[Jun 1, 2013] Southern Rebellion (Shreveport, LA)


Active Member
Standard Donor
Yeah I got a question, I know this is in the Sam's Casino but where inside is it located? If anyone knows, thanks!
I have not seen the room with my own eyes yet, but the directions from the event organizer:

"To get to the area the tournament is being held, when you go through the main entrance go up the stairs and take a right and another right to the rooms marked Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas. We are only using the first two rooms and you can only enter the first room."

I recommend you follow the FaceBook page for more details:

EDIT: They posted a map to help us find it:

*sniffs for money*

So many reactions, not sure which one to go with. So have 'em all:

1. This is an incredibly douchey thing to say, and is incredibly unsupportive of your fellow community. This is the attitude that breaks down an already troubled community grasping to find a sense of cohesion. The DOA community is already not that big as it is, and what few groups that do start to form in select areas do not need to be shunned like this.

2. If you want money, get a job. What happened to playing for the sake of community and love of the game?

3. Your assumption that there is no money here is incorrect anyway. There are over 100 people coming to Southern Rebellion. I can assure you there will be plenty of money going around. I put $300 of my own money on the line to acquire the venue because I knew that enough people would be coming that I would easily get my money back, and that's exactly what's happening.

4. You sound like a scumbag, and I would be happy if you didn't come here anyway. So thanks.

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
So many reactions, not sure which one to go with. So have 'em all:

1. This is an incredibly douchey thing to say, and is incredibly unsupportive of your fellow community. This is the attitude that breaks down an already troubled community grasping to find a sense of cohesion. The DOA community is already not that big as it is, and what few groups that do start to form in select areas do not need to be shunned like this.

2. If you want money, get a job. What happened to playing for the sake of community and love of the game?

3. Your assumption that there is no money here is incorrect anyway. There are over 100 people coming to Southern Rebellion. I can assure you there will be plenty of money going around. I put $300 of my own money on the line to acquire the venue because I knew that enough people would be coming that I would easily get my money back, and that's exactly what's happening.

4. You sound like a scumbag, and I would be happy if you didn't come here anyway. So thanks.

Don't worry, Lopedo has herpes and a bad sense of fashion.