Final Fantasy Thread


Premium Donor
Eh, I'm fine with that. Tekken 7 is where I'll be spending my time then, I'll be 20 by the time the remake comes out, I'm getting old...

I swear it's like just yesterday I was 16 and just joined FSD


Well-Known Member
Okay I haven't watched it yet but Fran better be in this trailer.

Edit: Okay I watched it, It looks great also Fran was in it so that's good.


Well-Known Member
I'll be honest here, I'm now interested in the FFXII Remaster, the new gameplay additions look cool.

As for the new FFXV update... oh man, I can't understand how the heck this fishing timed "event" works, can't get more than 50 points no matter how many fishes I catch, definitely not a fan of it. I'd rather have hunts.
Also, they added only 2/3 tracks from Terra Battle (don't know what that is). I wanted more FF music too, like X-2, XIII-2 and LR soundtracks or more Type-0 tracks (just because my favourite one is not in the game) but nope. Oh and I'm not a fan of the new fishing music either, it's awful and I want the "normal" one back.


Well-Known Member
I'm out of the loop, Is FFXII released yet? Also If It hasn't been then when it does that would be a great time for them to reveal Fran for Dissidia since it would be relevant. right?


Active Member yeah. I hate the new timed quest format. The hour limit, the lack of immediate reward pay off and the fact the rewards are based off rankings all sucks.

Oh well I was looking for a reason to finally give up FFXV.

I'm not looking forward to ffxvi in the slightest...these fuck ups dont know what theyre doing.


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking, if Square Enix does more FFXV character episodes will we have to buy a whole new Season Pass? Or will people with the SP already just download them.