Final Fantasy Thread


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Let's see if I remember...

Ruby and Emerald were added as rogues along with Ultimate.

Diamond was the only mandatory story boss and was killed by the Sister Ray.

And Sapphire was the one that was killed by the Junon Cannon.

Maybe they can retcon the Junon escape scene as having the Junon only wound Sapphire critically as opposed to killing it. Or better, fight all five Weapons again (where applicable) as superbosses.

Right, cool idea you made there changing the story of the event with Sapphire. They could use the time to improve the Gold Saucer battle arena for more challenges. (Similar to XIII-2) except within the game as Post-game achievements or something like that. Something worthwhile to where you have more stuff to do at the end as well as having some sort of replay value for the game. The missing WEAPONS that you were unable to challenge could be thrown in there with perhaps maybe another new one, super duper version with all of them combined, or one that is hidden in secret from all of it that is ridiculously strong. At this point, I suppose it doesn't matter really.

With the other superbosses, Gilgamesh would of been grand since he is from the dimensional rift and can provide the challenge to the players and new dialogue of epicness, past villains/bosses from the prequels of the game or a cameo boss.

I enjoyed FF7's ATB system when I played it, but personally I like more action based battle systems than turn based ones. Just as long as I can play as the other characters like Vincent and Tifa, I'll be happy. It would really suck if they remade the game just for us to only play as Cloud. I already think it was a terrible idea for them take out the ability to play as the others in FFXV...

I mean if the game becomes that way, It would be disappointing, but it wouldn't exactly be bad at all since it's common to keep Cloud in the party anyway. (I mean I did in the past as well) but it would seem too bland to just keep playing him from the entire game. In fact, I don't think it would be possible to play as him entirely since there is a point in the game where
the party switches to where he is not around and also where Cloud goes into wheelchair mode
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Right, cool idea you made there changing the story of the event with Sapphire. They could use the time to improve the Gold Saucer battle arena for more challenges. (Similar to XIII-2) except within the game as Post-game achievements or something like that.
Speaking of Gold Saucer, there needs to be more than two viable ways to get a flow of GP currency there.

Not a day goes by when I tire of going through the repetitive Chocobo races or pull a hail Mary going in and out of the Gold Saucer hoping that one guy at the corner booth randomly appears to trade Gil for GP. And on top of that, when you play the games at the Wonder Square, most of them only give you GP ONCE, which is FUCKING BULLSHIT!

And they expect me to pay 10 GP to play a match in the Battle Square with those time-consuming, nickel-and-diming methods in one sitting without leaving the area? Shi----t, they better give me my 100 GP every time I play G-Bike...


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Are you sure that's the actual reason the game has its share of detractors?

Are you sure it's not the lackluster (and often meaningless) sidequests that don't take full advantage of its rather expansive take on FF5's Job System, as opposed to FF12 where every sidequest (hunts in particular) had a progressively challenging purpose?
I'm sure that's why some people don't like it but I've also seen some who haven't even touched the game because it was too feminine.

I'd like another game with a turn based system like FFX but I get it's not fast paced or action packed enough (and unrealistic even for a video game with everyone just standing around waiting) for a lot of people. Personally I don't really like the Kingdom Hearts type of battle. SO4 was really good though since we're all talking about it


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I'd like another game with a turn based system like FFX but I get it's not fast paced or action packed enough (and unrealistic even for a video game with everyone just standing around waiting) for a lot of people.
FFX was actually a step back from even the ATB system, and more akin to the NES-era FF games, except here, you're able to gauge the next turns based on what actions you take before you take action (hence the title "Conditioned Battle System"), which was an ingenious method of being accessible for newcomers not only to the series, but to the genre itself without insulting their intelligence as Mystic Quest of the SNES days did to US players back when RPGs were a niche genre.

It should also be noted that FFX was originally going to have an ATB system, but were worried about the overall performance issues such as framerate dips, much like what happened with FFX-2 when it was originally released.


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Speaking of Gold Saucer, there needs to be more than two viable ways to get a flow of GP currency there.

Not a day goes by when I tire of going through the repetitive Chocobo races or pull a hail Mary going in and out of the Gold Saucer hoping that one guy at the corner booth randomly appears to trade Gil for GP. And on top of that, when you play the games at the Wonder Square, most of them only give you GP ONCE, which is FUCKING BULLSHIT!

And they expect me to pay 10 GP to play a match in the Battle Square with those time-consuming, nickel-and-diming methods in one sitting without leaving the area? Shi----t, they better give me my 100 GP every time I play G-Bike...

This. This is true.

I'm sure that's why some people don't like it but I've also seen some who haven't even touched the game because it was too feminine.

I'd like another game with a turn based system like FFX but I get it's not fast paced or action packed enough (and unrealistic even for a video game with everyone just standing around waiting) for a lot of people. Personally I don't really like the Kingdom Hearts type of battle. SO4 was really good though since we're all talking about it

Do you mean something similar like Grandia? (Grandia was really good by the way.)
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I don't see them making it so Cloud is the only playable character. Part of the charm of ff7 was the wide cast of chars and their various strengths, I'm sure they know this, and plus there are parts of the game where cloud isnt even available.

Regarding changing the battle system, at this point I would prefer a x-2 based system, but if it goes some action hybrid system I wouldn't mind so much, I guess sort of like type 0 would be okay.


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Considering the popularity of all the FF7 characters I believe there is just no way that they could make playable only Cloud: this would be a real fail move for the fandom that wished from so long a FF7 remake and I'm pretty sure that the development team know about it.


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I only suggested that because no game has let you play as the the full party in battle since X-2.

XIII onwards you only play as party leader or only the protaganist, ATB is already confirmed gone so that's all variastions of it including XIII's paradigm ATB.


Well-Known Member
I only suggested that because no game has let you play as the the full party in battle since X-2.

XIII onwards you only play as party leader or only the protaganist, ATB is already confirmed gone so that's all variastions of it including XIII's paradigm ATB.

You are right, but would they be so brave to include a so much substantial difference in a game so much hyped? Without counting that you aren't just making playable only one character, but you are cutting heavy pre-existing content in the process, all the movesets of the other party's characters (not exactly the best idea for a remake).

By the way I don't exclude systems as only one real playable character at the time as for FFXIII (even if they aren't my favourite ones, however if well optimized have the potential for a tactical gameplay), but in no way I can see uniquely Cloud playable (of course I could be wrong).


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Well, I hate to burst your bubble (some people on page 40-41), but truth be told western gamers are the most sexist of them all. We usually don't look positive on women having important roles in games and have horrible representation of females characters in general. All the main heroines that has been produced the last 15 years has been Japanese (not counting Lara Croft). The western audience complains about all kind of stupidity, like them being "too pretty, too innocent/cute, showing too much skin, too strong, too weak, too smart, too stupid". No matter what female character you create, western audience always find a way to flame her, and that's why we have nothing but skin head males in the leading roles in all of our games. So if you ever consider calling out Japan for being sexist, just remember that we have nothing to show for on our front in regards to representation (oh right, Lara Croft is also owned by square enix aka. Japan).

The fact that some also call out FFXV for being sexist for just including men is thus the top of silliness. This cements Japan as being better on diversity and I for one am fine with a full male cast, if that is what the developer is going for. Same for all female cast (X-2), female leads (XIII-2) or even solo lead (XIII-3). We shouldn't judge a game on something as trivial like that.


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All the main heroines that has been produced the last 15 years has been Japanese (not counting Lara Croft).

Thou shalt not lie.













And so on and so on...
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Thou shalt not lie.


And so on and so on...

Hehe, fair enough. The most important part to underline is that we are speaking statistics, and there are always exceptions in larger numbers.

However, I can still use this to underline what is previously said (that we western gamers need to get off our high horse in regards to sexism and cultural bias in regards to Japan). If we look aside the fact that many of these games you mention are in fact published by jpn companies, like capcom, there still is the question of comparing them to the JPN entries both in core quantity and in quality (when can stay on developer level, but it could be true throughout the industry).

When I say "all heroines" it spins back to franchises that are still healthy, not single entries, in other words "series". How many of those heroines you point out is actually alive today (not new 1 entry IP included)?
Metroid is alive (I hope), Dead or Alive is alive, Resident Evil is alive, Bayonetta is alive (only 2 entries though), I'll stop myself because the list could go on which is not the point. The point is that the similarity for the waste majority is that they all have Japanese developers. Of course it may not be totally fair, but if you ask yourself "who are the biggest/best female character entires the last 15 years", then I am pretty confident Japanese games has us beat in every genre in regards to quality. Then there is quantity or representation all together. If you want to add AA-products, then series like Hyperdimentional Neptunia (targets core gamers) or Atelier (targets girls to a greater degree) or even stuff like Senran Kagura (Ecchi) or Saber/Fate Stay Night (Dating Sim) covers female representations in demographics we don't even seem to want to cover or believe exists in the west at all (all of those series are alive and healthy today). If you want to look at "smaller budget games", then my gut feeling (not a good source) would say they have us beat 6~7 to 1 in regards to representation.

That said, I think things are looking better than ever. With entries like Ciri (The Witcher series), Elizabeth (Bioshock), Lilith (Borderlands) and of course the new Lara Croft, just over the last year, things are looking bright. Also when I say "we need to get off our high horse" that is also a comment made on statistically assumption (not fact). This is mainly due to my annoyance over when Japanese games add female characters we in the west always seems to be the first to drag them down (gut feeling/not good source). This despite we have very little "correct examples" of our own to show to. Then our answer would be simply conclude to "not include female characters" (because we seem never agree on what an "acceptable" female should be), which I refuse to believe is less sexist than any other alternative known to man.


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Thou shalt not lie.













And so on and so on...
I only played like a third of those but goddamned yes to remember me, mirrors edge, beyond good and evil, etc.

Anyways I was doing this huge post listing everyone id want in a final fantasy warriors list, but it got wiped for some reason.

Suffice to say the full party, villains, some NPCs monsters and summons from each game, as well as the kingdom hearts characters all playable. Characters of the same class can be dealth with the same way Dynasty warriors dealth with people using the same weapons: differing move sets and properties. Like 5 guys use the basic podao sword but they differentiate by one dude using it normally but with finesse, another wielding it two handed and hitting like its a club, another guys has rings in it that cause sound waves, and another's causes wind blades/blasts.

So like, for the multiple dragoons, all technically use pole arms and jumps, but could differentiate like say
Kain Highwind: fights like a traditional "knight", the most straightforward dragoon. A typical Zhao Gun.
Cid Highwind: least skill with the actual lance, but uses tech and airstrikes.
Freya Crescent: highest mobility, fastest dragoon of all, plus most emphasis on the Jump ability (she was shown to simply hurdle towers in game) plus her Musou attack does more damage for every 100 enemies she kills as a throwback to her dragons breath spell. Kinda like Ma Chao.
Oerba Yun Fang: Slowest, more phases on defensive stances and counters, as well as dragonriding. More of a power dragoon like Yu Jin or Guan Yu.



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Guys, apparently there will not just be a Final Fantasy VII Remake, but also a Final Fantasy XII remake. FF composers today dropped that bomb during a concert:




Though you should take the "remake" with a grain of salt. It might actually be a remaster, like the HD remaster Final Fantasy X and X-2 recently received.


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Yeah probably mean HDmake, I remember when FFX HD was confirmed it was mistaken as an actual remake.

Would be cool with me! :) I never played XII and I was always slightly intrigued by it. Love the art style, the world of Ivalice and it's lore and I prefer an action based combat system over turn-based.

But they HAVE to retexture Vaan's abs! D: They look hella creepy:
