Hopes for the future kokoro Doa5u


Well-Known Member
Like I said, get me the slow mo YT vid good quality and If I see it, I'll agree. This isn't to prove you wrong or anything, it's just I'm pretty sure the situation is what it is, but then again TN does recycle their animations a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if they just gave the "new" parry a different start up with the same strike as 7P.


Well-Known Member

Yay for Photoshop.

So mid P sabaki that leads into CB confirmed.


Well-Known Member

Also @Bushido, I left something out of my old post about 1K.

Basically the other argument is range. After any form of 3K2P on NH (+6 - +2), tell me what moves can check sidestep (If they were given the properties to track) and still land from the distance created by 3K2P.

1K is the only answer needed though I think 7K might touchdown as well.

Point being, it demands respect. Wanna whack buttons after getting hit by 3K2P? 66P will clean your clocks everytime. Want to SS the main options, 1K demands the respect and might even out range a jab (I'll check later when I wake up). Also there's the 1KK follow up which I guess some others want to track including myself, which would demand even more respect and recognition as a tracking mid.

At the wall though, 1K is less viable and you're better off with 16i 2H+K even though it's still a bit too slow to cover everything but that's probably TN's intentions of making 3K2P only +6 with no SE.

I'm also aware that you can simply back dash all these options without a wall to trap your opponents, but you'll at least get a better player to not whack buttons or impulsively sidestep because it's Kokoro.


Anyone know what the fastest tracking mid in the game is? Hit me up with the info. If it's 14i, then I'm on board with pk and 3k tracking but right now it doesn't look necessary for something that quick to track.

I'm still promoting the similar kick to 6H+K (Hitomi), that is for one thing safe (like -1 to -3), about 17i - 19i (Probably 19i), and can transition into Heichu. The stun will be ok but the trade off for using this one over H+K is that it gives a holdable stun and H+K doesn't, whichh of course we all know can lead to guaranteed damage, but getting that first hit is the issue... it's possible to slow escape H+K right?.
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Well-Known Member

Also @Bushido, I left something out of my old post about 1K.

Basically the other argument is range. After any form of 3K2P on NH (+6 - +2), tell me what moves can check sidestep (If they were given the properties to track) and still land from the distance created by 3K2P.

1K is the only answer needed though I think 7K might touchdown as well.

Point being, it demands respect. Wanna whack buttons after getting hit by 3K2P? 66P will clean your clocks everytime. Want to SS the main options, 1K demands the respect and might even out range a jab (I'll check later when I wake up). Also there's the 1KK follow up which I guess some others want to track including myself, which would demand even more respect and recognition as a tracking mid.

At the wall though, 1K is less viable and you're better off with 16i 2H+K even though it's still a bit too slow to cover everything but that's probably TN's intentions of making 3K2P only +6 with no SE.

I'm also aware that you can simply back dash all these options without a wall to trap your opponents, but you'll at least get a better player to not whack buttons or impulsively sidestep because it's Kokoro.


Anyone know what the fastest tracking mid in the game is? Hit me up with the info. If it's 14i, then I'm on board with pk and 3k tracking but right now it doesn't look necessary for something that quick to track.

I'm still promoting the similar kick to 6H+K (Hitomi), that is for one thing safe (like -1 to -3), about 17i - 19i (Probably 19i), and can transition into Heichu. The stun will be ok but the trade off for using this one over H+K is that it gives a holdable stun and H+K doesn't, whichh of course we all know can lead to guaranteed damage, but getting that first hit is the issue... it's possible to slow escape H+K right?.
Ah, range, now it makes more sense. Still, the mid kick from 1KK should track if it's range, because if they ss that first 1K, sucks to be you. It's not what I would want, but different perspectives and play-styles. I'm not one to keep a distance. It's possible to slow escape it, but even if you do, it'd still be guaranteed. Kind of weird, but oh well. The problem is it's stance dependent, and stances are stupid.

By the way guys, the new sabaki looks like 66T....It's not entirely a new animation.


Well-Known Member
I only want Kokoro to have a little more tracking. These Christie players are giving me a hard time.


Well-Known Member
Ah, range, now it makes more sense. Still, the mid kick from 1KK should track if it's range, because if they ss that first 1K, sucks to be you. It's not what I would want, but different perspectives and play-styles. I'm not one to keep a distance. It's possible to slow escape it, but even if you do, it'd still be guaranteed. Kind of weird, but oh well. The problem is it's stance dependent, and stances are stupid.

By the way guys, the new sabaki looks like 66T....It's not entirely a new animation.
Yea, exactly. 1KK is good range but in that specific situation 1K clearly the best move for the job to gain that respect. 1KK will just cover her ass if she's blocked. I suppose that 1KK4K or 1KK2P wouldn't need to track in that case since she could just free cancel and be alright with the strikes only being necessary to shut down counter poking.Other wise I'd like to see 1KK2P and other like low punches from the strings to track all the same.

4K would be better but a safe tracking mid kick might be much so, since the low is the only type of frame advantage on standing guard, I'll go with that, plus it has a horizotal movement anyway (as I said when I first brought it up, 1KK/3K/PK/BT 4PK is just a good string for guard pressure, since there's so many options. Giving it tracking makes it ALMOST flawless...


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I only want Kokoro to have a little more tracking. These Christie players are giving me a hard time.
What the game needs in general are true semi-tracking moves (aka half-angular moves that can only be stepped in a specific direction) and side throws. That would provide more of a strategy to the sidestep and in turn would give the more linear characters a chance to capitalize on stepping the wrong way.

Honestly, I dunno how the side throw could be pulled off here. I just want it in there because pretty much every other 3D fighter has them now.


Well-Known Member
Well, the thing about the other 3 main 3d fighters (Tekken, SC, and VF) is that excluding VF, there's no open and closed stance deal. Of course there are the exceptions like Baek do San and Hwoarang, but those two have specific move sets for open and closed anyway.

They'd have to pick and choose more out of VF... but if that's the case, they might as well combine companies and make Dead or Alive Fighter because they're already stripping too many mechanics from them (a similar yet inferior sidestep to them, bounds, double bounds, flops), while TN is dropping the flare it always has into the games.

That's not to say I wouldn't want to see the semi tracking and side throws... but I'd imagine TN does want to really make DOA known as it's own fighter rather than VF with prettier lights and sounds... or that game depicted off of so much luck that it can't be considered a real fighter.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Good luck my fellow Kokoro players for those that decide to stick it out with her in DOA5U.

I'm gonna look her over in training mode as soon as the game releases, and if I don't find one good tracking move added to her arsenal I'm done. Too many unnecessary nerfs over the course of the game.


Active Member
i wont drop her but i may not main her in 5u shell be very plain and ordinary with out her iconic force-tech game and simply to linear at this point considering a good deal of her stuns can be SE'd, were talking at least 160+ guaranteed force-techs across 7 weight class's being removed maybe the most in DoA5 just to balance her out with other characters , the real reason kokoro has no tracking is because of how many force techs she has , almost 2-5 guaranteed force-techs in each of the 3 critical threshold levels that would leave your opponents in - 15-24 on wakeup ,

now if lets say 80 percent of those guaranteed setups are gone , now the tracking conversation is more warranted now than ever before , shell need a solid # of new tools to control the game at high lvls . and my gut feeling tells me this wasn't addressed when i look at most of the footage floating around

kokoro's 28 hit combo may you R.I.P. :(


Well-Known Member
i wont drop her but i may not main her in 5u shell be very plain and ordinary with out her iconic force-tech game and simply to linear at this point considering a good deal of her stuns can be SE'd, were talking at least 160+ guaranteed force-techs across 7 weight class's being removed maybe the most in DoA5 just to balance her out with other characters , the real reason kokoro has no tracking is because of how many force techs she has , almost 2-5 guaranteed force-techs in each of the 3 critical threshold levels that would leave your opponents in - 15-24 on wakeup ,

now if lets say 80 percent of those guaranteed setups are gone , now the tracking conversation is more warranted now than ever before , shell need a solid # of new tools to control the game at high lvls . and my gut feeling tells me this wasn't addressed when i look at most of the footage floating around

kokoro's 28 hit combo may you R.I.P. :(
Force techs aren't gone. Guaranteed force techs in the form of hitting your opponent at the same frame he/she hits the ground still remain in the game. What is gone is that certain moves no longer force an opponent to get up, and ground splats (moves that cannot be tech rolled for a certain period of time) have their untechable duration shortened.

And the reason Kokoro doesn't have proper tracking isn't because she can get force techs off of any launch height and any weight class (anyone can do that with proper timing for any character). It was just something that never occurred to the one doing the balancing. Heck, I didn't even notice Kokoro's absurd linearity until someone pointed it out.


Well-Known Member
Her 4PPPP leads into the bound state. If that's the case I think its safe to assume 236P got the same treatment. IN the combo training I saw 66 66P+K P+K was the supposed followup but the player attempting it was failing hardbody.


Well-Known Member
Good luck my fellow Kokoro players for those that decide to stick it out with her in DOA5U.

I'm gonna look her over in training mode as soon as the game releases, and if I don't find one good tracking move added to her arsenal I'm done. Too many unnecessary nerfs over the course of the game.


Active Member
Her 4PPPP leads into the bound state. If that's the case I think its safe to assume 236P got the same treatment. IN the combo training I saw 66 66P+K P+K was the supposed followup but the player attempting it was failing hardbody.

hmm so all her sit down stuns are removed , except for the one i never use im assuming its BT 4K ... welll that sounds quite boring , im also thinking 8P6P is a bound also , TN or some salty ppl really have it out for kokoro , this better mean kasumi's sit down stuns are removed or im going to be one angry man ..looks like GTA5 may get most of my attention
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Well-Known Member
hmm so all her sit down stuns are removed , except for the one i never use im assuming its BT 4K ... welll that sounds quite boring , im also thinking 8P6P is a bound also , TN or some salty ppl really have it out for kokoro , this better mean kasumi's sit down stuns are removed or im going to be one angry man ..looks like GTA5 may get most of my attention
Nah they gave Kasumi new ones with a bound state on NH instead of a SD stun, so basically auto launch.

I watched the KonsoleKingz stream yesterday... I though I saw 3K had tracking but it's hard to tell. I'm sure it said it but every 3K after that said no tracking. I'm not sure what happened but it's not like much info was able to be picked up on anyway with as limited knowledge of the characters as they had... but then again probably better not to break down all the characters under two weeks before the games release...


Well-Known Member
4PPPP causing bound isn't really a nerf, I don't think I've ever finished that string. What I'd like to see is if this bound is also possible during a juggle...

Also on my wishlist:

- One long range move that tracks
- Heichu throw followups shouldn't be holdable
- Reverse 1.03 damage nerfs