DOA6 WC iApprentice Wins WNF Series and Qualifies for Summer Jam 13

This summer Dead or Alive 6 has been part of a special Wednesday Night Fights (WNF) series that gives NorCal and SolCal fighters a chance to qualify for Summer Jam 2019 as part of the road to the finals for the Dead or Alive 6 World Championship. Level Up's event tonight at 8pm PST will determine who qualifies based on the number of points they have accrued throughout this series.

On June 5th iApprentice won the first 50 points by defeating Hajin's legendary Ayane and Domo's Kokoro playing as Eliot. Apprentice dominated this event and it's clear that his experience since maining Eliot in Dead or Alive 5 has transitioned nicely to DOA6 despite Eliot's plethora of gameplay changes.

July 3rd iApprentice scored himself 50 points for the series leader board utilizing the likes of Brad Wong, a steep character that was also used by Comic-Ari to win the EU West Online tournament earlier this week.

August 7th iApprentice won yet again giving him 150 points for this WNF series. While there was one more event left to go, it would seem that no other player would be able to outmatch his point total making iApprentice the qualifying competitor for Summer Jam 2019! The replay for this event is currently only available in the Level Up video archive via Twitch.
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