League of Legends

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
Welcome to the League of Legends forums, summoner! It's always great to see fresh blood, and we are here to assist you! You'll see everyone from Emissaries to Wrenchmen to members of all stripes helping out here. We're here to provide you with any assistance you need; feel free to jump right in and start asking questions, but check below for some great guides that have a ton of useful information in them.

If you're just here to say hello, I welcome you to this tremendous community! We have so many people who love to chat, hang out, and play together. Feel free to introduce yourself here!

Basic Game Mechanic Guides
  • Beginner's Phrases and Acronyms in League of Legends - Learn the language used by summoners when they're on the Field of Justice. If you were wondering what an "MIA" was, this guide has everything you need to know.
  • Champion Stats FAQ - This guide introduces you to the champion mechanics. Everything from armor penetration to life steal is covered here.
  • Items and Auras FAQ - The item guide helps new summoners discover everything they need to learn about items and how their statistics benefit them and their champions on the Field off Justice.
  • Movement Speed FAQ - The movement speed guide teaches summoners the mechanics of movement speed--and more importantly--the diminishing returns relating to this stat.
  • Runes FAQ - This guide introduces new summoners to the ins and outs of runes and how they may benefit you. How can you get the, how do you use them, and when can you use them? You'll find everything you need to know here.
  • Gameplay and Matchmaking FAQ - The Gameplay and Matchmaking FAQ contains all the information about how the game works and the Matchmaking system pit two teams against each other.
  • Teamplay in League of Legends - You have to know your role as a summoner in the League of Legends. Remember that you're more likely to win as a team than as a single champion in the Fields of Justice. This guide has all the details you need to know about working as a team: how to play as a team and the types of champions needs to create a well-rounded team.
Advanced Game Mechanics Guides
  • Jungling FAQ - The Jungling FAQ contains all the information you need to know to jungle in League of Legends; it includes information on basic jungling, counter jungling, and protecting one's jungle.
Miscellaneous Guides
  • Help & Support Forum - The Help and Support Forum is where all players can receive help from Wrenchmen with technical issues, user problems, and other questions.
  • Introduction to Using the League of Legend Forum - This thread teaches you how to use the forums: how to create threads, attach files, and what the User Ranks mean.
  • Lore Archives - The Lore Archives contains all the lore of the Champions who have the honor of meeting on the Fields of Justice. If you're wondering which champions come from Damacia or what a Yordle is? You will find all you need to know in the archives.
  • Skin Pricing and Preview Thread - The Skin Pricing and Preview Thread includes a list of champion skin prices and--better yet--a preview of how each skin looks like in-game. Be very sure to check it out before you spend your hard earned money on a skin!
Game Training Threads
  • LoL University - The LoL University is a place where new players can train with Mentors in-game. Last hitting, strategies, and various techniques can be demonstrated and used in-game for practicing and honing a more effective play style on the Fields of Justice. Eggtart Chow runs the thread with his Mentors to help new players.
  • Proving Grounds - The Proving Grounds--named after the tutorial map found in League of Legends--is similar to the LoL University; it helps new and old players get a better grasp of the game and hone their skills. The difference is that there are much stricter terms found here--a list of rules and requirements are available for view in the thread. It is created by R66Y; his team has friendly competitions with Eggtart Chow's team every once in awhile.
In-Game Chats
  • LoL University - This in-game chat is where mentors and students alike meet, greet, and play.
League of Legends Websites
  • League Craft - League Craft is a database website which includes a wide variety of information and resources. It has information for abilities, champions, items, masteries, runes, spells, and even build orders. Furthermore, they have a collection of custom champion and minion skins; please be aware that custom skins may cause the client to become unstable or create other problems.
  • League of Legends Wiki - This website is basically what the title implies, it is a wiki page for League of Legends; players from all over the world are able to contribute new information on various topics relating to League of Legends.
  • MobaFire - MobaFire is a database of over 40,000 League of Legends builds guides. They also have tools which allow players to create guides and plan their build orders, mastery orders, and rune orders.
  • Solo Mid - Solo Mid is a competitive community website for League of Legends and includes a large variety of guides, strategies, and videos. On top of that, Solo Mid members will have live streams available for players and fans alike to watch.
Basic Game Mechanic Videos

Getting Started: How to start the in-game tutorials and your first matches in League of Legends.

Using Your Champion: New to the MOBA genre? This video will show you how to control champions and use their abilities.

Using the Item Shop: Buying and using items are a major part of League of Legends. Find out how to navigate through the shop and buy the items your champion needs.

Minions: Minions keep the action going and constantly fight for your team all game. Learn how to maximize your minions’ power while harnessing the enemy minions for extra gold.

Turrets: Turrets are extremely powerful and must be destroyed in order to win the game. Learn all about how they function here.

Summoner System: Your decisions outside of individual matches are crucial. This video will teach you about utilizing runes and masteries, which can spell the difference between victory and defeat.



Nice to see someone within the DOA community who plays LoL too. But why does this thread feel so dead D: ?

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
Nice to see someone within the DOA community who plays LoL too. But why does this thread feel so dead D: ?
because it is T_T

i made this thread because on a similar site to FreeStepDodge called 8WayRun (for the Soul calibur community) there is a League of Legends thread that is received quite well. I was hoping it would be the same here but i'm thinking that there aren't many League players in FSD.


because it is T_T

i made this thread because on a similar site to FreeStepDodge called 8WayRun (for the Soul calibur community) there is a League of Legends thread that is received quite well. I was hoping it would be the same here but i'm thinking that there aren't many League players in FSD.

I was thinking maybe DOA players are more focused on DOA itself rather than LoL. Actually, I kinda stopped LoL since last week because solo-q matches me up with stubborn players. Plus since Ahri went from a great AP mid to literally an okay AP mid now, I really just stopped -_-. Riot's just buffing all those champs who doesn't need em now, and Syndra has been constantly buffed to the point of being a lane bully >_>.

Have you seen the latest patch preview?

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
yeah. none of my champions were really touched except Veigar who got a buff I've been thinking he should have had in the first place. My main mid is Lux. Everytime they touch her though she gets nerfed though. i'm curious about the new item cause it's gonna affect a lot of my builds for supports. both healer and tanks. (my only tank support is Leona :p) maybe i should start using Syndra again if she's getting buffed so much?


yeah. none of my champions were really touched except Veigar who got a buff I've been thinking he should have had in the first place. My main mid is Lux. Everytime they touch her though she gets nerfed though. i'm curious about the new item cause it's gonna affect a lot of my builds for supports. both healer and tanks. (my only tank support is Leona :p) maybe i should start using Syndra again if she's getting buffed so much?

I think Syndra needs good positioning and really nimble fingers, she is only as good as a player's skill. But when mastered, she is actually quite the carry-slayer. At least she was designed in that way. The hardest part about her is just getting those stuns in with her spheres, because they are so position reliant. And I really think frame skips kills her. I have frame problems, which is why I do very badly with any ap mids now. I can still handle Ahri, but like Zyra and Syndra, it's just so damn bloody hard. I don't my fps can handle so much things on the screen at one time.

I mained her for awhile and I don't like her as an opponent ap mid because her base value for her shield is very high. That's the only thing I'll nerf in Lux. She got a few buffs didn't she? Like the reduced mana costs.

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
i thought they changed the mana cost to be more. i used to not worry about mana management once it hit mid game but now i have to be extra careful about it. it might just be me but i hadn't had that issue before. oh well. i just want the projectile time to be sped up on my Nami. they are all so friggen slow. if you have tier 5 boots alone you can outrun her ult. and her Q is really slow too.


I don't recall Lux being nerfed since I don't main her anymore. In regards to Nami, there were posts urging RIOT to buff her projectile speed, but RIOT responded with decreased cd timing. Morello mentioned he didn't want to buff anything that doesn't offer reward. Meaning to say that, if players land her Q right, the buff would be decreased CD. If players landed her Q right, buffing projectile speed only meant making her easier to abuse. Her ult, imo is really something that needs to be used in a fight. You just throw it out in the fight to give an edge. People run at the sight of it, LOL. It shouldn't be used as anything else unless the situation requires it

I've landed more successful ults than I have on Qs, and the advice I can offer is to just aim her skillshots further away than you normally would as Ezreal's or Ahri's skillshots. Because her skillshots are so slow, the enemies will underestimate it and attempt the cross over the area that you'll skillshot at rather than to juke it. Most of the time, it works for me. Or else, just throw her ult the moment you see a fight break out, and don't think or hesitate.

Either way, would you like to spar on PSN? I'm in need of some training for my Kokoro, Just don't kick my ass Q_Q. I'll be going on PSN in an hour or 30 minutes, just let me know if you're interested and I'll add you up on PSN.

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
alright. i main nami. i don't have a problem landing them outside of them being slow. having Rylai's makes everything easier for both Nami and her team. i only use the wave as a team fight momentum changer or mostly as secondary initiation. to have it be used as primary initiation isn't really good considering it is slow and normally scatters the team which isn't too good if you have, say a malphite, on the team.

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
Either way, would you like to spar on PSN? I'm in need of some training for my Kokoro, Just don't kick my ass Q_Q. I'll be going on PSN in an hour or 30 minutes, just let me know if you're interested and I'll add you up on PSN.
just add me. i'll be on in about 40 minutes from now


New Member

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
Anyone here looking for a ranked team in Gold?
so far i haven't been able to be apart of many ranked teams that stick together long. i've been in like, 4, ranked teams so far and only 2 of them have been together long enough to actually make it past placement matches and they've died right after that. and i've been waiting for that mmr reset before i actually tried ranked again but i'm down for anyone that needs a solid support. i can do every role well, but support role is my bread and butter role. because of it i know how to deal with matchups against other supports, adcs, and how to deal with ganks from junglers.


Active Member
I've had LOL for quite sometime but only very recently have I finally gotten hooked into it. It's taken quite a while for me to really understand what things are and how the game works but I'm finally really grasping things now. I'm currently a level 9. Champions that I own are Ahri, Ashe, Caitlyn, Sivir and Soraka. However I mainly play Caitlyn and Sivir. Ahri and Soraka seemed interesting but I think my interests are with these AD champions. I also have a big infatuation for Soraka!! XD My biggest complaint about the game, aside from it not teaching you more indepth about the game, has been the game giving me idiot teammates. Whether they just simply suck or they do not communicate. The past couple of days I have ran into some decent teammates finally. This match from yesterday was a great victory for me!

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
a big thing about this game that separates the standard players from the great ones is learning how to carry team mates. even bad one. unless they suffer from down syndrome they normally are carry-able. if you feel you have what it takes to win the game and you know how to go about to doing so then take that position as leader. tell people what's going on and what to do. just make sure you're not condescending about it.


Well-Known Member
I'm only level 18 right now but closing in on that 20. Decent would be the best term to describe myself when it comes to my LoL skill.

Currently I own the following champs:

Ashe, Garen, Katarina, Veigar, Fiora, Sivir, Morgana, Cho'gath, Jinx, Kayle, Malphite, Master Yi, Poppy, Tristana, Tryndamere, TF, and Warwick.

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
I keep getting some RADS error when I try to boot up, anyone know how to fix it?
try this
if that doesn't work then just google solutions.
I'm only level 18 right now but closing in on that 20. Decent would be the best term to describe myself when it comes to my LoL skill.

Currently I own the following champs:

Ashe, Garen, Katarina, Veigar, Fiora, Sivir, Morgana, Cho'gath, Jinx, Kayle, Malphite, Master Yi, Poppy, Tristana, Tryndamere, TF, and Warwick.
what champ do you like the most. what role do you like the most. what type of champs do you like. (support, marksman, mage, tank, bruiser)

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
Right now I like Veigar a lot. APC is my more favored one atm. And I like Bruisers, mage, and marksman.
Veigar is really good and is under rated. he can instantly make a 5v5 fight into a 4v5 in no time. and his aoe stun is really good for team fights. and with his passive he never really dies down in damage like most apc's when it gets to late game.