How would you compare the power scale between Hitomi and Leifang in DOA6?


New Member
Hitomi fought Eliot twice whom she lost in the first time and beat him in the tournament the second time whereas Leifang fought Jann Lee whom she beat once in the first time and then lost to him in the second time. Both fought Honoka as Hitomi defeated her and Leifang lost to her. Both fought each other and Leifang came out as a victor. We haven't seen the majority of the DOA6 tournament and as they fought the same opponent in the story, things turned out differently despite Hitomi reaching to the semifinals which is higher than Leifang's standing who reached to the quarterfinals.

How would you compare the power scale between Hitomi and Leifang as a result? Hitomi may be the strongest fighter but seems like Eliot and Leifang has shown improvement once they defeated Hitomi but still was able to defeat Honoka and reach to the semifinals while Leifang went her way to defeat Jann Lee once and Hitomi despite losing to Honoka whom Hitomi defeated and Jann Lee the second time. Would you consider them equals or do you still consider Hitomi to be still stronger than Leifang but Leifang slightly below her? If things went differently in DOA6, how would it turn out instead?