Helena's new guaranteed "Tech setup" and old, but unknown "Wall Force Tech"


Standard Donor
Whelp! After many hours of playing Helena in DOA5U, I've found somewhat of a guaranteed tech. Now, when you try this, you're going to be like "WTF!? THIS AIN'T GUARANTEED, BIATCH!" Well, you see, it's more like a "Tech setup" If they opponents do not get up, they will be teched. And if they do get up, then you have the amount of time and distance to start instant pressure. Well, now to get to the important part, the moves you have to do are either 6K(orBKO6K) during counter strike or high counter strike opportunities or during mid combo and then you follow up with 214PK2 (If you want to go into BKO. If not, then just preform 214PK)(NOT 214PP! It will not work unless in certain conditions which I will explain further down) So this will put you in BKO (Assuming you decide to use 214PK2)and you can either FT the opponent or pressure them if they get up. In my opinion, this is a good setup which I'm still trying to implement into my playstyle. Now, for a little bonus. While you're opponent is next to a wall, hit the opponent against the wall and when they bounce off, preform 214PP. It's a guaranteed force tech. Well, that's all I have for you now. What do you guys think about it? =p

EDIT: And thanks to ScattereDreams, there's another guaranteed FT when you are near invisible boundaries, preform 6P+KP and 214PP.
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Well-Known Member
With Helena, when I try and do BKO6K 2P+K BKO4PKH 236PKP it comes out as that lool I had found this a while ago but never shared it sadly :( nice find!


I guess it's just launcher near a wall, 214PK2, then BKO 6P to FT
Sometimes they will be so far away that the BKO 6P will whiff tho.

He also talks about stuff like 66P (wall hit), 214PP. The opponent won't be able to do a wakeup kick after this, and you're at +17. You sacrifice around 50 points of damage for doing this :p