I hit a wall with this game, but Idk what it is. Or how to get over it.


Well-Known Member
Bayman on the other hand can just use holds instead of blocking since he needs only three or four good holds to end a match. Same goes for Leifang, I guess.

Those two characters are heavy on the mind games.... even more so than the grapplers I'm use to. Do you ever get the feeling like Bayman is underrated ? As far as the Heavy Weights go he's got alot of tools for a variety of situations.


Bayman is fairly solid. In that I mean, he has just as many good matchups as bad ones. He gets underplayed because he isn't flashy, and he doesn't have anything that really tears across the screen like other characters do. For a lot of players that last part is a prerequisite, even if they don't think about it.

But in terms of pure utility I would say he is probably unmatched. Advanced holds, parries, evasive side crush, possibly best wall pressure in the game, God Tier 6P+K guard break, windmill backbreaker, ground throws, limbo stun, sit down stuns, multi-part offensive holds that leave him at +3 when broken, etc.

He's got a lot going for him. Problem is weathering the initial storm and getting in there.


Well-Known Member
But in terms of pure utility I would say he is probably unmatched. Advanced holds, parries, evasive side crush, possibly best wall pressure in the game, God Tier 6P+K guard break, windmill backbreaker, ground throws, limbo stun, sit down stuns, multi-part offensive holds that leave him at +3 when broken, etc.

He's got a lot going for him. Problem is weathering the initial storm and getting in there.

Yeah.... all those features are scary compared to what Bass or Rachel have. Particularly that side roll Offensive Hold and BT Parry... he's very mobile for someone so heavy. :oops:


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Standard Donor
Bass is a pure momentum character with simple tools and loads of damage, overwhelming with hard yomi and 50/50 nitakus to makes hard choices for players. He's meant to kill you quickly if he gets his hands on you with simple tools.

Bayman is utility heavy and relies on heavy defense to make a hard-to-escape offense. He has all he needs to stop incoming attacks and set up loads of traps and can also put people in a false sense of security. He has the largest toolset and best movement out of all the heavies in this game, which is a major contrast to overly simple heavies such as Bass and Rachel.

If Bass didn't have a Yamazaki headbutt and powerbombs, Bayman would've been my main pick in Doa5.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that sums it up quite nicely.
Also I think Bass has almost every single type of Throw available in the game.