Koei Tecmo's Steam Sale Concludes

Koei Tecmo is well known for participating with Steam Publisher Sales and other various sales at least a few times a year in hopes of adding players to their ecosystem while keeping their legacy titles relevant at the same time. This Koei Tecmo 2024 Publisher Sale included their biggest discounts ever across every type of game you can imagine on Steam. Even some of their more obscure titles have seen significant drops, and every person of every income type ran away with something great.

If you're tired of waiting for a good TEKKEN DLC character, or better yet you're just looking for a 3D fighting game that doesn't play by the rules of long, bloated and boring carry combos; check out the fluid and smoother Dead or Alive franchise. Dead or Alive 5 and Dead or Alive 6 respectively contain some of the largest stages of all time complete with environmental destruction and breathtaking landscapes. For new players I'll also recommend checking out individual characters if you only want one and aren't ready for a deep dive of the full games.

A lot of people don't know this, but individual characters are HALF OFF on top of the two games being incredibly affordable and kind to your wallets. For people that already have the base titles, you can get DLC characters for half off as well. With Dead or Alive 6, Mai Shiranui and Kula Diamond are held by licensing rights meaning that one day they will not be available to purchase! If you haven't bought the rights to these characters yet, that should be a main priority before it is eternally too late.

Every Warriors game you can think of is on sale, even the newly released Samurai Warriors 4 DX which we gave a ✮✮✮✮ star rating! Still can't get enough Dead or Alive? Then check out Warriors All-Stars! You can play as characters such as Honoka and Ryu Hayabusa in this crazy Warriors mashup. All-Stars is also at its lowest price EVER at a measly 14.99 USD. Speaking of measly prices; Nioh: Complete Edition is 11.49 USD! This is one of Team NINJA's greatest games of the modern generation. Makes you wonder how they could have messed up with overseeing Yaiba: NINJA Gaiden Z which is priced at a paltry 2.99 USD.


Samurai Warriors 4 DX will make for a great entry to your Koei Tecmo collection!

If you like Fairy Tail, the first title is 50% off right before the next game is slated to arrive towards the end of the year. Koei Tecmo has a history of publishing games with extremely attractive women and let's just say that Lucy does not disappoint at all. Her big bust and spunky personality tells me that she could have a promising future fighting at Dead or Alive tournaments, but maybe that's just me and the dirty side of my mind. For a tamer (but still attractive) experience check out the Atelier Ryza franchise. Most of the different sagas are on sale, but this is the best one by far.

This business strategy in the form of a really good sale; was a smart idea from Koei Tecmo leading into this year's Tokyo Game Show. What games are you looking forward to seeing at TGS? What titles have you purchased, and what games would you recommend others? Sound off in the comments and also feel free to share your favorite deals and let us know at FSD if you bought a product based off one of our stories! Look forward to our TGS 2024 story coming out this weekend as we attempt to answer questions pertaining to the future of Koei Tecmo and the prestigious Team NINJA!

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All main DOA games on sale on Xbox for two weeks. 6 has all 4 season passes 70% off.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">DEAD OR ALIVE 1 Ultimate (X1) $5.99 via Xbox. <a href="https://t.co/ZpRDSfHlBU">https://t.co/ZpRDSfHlBU</a><br><br>DEAD OR ALIVE 2 Ultimate (X1) $8.99 <a href="https://t.co/E8vGDSP9AN">https://t.co/E8vGDSP9AN</a><br><br>Dead or Alive 3 (X1) $8.99 <a href="https://t.co/L4NUftmnRA">https://t.co/L4NUftmnRA</a><br><br>DEAD OR ALIVE 4 (X1) $11.99 <a href="https://t.co/t4NlNFTwJV">https://t.co/t4NlNFTwJV</a> <a href="https://t.co/3XMcDk4AOT">pic.twitter.com/3XMcDk4AOT</a></p>&mdash; Cheap Ass Gamer (@videogamedeals) <a href=" ">February 11, 2025</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>