How to deal with wake-up kicks and invincible techs

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I know this has been brought before but for the life of me I just can't find a consistent way to deal with wake-up kicks and moves whiffing on a teching opponent. It pisses me off that making someone fall down gives him/her the advantage. Wake-up kicks can be negative on block, I know this but it's still very hard to see them coming and knowing which one to block, hold or crush. Avoiding them by back dashing is the answer most people give me all the time but I don't think that's the way things should work. Especially when my characters are all slow-ass manatees that lose most trades in neutral game (blonde chicks, Fang, Busa).

Vanilla 1.03a allowed me to keep pressure by force teching if I did things right (8P with Tina, BKO6K with Hele, etc). Those didn't guarantee anything but allowed them to keep pressure and advantage for making someone fall down to the ground, which is something they should pay for for falling, especially in a game like DOA that gives a ridiculous amount of options to get out of things.

How do you guys deal with this¿


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
For wakeup kicks I can read, I'd go for a mid launcher that does damage higher than 25, such as Christie's 8k (which is 28). Wakeup kicks do 25 damage.

If you time this exactly right against a wakeup kick, your higher damaging attack should take priority over the wakeup mid-kick. I'm sure with practice and a little research with the characters in your arsenal, you'll find your 25+ damage options and get the timing down.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I hate the wake up game, but to be fair, Leifang isn't slow at all outside of 2P. Plus, 1P+K wrecks wakeup kicks unless you're point blank.


Well-Known Member
With busa I use several options, 4 p+k, ong 8p,8k,8t, they all avoid wakeup kicks. 9k and 66k can outright beat out wakeup kicks.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Poor Tina man, every single gameplay discussion I have about the game ends up in my saying that... "Poor Tina!"