Kokoro Matchups


New Member

since I couldn't find a thread like this, I started one. There are some matchups that cause huge problems in my opinion since I have no idea how to act in certain situations. For example:
A friend of mine plays Bayman pretty much and I think I'm doing the right thing there, since I try to use my spacing tools to keep him on distance. His tank wheel is pretty annoying but I keep using 214P/46PP to maintain distance pretty well there. Now the matchups that cause problems. When I play against Hayate, Ayane or Kasumi... I have no idea what to do. One problem is that I'm pretty new to DoA but I am totally lost there. Hayate keeps using his insanely fast spacing tools to create distance and I just can't approach him. Whenever I try to do so, I eat his fist or get kicked in the face. Also his 6P+K is so annoying. I'm sure there are some ways how to punish him or something like that but I have no idea how to act there. I try to SS whenever I can but since he's so fast, it's not that easy. I got a problem against most rushdown characters... Any ideas/recommendations?


Against rushdown characters, :2::P: is pretty good at crushing highs and stopping them cold. Leaves you at neutral frames on hit afterwards.

I think most people have difficulty approaching with Kokoro. My only tactic is to slowly reduce spacing until I'm within range to use :2::1::4::P:. Repeat that a few times and they get more apprehensive and start blocking more, which makes it safer to get in. Also a good time to use :1::P:


Well-Known Member
A bad matchup may be Mila, depending on if the player knows how stupidly linear Kokoro is. If that's the case, remember your ABC's. Always Be Crushing.

Good matchups are characters that like to turn their backs on you. 66p is their worst nightmare