Let's hope this game doesn't get too explicit

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Active Member
I don't really care. Why in the F***, would someone be complainin about video game tits? Its just a game. Anyways this guy is a troll.

You're missing the bigger picture bro, and since it's factual that you clearly can't see the bigger picture, you just think I'm trolling.

Dude, I know we can get over the T&A's. I know you can, and I sure as hell know I can get over it too.

But the problem lies with people who Team Ninja were trying to appeal to in the beginning though, which is assimilating into the competitive fighting game scene, and the agenda to be have this game be generally accepted. Well now it's being scrapped for fanservice. Though it doesn't really affect you or me, it affects the people who are playing other games to have possible second thoughts about the game and trying it.

But now they will think: *Chuckles* "DoA5... please, they said they were gonna become a fighting game but all they did was make a new softcore porn fighter. They'll never learn."

(I've already seen this type of thinking among my peers)

Look, there IS no problem with T&A's, but the general public have made it a problem. And it will continue to stay as a problem if we just have this same psychosis by telling them "Ya'll are little bitches, crying over VG titties." They're not gonna be interested to play this game if we can't man up and come to mutual agreements.

It's even worse when you have a popular competitive player who has followers, and his fans will bandwagon anything he says, so if he says DoA5 is shit, so will a majority of all his friends.

So anyways, I'm just painting a scenario from the outside how others see us. I know it's easy to just say fuck them, but with their support you know this game could get more popular and make a breakthrough.


New Member
A Nude Costume would be hilarious lol.

I think most of us think that if DOA5 fails to bring in people for the community, it wont be because of Christie's new DLC costume.... Especially considering its an old DOA4 costume...


Active Member
Christie's DoA4 costume was just an example.... this is only the beginning.... if it continues to keep going like that, I'm pretty sure some portion of the community will die out. Like me, I originally got into this because I thought it was going to be clean enough to be generally accepted.

But if it continues, I dunno, some of us who play the game for the gameplay side of the aspects, might just be too embarrassed to see where the direction may head.

Anyways, I'm making a huge problem for some of you guys, so like I said before, I'm gonna stop.


Well-Known Member
Women dressed in dental floss didn't begin with DOA5 and it won't end with it, a little clevage in the DLC won't deter players either.

Don't download the DLC, and you won't see it. Tournmanets generally stick to C1 and C2 as well. You're just bitching for the sake of it.


New Member
Is comparing the mature factor to amounts of fanservice really acceptable? MK9 has decapitations, mutilations, and all sorts of creative killery enough to shake two sticks at. I think its pretty crazy that bouncy body parts is more an issue than a person getting their limbs ripped or chopped off. that's just my opinion though.


No, I never you had to give up something you like. But aren't there other things to worry about at the moment? Why the fuck does the first patch that comes to us is more costumes and provacative clothing?

Why couldn't it be a balance patch, infinity patch, or some more gameplay mechanics being modified? Nerfs, or buffs? The game is far from perfect, and with that Mila infinity going around, that is more of an important matter at the moment.



Well-Known Member
Women dressed in dental floss didn't begin with DOA5 and it won't end with it, a little clevage in the DLC won't deter players either.

Don't download the DLC, and you won't see it. Tournmanets generally stick to C1 and C2 as well. You're just bitching for the sake of it.
This aint even his topic, lol He copied it from Gamefaqs Lmao thats why I called him a troll, cause all he wants to do is bitch and moan.

Sad, Sad world. Can even make up his own topics SMH.


Active Member
Point is sex appeal has been a big part of the game for a while now and if you decided to take that away then it wouldnt really be a DOA game anymore. I dont see the problem here because this isnt gamefaqs where a majority of the players only play the game to check out the females. Were mainly here to discuss the game itself and if anything im pretty sure most of us find the sex appeal humorous (at least i do).

Sure there are some people who might get off on the DOA girls but the majority of those guys are on gamefaqs not here. If titties was all this game was all about then most of us here wouldnt be playing and enjoying the franchise like we have. If some people want to make the excuse that this is just that lame booby game and im not going to play it let them i could care less because in the end its just an excuse not to play a game there not familiar with.

Any real fighting game fan understands that gameplay is where its at and it doesnt matter how much a games graphics appeal to you if your not having fun playing it then the game wont be worth playing. For example i love the look of TTT2 but just cant stand the way it plays.


New Member
This aint even his topic, lol He copied it from Gamefaqs Lmao thats why I called him a troll, cause all he wants to do is bitch and moan.

Sad, Sad world. Can even make up his own topics SMH.

Lmao.. That's hilarious..

Honestly DoA always had its share of fan service and is one of the first things people look at regardless of other games pushing the limits just as much. All taking that away would do is piss off the core fans whose been supporting this franchise from the very beginning. Its already been proven most fans prefer the fan service.

And to top it off it wouldn't do shyt.. People will still flag this franchise as pornography because most people are close minded and first impressions are more often than not the last.

With all that said I do see where you're coming from OP but you're fighting a pointless war. If you don't like it so much just sell your copy. Lots of fantastic fighters out there with less cleavage.


Well-Known Member
Lmao.. That's hilarious..

Honestly DoA always had its share of fan service and is one of the first things people look at regardless of other games pushing the limits just as much. All taking that away would do is piss off the core fans whose been supporting this franchise from the very beginning. Its already been proven most fans prefer the fan service.

And to top it off it wouldn't do shyt.. People will still flag this franchise as pornography because most people are close minded and first impressions are more often than not the last.

With all that said I do see where you're coming from OP but you're fighting a pointless war. If you don't like it so much just sell your copy. Lots of fantastic fighters out there with less cleavage.


Active Member
This aint even his topic, lol He copied it from Gamefaqs Lmao thats why I called him a troll, cause all he wants to do is bitch and moan.

Sad, Sad world. Can even make up his own topics SMH.

This guy is whacked into believing that I actually go on GameFaqs! Lol, well, I do go there for strategy guides. But that's about it.

And yeah the argument is over as I said it, so just let it go guys. I give up, you win, I'm wrong, you're right. Let's forget about it


This guy is whacked into believing that I actually go on GameFaqs! Lol, well, I do go there for strategy guides. But that's about it.

And yeah the argument is over as I said it, so just let it go guys. I give up, you win, I'm wrong, you're right. Let's forget about it
Some say your a dreamer


Active Member
This aint even his topic, lol He copied it from Gamefaqs Lmao thats why I called him a troll, cause all he wants to do is bitch and moan.

Sad, Sad world. Can even make up his own topics SMH.

lol dude, check the post date and time of that other dude who copied this thread. (i dont really care anyway) but you can see that I posted at 11 AM and he posted not too shortly after at 12 PM noon.

at least we can see that I'm not the only one who feels this way, but whatever, right? they're all a bunch of grown men crying over titties... right?


Well-Known Member
lol dude, check the post date and time of that other dude who copied this thread. (i dont really care anyway) but you can see that I posted at 11 AM and he posted not too shortly after at 12 PM noon.

at least we can see that I'm not the only one who feels this way, but whatever, right? they're all a bunch of grown men crying over titties... right?
Yup. Grow some balls. You sho ain't getting no ladies talking like like that.... "Oooh no boobs, I don't liek boobs!" Then she's gonna be like: :confused:
And then she's gonna think your gay. Or ARE you gay? :eek:


Active Member
I can see you're trying to troll, but let's put on our big boy pants and walk away from it. It's not that hard to let go of an argument when the other ego acquiesces to you.


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