DOA5U Hardest Moves for Me: Shoho Izuna and Junyo Izuna


New Member

I was wondering if anyone had any tips for pulling off Ryu's "Shoho Izuna" or Momiji's "Junyo Izuna" consistently. I can do Ryu's normal Izuna throw consistently but I have about a 1 in 25 success rate with these two moves. They feel as if they require 1-frame precision.

Can anyone who can do these moves consistently share their experiences? Does anyone actually rely on these moves in combat?

When do we actually press throw? I am currently trying to press throw immediately after the COMBO THROW message pops up. Is this correct?

Thanks very much


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Does anyone actually rely on these moves in combat?
"Yes" would be an understatement. The Shoho Izuna is Ryu's best damage option from a CB, his best use of PB/PL (PL->Shoho), covers good distance and nets great, garunteed damage even on NH as long as the first strike connects, crushes highs and even some mids for a very brief duration. If you plan to use Hayabusa, the Shoho Izuna is essential. Unless you're making great reads with HiC Izuna throws, the Shoho should be used several times each match.

Someone else recently asked me about it's execution, so I'll copy-paste what I told him:
Brute said:
I always go counter clockwise-wise, regardless if I'm on the left or right of the screen. I use the D-pad, start with the 6 direction, then go 987412...etc. I repeat circle several times, and I begin it immediately after I hit the initial lift command (either 236P+K or ongyoin P+K). This is because the two punches do not seem to be affected by any directional inputs, so I figure I might as well start spinning early so that I'm already in motion. It won't register the directional inputs and count them towards the 360 until after you've hit the second punch button, however, so you still have to do a full circle afterword. Then, I hit "T" right after I hear the sound of the second punch connect.
There's probably an easier way to do them, but that's my method.

As far as Momiji's goes, couldn't help you. I don't use her. When I went through her command training, it does seem to require slightly different timing than Ryu's.


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Is that her 236P+KPP360T? You basically just tap P twice as 236P+K is playing out, then spin the stick and hit T right after the punches finish. Pretty free once you get used to it.


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I said Momiji's was free, but I do find it harder than Hayabusa's similar move. I think the timing on the T is a bit tighter or earlier on Momiji. It's just right after the two punches land, though.


Well-Known Member
1 and 25 times, I actually whiff Momiji's Izuna. It's not that hard really.


New Member
Thanks very much for the replies! It's reassuring to know that I am simply making a mistake somewhere.

I think my problem was that I was trying to buffer the full circle during the two punches, whereas Brute says that the full circle does not begin to register until after the second punch. I will practice this some more.



New Member
After some more practice, I've gotten Ryu's Shoho Izuna down to maybe every 6/10 tries.
Momiji's still eludes me though.

From my Street Fighter experience, the timing for the throw feels on par with the difficulty of 2-frame links. Does that seem right to people? There is a 2-frame window where the throw is accepted?

And does "not that hard" mean "about as hard as other moves in the game"? Or does it mean, difficult but possible to learn? I am asking, because if the timing is not *supposed* to feel that strict, then there might be something else that I am doing wrong instead.

Thanks again


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Nah, it's easily 5f. Probably more. You're probably missing the window 'cause you don't know where the window is rather than just being off. You gotta throw pretty much as soon as you hear the second punch land. If you can see the prompt for the combo throw, it's probably too late.

EDIT: This is for Momiji's. Hayabusa's has a different timing.

EDIT: For a measure of difficulty, I can get both Izunas pretty much 100% of the time, but I get 2f links around 50% unless I plink or otherwise abuse the buffer.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. I just need to do some troubleshooting. I think I am having issues with the timing of the throw but I am not sure. I am pressing throw as soon as I hear the second punch land. This is also the exact moment when the COMBO THROW prompt pops up. I am also paying attention to the move inputs, and verified that I have exactly a full circle (with all the diagonals) starting after I press the second punch. 'Tis strange, but I'll continue trying.

Thanks again.


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Just went into training to practice Momiji's a bit and it has the exact same timing as Ryu's. At least the way I do his works 100% of the time for Momiji's as well.


Well-Known Member
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Thanks for the replies. I just need to do some troubleshooting. I think I am having issues with the timing of the throw but I am not sure. I am pressing throw as soon as I hear the second punch land. This is also the exact moment when the COMBO THROW prompt pops up. I am also paying attention to the move inputs, and verified that I have exactly a full circle (with all the diagonals) starting after I press the second punch. 'Tis strange, but I'll continue trying.

Thanks again.

Look at my sloppy input. Even that works. Focus more on timing than inputs.


New Member
Many thanks for helping me troubleshoot. I sincerely appreciate it. It's nice knowing that it's not the strictness of the input that is screwing me up. It must be the timing then! I can't think of anything else!


New Member
Thanks to everyone's help, and a few hours experimenting I've finally got this move down.

There are a few conditions that *must* be satisfied to activate the move:

Terminology: The first hit (done with P+K) will be called PK, the punch afterwards will be P1, and the last punch will be P2.

1) The throw *must* be pressed ON OR BEFORE P2 hits.
2) The full circle *must* be started AFTER P1 hits.
3) The full circle *must* contain all cardinal directions (missing diagonals are okay).

Thanks for the help everyone
Thanks to everyone's help, and a few hours experimenting I've finally got this move down.

There are a few conditions that *must* be satisfied to activate the move:

Terminology: The first hit (done with P+K) will be called PK, the punch afterwards will be P1, and the last punch will be P2.

1) The throw *must* be pressed ON OR BEFORE P2 hits.
2) The full circle *must* be started AFTER P1 hits.
3) The full circle *must* contain all cardinal directions (missing diagonals are okay).

Thanks for the help everyone
Thanks! Now I'm able to do the Junyo-Izuna more consistently. xD