Final Fantasy Thread


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Snow sucks, and so does Lightning. Those two should of been a couple to show the world how much they suck with each individual game they were included in.

Fang is best girl. Should of been the main character.
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Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
@Tyaren @KasumiLover69 @DestructionBomb



Premium Donor
Wait it is??? I.....never knew that actually. Oh wow. But then again, you might as well not double post at all no?
I try not to myself but if no one's talking/sharing the information I have on hand and it's been longer than an hour I just post and go all for it, like in that Nier thread although I'm pretty sure more people will post when they complete that game too, so far I think me and David Gregg are the ones that I know of who completed a playthrough.

Also my all time favorite girl will always be Vanille, she was so carefree and cheerful despite what she's been through and she always had a positive attitude which is surprising for a character who's been through quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
Also my all time favorite girl will always be Vanille, she was so carefree and cheerful despite what she's been through and she always had a positive attitude which is surprising for a character who's been through quite a bit.
I think Vanille is defintely an understimated character. Most people have a negative opinion on her and are like "meh, she's way too annoying", also saying she's useless for the story (what??), but actually, this means they completely didn't understand the character and have been fooled by her because that's exactly how she wants to appear, in order hide how she's really feeling.
In LR she went through a drastic change, she's no longer all smiles and sunshine and has a really serious attitude, which is absolutely understandable given the cirumstances (she can hear dead people's voices somehow, with all their grief, pain and sorrow). I honestly was surprised by that, definitely did not expect it.


Premium Donor
I think Vanille is defintely an understimated character. Most people have a negative opinion on her and are like "meh, she's way too annoying", also saying she's useless for the story (what??), but actually, this means they completely didn't understand the character and have been fooled by her because that's exactly how she wants to appear, in order hide how she's really feeling.
In LR she went through a drastic change, she's no longer all smiles and sunshine and has a really serious attitude, which is absolutely understandable given the cirumstances (she can hear dead people's voices somehow, with all their grief, pain and sorrow). I honestly was surprised by that, definitely did not expect it.
....She REALLY changed that way in LR??? Uhh....yeah my liking of her just soared to the roof, I love characters like that! I thought it was just Serah who became all Gothic and kinda sinister and Hope who kinda regressed into a broken detached type character.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was just Serah who became all Gothic and kinda sinister and Hope who kinda regressed into a broken detached type character.
Do you mean Lumina? That's not Serah. From what I could gather, Lumina is a mix of Lightining's repressed emotions and her younger self, which took the form of Serah (or a younger Lightning?) and I'm pretty sure that wasn't acually Hope.
but just an empty vessel with Hope's memories chosen by "God"
Another character who became "darker" is indeed Noel, who I disliked lol. I liked both him and Serah in XIII-2 though.


Premium Donor
Do you mean Lumina? That's not Serah. From what I could gather, Lumina is a mix of Lightining's repressed emotions and her younger self, which took the form of Serah (or a younger Lightning?) and I'm pretty sure that wasn't acually Hope.
but just an empty vessel with Hope's memories chosen by "God"
Another character who became "darker" is indeed Noel, who I disliked lol. I liked both him and Serah in XIII-2 though.
Empty vessel...all the better! And Noel too??? God, I need this game now, I'd have such a field day!


Well-Known Member
So it comes out on the 28th and will take about 2 to 3 hours to complete. I thought it would take longer like an open world. I'll watch the footage now.


Well-Known Member
Nahh seems more linear like a dungeon layout, dlcs probably had waaay less time than main game and another open world would be finnicky.

Also, it looks like they FINALLY fixed that freaking jump/action button problem.

Because the localizers didn't think to remap jump....


Well-Known Member
I'll play it and didn't watch it to not spoil myself, though now I'm interested in the battle music, damn.
Honestly, I was expecting something like 5 hours, 2-3 hours is fine too I guess... that's it IF that dungeon is engaging and if they actually did justice to Gilgamesh. Please, don't be a lazy re-skinned Iron Giant or some dumb monster.
Also, it looks like they FINALLY fixed that freaking jump/action button problem.
Because the localizers didn't think to remap jump....
Is it for the main game or just Gladio's DLC, because if it's for the former then THANK YOU. still late though