that means each "letter" can be read only one way (as opposed to Chinese kanji characters, which have several pronunciations). Ein's name, アイン, is rendered as "Ain" in the Latin alphabet. Japanese pronounces these vowels a little differently than English, though. Basically, his name should be said like the English word for "eye," plus an N. Another example would be Albert Einstein. I'm not sure how Einstein's name is pronounced in Venezuela, though.

Edit: Drat, Sorwah stole my thunder. Yep, I was gonna mention Helena too. A lot of people say "Hell-en-uh," but the French don't pronounce the letter H, so names like Hannah become Anna, and Helena becomes Elena. I'm pretty sure Elena is a Hispanic name, actually. =) Probably heard in Venezuela, eh Mike.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Well, Japanese katakana (which is used to write Ein's name) is a phonetic syllabary. Essentially, that means each "letter" can be read only one way (as opposed to Chinese kanji characters, which have several pronunciations). Ein's name,アイン, is rendered as "Ain" in the Latin alphabet. Japanese pronounces these vowels a little differently than English, though. Basically, his name should be said like the English word for "eye," plus an N. Another example would be Albert Einstein. I'm not sure how Einstein's name is pronounced in Venezuela, though.

Edit: Drat, Sorwah stole my thunder. Yep, I was gonna mention Helena too. A lot of people say "Hell-en-uh," but the French don't pronounce the letter H, so names like Hannah become Anna, and Helena becomes Elena. I'm pretty sure Elena is a Hispanic name, actually. =) Probably heard in Venezuela, eh Mike.

Yeah I never had any doubts with Hele's name because it's simply "Elena" down here. Besides, Itagaki himself said the correct pronunciation for her in the early DOA2U days. That was back in 2004 I think.


Well-Known Member
Hm, I always said it like geisha. Because its a Japanese game. Never even thought of the German pronounciation. (The more you know) Granted Ive always heard both ways and never cared. Now when people say Ninja Geiden instead of Gaiden, I get upset.


Active Member
As a fluent speaker of the German language and a moderate speaker of the Japanese language, Ein's name is definitely supposed to be the German number one. In Japanese you would pronounce it Ah-ee-nn. Almost the exact same way you would pronounce it in German, which is eye-nnn. In German when there are two consecutive vowels, the first one is silent and you pronounce the second one. Which is why in the name Einstein, you pronounce it Eye-Nnn (Ein) Stuh-eye-nn (stein).

Forlorn Penguin

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his name should be said like the English word for "eye," plus an N. Another example would be Albert Einstein.

I've always read it like that and never even thought of pronouncing it like the name "Ian". When I started hearing people calling him "Ian" online, I was dumbfounded. No offense to anyone who mispronounced it, but it just seems to stupid to me to read "Ian" from "Ein".


Well-Known Member
I've called him Eye-nnn like Einstein, since the first time I saw him. Whenever I hear people call him Ian, I cringe, I almost always say, "No, his name is Eye-nnn!" lol It bothers me specifically with his name. Ever since Kat started commentating though, I've picked up others LOL.

I say Hi-yahte, she says Hay-ah-te (Hay is for horses)
I say Eye-yahn-eh she says Aye-yahn-eh
I know that Helena's name is technically Elena, but I say Huh-lane-ah

Leifang is the only one I'm guilty of IMO. I used to say Lee-fang all the time, eventually I started saying Lay-fang for some reason. Every once in a while I slip and say Lee again.

I guess it's just preference/pronunciation/accents/etc.. at the end of the day for some character names.


Active Member
Who cares... the only one that actually bugs me is when people say Wry-ooo as opposed to Re-you. The character has existed longer than half the kids playing SFIV have been alive and people still don't know how to say that fuckers name?


Well-Known Member
Who cares... the only one that actually bugs me is when people say Wry-ooo as opposed to Re-you. The character has existed longer than half the kids playing SFIV have been alive and people still don't know how to say that fuckers name?
What about "Rooo"?


Active Member
I knew it was Ein( eye-nyn) because it's German sounding, and Hitomi pronounces it that way. Helena is the one that messed me up. Always thought it was Hell-lay-na. Thanks to people way back in DOA2U. DOAX2 was when I found out whenever one of the girls called out her name. Didn't like it so I still call her Hell-lay-na.


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Premium Donor
Einstein = a stone.

The lack of education or knowledge (or whatever) is horrible, but who can you blame. It's along the same line as Germany being an empire for hundreds of years while having royal lineage that spans back hundreds more, but of course no one knows about that.


Active Member
And to this day just about all of European royalty is still related to the Habsburgs. That's what happens when you're only allowed to marry other royalty (or within your own ninja clan) lol