How would the DOA filler content be explored? Or should it not?


New Member
If TN were to give DOA the chance for it's filler content to be explored, what format do you want it to be in? A spinoff, novel, manga, DLC, film, anime, or live action shows? Who would you recommended leading the filler content and how much supervision do you want from TN to ensure it's canon consistency fits in the main DOA games? Do you think this is something worth looking into during the period between main DOA games or do you prefer no filler content at all?The main question is how much should there be this many filler content within the time frame of the month to a year gap to have more developers and writers preparing so that way there will be no rushed development and incomplete concepts. Depending on how much DOA fans thirst for more DOA content, it is only within the realm of the niche community and regardless of it's size, TN needs to be careful to meet the expectations of it's fans so that way they can not only prepare them to hype up for the main games but as well as meeting the demands of their favorite characters, plot questions answered, more character screen time, and character redemption.


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Since the primary focus of DOA is the Ninjas & DOATEC it would be hard to argue that the rest of the characters are not more filler-based that lack involvement with the two main bases. So yes, I would like to see content that is more focused on the origins of other characters. Leifang, Bass, Tina, Hitomi and whatnot; how the content would be done? I don't really have a preference, but I would consume it.