Fire Emblem Franchise Thread.


Well-Known Member
My only question about FE:IF is if I can S-rank the dancer chick in both/all versions.

In all seriousness, I actually want more details about the neutral route. Do we get to enlist both sides? Do we get new units?


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Standard Donor
the marketing doomed that games existence from the very beginning. i honestly probably would have got IF i got a WiiU, but i WOULD HAVE gotten a WiiU if it was anything like it was first implied. at the very least this blow should convince them to lay off on this idol BS for their action IPs.


Active Member
Yeah, while I do kind of look forward to playing Mirage Sessions (I just call it #FE now lol) I agree that the way they marketed it as if it were a real SMT and FE crossover kinda ruined it and made us expect something very different...


Well-Known Member
Lol. Well on another point, what do you guys think of Fire Emblem Fates? I haven't played it yet sadly.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Lol. Well on another point, what do you guys think of Fire Emblem Fates? I haven't played it yet sadly.

i really want to play it, but i cant justify my purchase of it yet since im worried ill just stop it like Awakening. the problem i have is that i don't like leaving anyone unleveled so trying to keep everyones stats and equipment up to date becomes quite a chore. then every time i boot up the game more and more enemies show up so i have to redue maps constantly so i don't get overwhelmed.

its the first time something besides difficulty ever stopped me in a SRPG play through.


Well-Known Member
i really want to play it, but i cant justify my purchase of it yet since im worried ill just stop it like Awakening. the problem i have is that i don't like leaving anyone unleveled so trying to keep everyones stats and equipment up to date becomes quite a chore. then every time i boot up the game more and more enemies show up so i have to redue maps constantly so i don't get overwhelmed.

its the first time something besides difficulty ever stopped me in a SRPG play through.
I haven't played Awakening yet either outside of the Demo, but I have been trying to see how good my tactics are on each difficulty the demo has. Lunatic mode is super tough. lol


Active Member
I really enjoyed Fates. The story was great, but like Awakening, the gameplay still could have been better. And, the game was kind of short imo. Especially if you play Conquest since you don't have any extra maps to grind on, you just continue the story. It wasn't as short as Sacred Stones or Shadow Dragon though. I'm still not really liking the stat reducing staves and weapons, but some of the new things like the classes and weapons were interesting. I just can't wait for there to be another console FE game.


Well-Known Member
I've been playing both Birthright and Conquest, and it's kind of sad.

Birthright is basically Awakening 2.0 in gameplay, with some rare bits of difficulty. Good castle themes, general happy tone (other than Chapter 6), but far too blatant good vs evil shit. Currently at Ch. 13. Too easy unless you make things hard for yourself.

Conquest has the gameplay everyone wanted. Stages with fun gimmicks and some definitely terrifying maps to see at first (looking at you, Ch. 10). It presents itself as being amazingly epic, with some of the best support talks from either route. That said... the writing of the main story is terrible. I'm at Ch. 21, and I'm a bit sad at how competent and cool everyone is in supports/away from the war... and then shit gets stupid again.

Haven't played Revelation, but I hear it's similar to Birthright in map structure.

Also, Azura IMO has more worth as a frontline combat unit than as a songstress. I'd give her a Heart Seal/DLC Seal ASAP.

Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
Is not similar to Birthright in map structure, but the skill-less enemies with inflated stats. The maps are more gimmicky (and not in a good way) and mission objectives are more kill commander than rout. It's barely better than Birthright.
I don't prefer Aqua to be a frontline combat unit as she has zero defense, and having a Dancer is far more valuable than having an extra combat unit.


Well-Known Member
Is not similar to Birthright in map structure, but the skill-less enemies with inflated stats. The maps are more gimmicky (and not in a good way) and mission objectives are more kill commander than rout. It's barely better than Birthright.

Well, it's still better. Plus, having the Broken-ass brothers together to kick ass is worth it.

I don't prefer Aqua to be a frontline combat unit as she has zero defense, and having a Dancer is far more valuable than having an extra combat unit.

Eh. I'd just chalk it up to personal preference. Her STR growth makes her a fine mop-up unit as a Kinshi Knight. It's not like I'm playing on Hard or Lunatic.


Active Member
Been playing Birthright on Lunatic so far. The stat growths are fixed when playing Lunatic meaning they won't be randomized for every soft reset made just because one of your characters died on classic or if the RNG isn't in your favor for a well-rounded stat growth. I also like the weapons system better as you won't have to replace them as soon as they break in battle and you can smith them with the same exact weapon to make it stronger (i.e. Brass Naginata + Brass Naginata + Coral = Brass Naginata +1)

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Figured I would revive this thread since so many FE games have been announced! :D

The Direct vid for those who missed it:

Announced games include:
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. This is a 3DS reimagining (not remaster) of the original FE Gaiden game released in '92 in Japan only.
Fire Emblem Warriors!! Will be released on Switch and New 3DS. Don't let us down TN I have high hopes for this musou.
Fire Emblem Heroes currently out on mobile. Relatively straightforward game but enjoyable especially for F2P.

Lastly, there is an unannounced FE title coming to Switch projected 2018.
Likely the next mainline game with all of these spinoffs that are coming out. XD

Good time to be a FE fan right now.