Is your hype dying?

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
The preorder cost 5 bucks -- bfd. The community has been waiting for this game for seven years. ._.

No. It cost $5 bucks to reserve. Paying for the game before it comes out is a pre order. I lost all hope in DOA after 4 so this is a gamble for me. Considering we had to wait 7 years is enough of a reason to kill your hype.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
No, no, no, all wrong!

Here's what you do when you lose. You buy yourself the nicest lookin' life-size doll you can find, and dress her up like Helena to stay "motivated". When I found out Christie was nerfed pretty bad in DOA4's patch, it worked for me everytime...

But seriously, take every sound loss as a gain... of experience. Experiment with ways to optimize the tools she does have to your advantage, and above all, never give up. If DrDogg could do well with her back in the days of DOA2U, you can as well.


Well-Known Member
Nope! Although I do hope they can hammer out the online issues. I was wanting this to be my online game to help me get better... Cause I am too Casual.


Active Member
IMO Ayane and Lisa have the best ones. Ayane uses her Art of the Raging Mountain God as a cliffhanger. <3333
I honestly find Ayane to be the most overrated character in this series. I don't see anything appealing about her design (the purple hair does nothing for me) and none of her moves look appealing to me either. I don't dislike her, but just don't get her love at all. I can understand why the rest of the cast have the fanbases they do but Ayane, it just never clicked with me. Especially at the extremely high level she receives it. As for her cliffhanger, her throw one looked better to me than the one where she punched at the opponent or used magic or w/e it was.


Well... such is the variety of Life. Hate her if you will; she's the bestest. Everyone loves opinion exchange!


Active Member
I don't think my hype has died yet. Mainly because although I've seen almost all of story mode, none of the videos have been in the Japanese voices.


I honestly find Ayane to be the most overrated character in this series. I don't see anything appealing about her design (the purple hair does nothing for me) and none of her moves look appealing to me either. I don't dislike her, but just don't get her love at all. I can understand why the rest of the cast have the fanbases they do but Ayane, it just never clicked with me. Especially at the extremely high level she receives it. As for her cliffhanger, her throw one looked better to me than the one where she punched at the opponent or used magic or w/e it was.
The moves don't appeal to you? She probably has one of the more unique fighting styles in the game. She's like the Hitmontop for DOA.


Active Member
Ayane's style is more dynamic compared to that of someone like Kasumi's. Ayane has more options when BT than Kasumi.