Mass Effect: Andromeda Thread


Well-Known Member
Taken from Mass Effect Reddit;

PC Gamer (UK) spoke with BioWare for their cover story in the new issue. These are some highlights (not really new info)! Also, no new screenshots.

Most important bit:

  • There are also over a dozen ‘hubs’ in addition to the planet areas, including the Nexus, a Citadel-like space station, and Kadara, a populated zone that looks like a more cyberpunk version of a Wild West town from Firefly.

  • There is no 'big bad' like the Reapers, no overarching threat.
  • The story is slightly more optimistic bent, 'instead of barreling towards certain doom'
  • The stories are 'of a more casual nature', says Michael Gamble
  • "The Reapers had basically attacked and everything had all gone to shit. It’s really hard to have a story about an individual, their struggles, their personal crises. For Andromeda we wanted to remove that a little bit so that we can tell stories of exploration, stories of a more casual nature. We definitely want to take on a bit of a lighter tone, for sure." (Michael Gamble)
  • Father passes down Pathfinder job 'for as-yet-unknown reasons' in first act
  • Some of the Initiative apparantly 'broke off and formed factions'
  • Planets will have enemy bases to clear out, powerful optional enemies and areas to scan for crafting opportunities
  • There are also puzzle-locked vaults to uncover
  • "One of the things that was very critical for us early on was this saying that when we develop these planets, each one needs its own story and its own history, its own backstory and its reason for existing."
  • “We are approaching the completionist aspect very differently, because we’ve done and learned a lot from Inquisition. But we’ve also observed what other games have been doing, like The Witcher. And it was very important for us that the quantity of scope doesn’t downgrade the quality of whatever you are doing there.” (Fabrice Condominas)
  • Side quests are 'meaningful'.
  • Loyalty missions like in ME2
  • “The squad members that you have, whether they’ve arrived with you or whether they’ve come before or whether they’ll come after – in addition to the kind of political game that’s been going on already in Andromeda, that sets a cool ground for us to tell a lot of different side stories. The story is not only about the cast. The story is about settling, the story is about survival, the story is about the locals – and that’s where the loyalties will definitely focus.” (Michael Gamble)
  • 'Not everyone arrives at the same time, there are things going on in Andromeda that you have no control over.'
  • Cora is 'more militaristic and orders and rules based', Peebee will appeal to those who think adventure is fun
  • Interrupts return
  • 'The ability to express tone and different emotions to many NPCs in the game, and have different reactions from them based on that, is not just exclusive to your love interests anymore. It’s kind of sprinkled more throughout the game.' (Michael Gamble)
  • Instead of rolling you use a dash attack and cover is automatic
  • Story missions are a little more arena-like (than out in the open world)
  • Space (the galaxy map) is more 3D than 2D


Well-Known Member
I just looked on psn and the super deluxe is $100


It only took what two years for DA:I to get a GOTYE with everything that got discounted to $23 that later got discounted to $16 this last holiday season? I can wait


Well-Known Member
$100 for whats basically the normal game and a few armors lol and mp exp boosts.

This is probably the only deluxe edition that isn't even worth if at all. Those armors will probably be paid dlc eventually


Well-Known Member

Between the lack of season pass and the clear attempt to distance the story from the main trilogy, its clear they REALLY want to win back fans who gave up on the series due to the ending from 3. Add to that the stand alone nature of Andromeda's story makes for a good restart to the franchise.


Well-Known Member
Andromeda looks insanely good, interesting to see Mass Effect have actual good graphics this time.

Hopefully they expand the character creator, ME3 even was really limited with every custom Shepherd looking really similar


Well-Known Member
New screenshots;








not liking how the other species got "Standardized" to look like the ME2 squadmates.

Like before MOrdin, the salarians were more amphibious looking, now they all look like the annoying orange. And that Krogan is way more Grunt than a proper Krogan.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... Salarians had more varied colors and it made them look more interesting...

In other news... It seems we won't be stuck with 3 abilities during combat. Since there are 4 favorite loadouts to choose from, that's 12 abilities to choose from during battle. Here's some relevant tweets that talk about it:

Crackseed ‏@dacrackseed
Too many questions left sir. Though definitely ready for the profiles/favorites vid since that is where I have big Q's left.

Crackseed ‏@dacrackseed
Just wondering how the swapping works for example. 3 slots but potential 12 skills total, how do we swap them - hotkey faves?

Michael GambleV‏ @gamblemike
yup, and off of the radial menu option

Jas ‏@lady_Manhands
I loved the video! ☺️ quick q though: is this “favorites“ system the only way to access more than 3 abilities in combat?

Ian S. Frazier @tibermoon

Simon ‏@simonjadis
not sure if you can answer, but does switching power loadouts "on the fly" include doing so during combat?

Ian S. Frazier@tibermoon
Yes. More in our next vid.


Well-Known Member
honestly...while i'm still getting this, i'm not excited about it at all. I don't give af about the combat and otherwise all they've done is show "Hey look another Citadel!" and SUPER boring squadmates.

Now that said, the first ME didn't really pull me in either, it wasn't until me2 that I became a mass effect fan, then went back and replayed 1 to do EVERYTHING and get the most out of 2, so I learned to love Me1 as well.

so I'm "HOPING" that while Andromeda doesn't look interesting on the outset, that once I'm actually playing it, it will pull me in.

the other question is if I should get the special edition on pc or ps4.