Helena Threads


New Member
People been saying that Helena's costumes,hair,and etc. needs to be change since Helena is one of those characters that is becoming..well different..she missing old moves and stuff.Team Ninja,please bring back all of Helena's stuff.Please replied if wanting something for Helena! :D


Well-Known Member
People been saying that Helena's costumes,hair,and etc. needs to be change since Helena is one of those characters that is becoming..well different..she missing old moves and stuff.Team Ninja,please bring back all of Helena's stuff.Please replied if wanting something for Helena! :D

Yes, I agree that Helena needs change. For her less competitive needs, her ponytail needs to be fixed (disgusting abomination) and her Opera/Greek Goddess dress should (must) return. For her competitive needs, I think TN is doing fine of what they've showed us so far. She is seemingly moving away from her FT centered playstyle. She may still have some, but it won't bring Helena as a character together and be what made her viable.

Also, I'm sure I've played you on PSN. It was a Helena vs. Helena mirror, right?


Well-Known Member
what's wrong with her ponytail again? it looks like all the others and they look fine even Hayabusa's ponytail is short and stocky it's just the new style plus many characters have had haircuts since DoA1-4 just sayin'.


Well-Known Member
The problem with the ponytail is that first, it's a lot shorter than before, but that is forgivable due to Team Ninja wanting to be more realistic. The thing is, it looks like a sausage. It has no strands, and is just one cluster of blonde. Before, she had multiple strands from her hair, and there's no excuse for there not to be. Kasumi, Hitomi, Momiji, Rachel, Kokoro, Leigfang, and Sarah all have strands in their ponytail. Helena is the ONLY female with a ponytail that does not have strands. That is the problem. Compare Helena's ponytail to ANYONE elses. There's a huge difference.

All I ask is for strands, but Helena is denied that. Length is more realistic, but hair is supposed to be fluid and strandful, not a singular entity.


Well-Known Member
The whole sausage tail issue isn't really much of a bother for me in general (even if it would be better for everyone to have it get fixed). While I think her white version of Leifang's dress fits her well, it doesn't seemed much original all I ever wanted are all her dresses back, especially her DOA2 White Opera dress and maybe one of them wearing her mother's locket.
