New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.


New Member
Hey, I'm new to the series and got DOA 5 before launch date didnt play much since i was still on TTT2 but got bored
popped DOA5 and felt like this was the fighting game i should be learning. My reason for joining this site is simple, learn what i can to be a better fighter maybe meet some new friends along the way...just started to train with Lei Fang and Lisa and see i have alot to learn if i want to climb the ranks. Anyway, always up for learning some pointers from the Pros here..see ya around


Standard Donor
I would be glad to teach you some Lisa basics. I don't use her often but I know her basic 9 hit juggles.

Anti Forme

New Member
Hello. I have been posting a bit in the Alpha forums, but as of yet have not introduced myself, so ye. I am me, pretty easy to get on with, good conversationalist and not been on the DoA scene long, started last year with dimensions. (played 2 and 4 before but that was before I was a fighting game fan). Hope to meet some cool people, and hope people find me a nice addition to the site :).


New Member
Hello fellow FSD members.
I actually signed up in September but decided to finally introduce myself, being that I finally got the game. My DOA experience is DOA2: Hardcore. I've only owned Playstation consoles, so I skipped out on DOA 3 and 4. In DOA 5, I'm looking to actually learn the system, play competitively, and enjoy the game, for what it is. I'm looking forward to taking part of the DOA community!


Sup, ladies n gents? This is the first DOA I'm actually interested in. Otherwise, only a bit of fuckin around in like, arcade mode back on the dreamcast or original Xbox. Fighting games: I'm mostly into 3s, n a bit of blazblue, tekken, n a few others. Stationed at my first unit here in Ft Lee, VA (near Petersburg and Richmond for any local action (PS3). Will get internet connectivity after Holiday Leave in 2013; PSN: Leady

Been lurkin the huge tier discussion thread for a couple weeks till I decided to just say fuck it and experimented - experiencing diff characters' skill sets, eventually attempting to learn to play a character who felt both fun to play as and had a fighting style that felt intuitively 'right' to me, [if that makes any sense?]. Open to knowledge. Excuse the essay.

P.S. idk if this has been patched but several times, I knocked Kasumi back here (view image).


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New Member
Hey everyone! Mike here, nice to meet you all. A few of you my remember me on doac under Yoga Legend. It's been awhile. Looking tO get caught up to speed. Still Maining Helena and currently learning bass. Hope to play u all soon. Any bass player wanna help me out? >_<

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
Hey everyone! Mike here, nice to meet you all. A few of you my remember me on doac under Yoga Legend. It's been awhile. Looking tO get caught up to speed. Still Maining Helena and currently learning bass. Hope to play u all soon. Any bass player wanna help me out? >_<

Yeah. Haven't heard from you in a while. I think I still have you on xbox live. I got a new xbox so maybe we'll play sometime soon....


New Member
Howdy! Basically only played a ton of DOA2: Hardcore Survival mode but decide to take the plunge and give DOA 5 a try! Mainly just working with Kasumi right now, but looking forward to learning more characters!


Active Member
Hi everyone.
I'm from Spain which means that my inglis (english) and my connection quality aren't very good.
I'm more than noob to this game.
I enjoy 2D fighting games so I might have wrong concepts about how to do stuffs for this game.
I only played DOA2 in my DreamCast (R.I.P.) and by that time I thought that SFIII 3rdStrike sucked... You can imagine how awful I am in terms of fighting games. I now understand more about 2D fighting games but I lack skill the same way I can't figure out this game's mechanics.
I'm using Hitomi as my main character but I need a lot of hours of practice to feel confortable with her which doesn't mean that I'll be winning by then... But I'll be happy with myself.
I'll do my best to not repeat any thread by using the "search" option, but if I ever make a mistake please notice me about it and remove any unnecesary content I might post/create and just want you, if you can, to make me know why.
That's all for now. Thank you in advance.


Active Member
Thanks, I'm starting to hate Juan Luis (Jann Lee) but a good Brad Wong is soooo enjoyable that I love even receiving only perfects xD
No more offtopic, I swear :)


New Member
So like, I remember back when I was 14 the DOACentral community was full of angry men, drama, and "clowns".

I'm 22 now, and I'm glad to see the community has rebuilt itself and sorted out the human refuse. I see a lot of veteran names, some new ones.

I've grown exponentially worse at this game as the years have passed, so I just casually pick up the controller. Hopefully, a few weeks of lurking and practice will help pull my game together.

Anyways. See ya'll around, I guess? :)


New Member
Hello administrators, members and newbies.

I am a new DOA player getting used to the frame data style and techniques from "The Way of The Ninja"
Example, Hayate, Ryu, and Ayane. I am trying to develop critical timing and obscure strifes in my gameplay and need a new development of style since my old style is wearing off. Throughout my training I would be glad to get some help on any techniques I can use for Hayate. Specially, on how I can sidestep quick enough practice with powerblows and frame data sequence. On the PS3 console I am currently using the controller style in which co-ordinates by using the d-pad. I need tips on how I can flow my combos and land bursts much more fluently and what are some partically good combos to use with Hayate that are effective, and almost garenteed a win. Also, looking for combos that consist of several P's and K's and sidestep attacking from each and every direction. Also considering on gathering any addition tips from Ranks A+ or higher currently a F Rank because I dont want to ruin a K/D.

~Sincerely Daniel

-xoxo Thank You Team Ninja and FSD.