NG3 Making Folks Wary of DOA5


Well-Known Member
The reaction to any DOA news that I'm seeing on a certain site who's front page I write for (okay, it's SRK) seems to be telling me that NG3's less than stellar reception is actually hurting DOA5. I mean, sure people can simply dismiss this as front page trolling (again, something that can get rather rampant on SRK), but the number of responses like this that I'm seeing in the comments is rather worrying.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
Some people just can't accept that this isn't an "Itagaki-era" NG game. It's not bad, it's just not what they want it to be.


Well-Known Member
Some people just can't accept that this isn't an "Itagaki-era" NG game. It's not bad, it's just not what they want it to be.

Its still NG. It lacks customization, which sucks, but it is still NG. Its not on par with NGB, but its better than that garbage NG2.

Regardless, people are going to buy DoA5. NG3 being "bad" isn't going to stop it. Especially when the loudest people are the vocal minority.


Active Member
A lot of SRK posters seem to make it there personal duty to rain on everyone else's parade. Yes it sucks but I have a feeling it wont affect sales to much.


Well-Known Member
People will forget that stuff come September. A lot of reveals, playtests, ie water under the bridge till then.


Well-Known Member
NG3 is still an enjoyable game, but sequels are supposed to be better than the previous versions. I'm assuming the people worrying about DOA5 are the ones that haven't played the demo. In my opinion DOA5 is the best one so far. As long as they focus on elements that will make the game great and don't go over-board with ideas or try to make a game that lets the player feel what it's like to REALLY punch and kick someone, they should be fine. I can't blame these people too much. A lot of his ideas in NG3 were terrible.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
This isn't exclusive to just SRK. I see the same worry posted on other forums, in comments to articles, etc. This comes from casuals who were previously excited for DOA5 who are "Well, I don't know now..."


Honestly, I didn't really care for NG3, either. But at the same time, what helps me have a positive outlook on DOA5? It's an entirely different team within Team Ninja making that game, so I will feel free to judge DOA5 based on that.

Comparably speaking, it does more to remind me of how some people don't know how two different teams within a similar company can be operating under completely different circumstances, different leadership and (usually) working towards completely different ends.

After all, Ono's SF team and Niitsuma "Vs. Capcom" teams may be both teams composed of Capcom staff making fighting games, but that's pretty much where the similarities end.


Well-Known Member
This won't significantly impact DOA5 sales. I'm betting the E3 trailer alone will make people forget about any negative thoughts they may or may not have about NG3.


Active Member
The only good thing about NG3 is the shadow of the world mode, as its the closest thing to the old NG games. The sole fact you need to buy it to play the DOA demo is just bad marketing...and what made it worse they give you the incentive for you buy the collectors edition($100) just to play all 4 characters as only 2 of them are split between the two isn't this bad?


SRK = Stupid Retarded Kids

Just remember that......

SRK also = core of the FGC.

You're free to not like that fact, just remember they probably think the same thing about you, and they most definitely have better players than you. I imagine they could probably come up with better insults, too.

On topic, ninja gaiden 3 was trash. People are right to fear.


Not with Shimbori (a huge FG fan) keeping Hayashi in check for DOA5.

As long as he's on there, what's there to worry about?

His Boss, and any of the carry-over developers that taint the final product.

It's good having him there, but he can still be undermined.

This all comes down to how much influence Hayashi tries to put into the game now that NG3 is out the door and he has nothing better to do with his time.

If history has shown us anything though, whenever Producer Hayashi touches something you can expect great resources to be pooled into unnecessary story telling, QTE, ease of difficulty and "streamlining" (aka removing features because some faggot who gets payed too much at some meeting thought it would sell better to stupid people).

Black Dragon

Active Member
Hayashi's influence has always been felt in the NG series. Rarely in the DOA series.

And considering TN's willing to have people like us - hardcore DOA fans who wants its latest interation to be the best in the series - holding them accountable (which didn't happen with NG3), I get the worry, but I'm not.


Hayashi's influence has always been felt in the NG series. Rarely in the DOA series.

And considering TN's willing to have people like us - hardcore DOA fans who wants its latest interation to be the best in the series - holding them accountable (which didn't happen with NG3), I get the worry, but I'm not.

He also did Other M, and totally threw the nintendo guys under the bus for its storytelling after people didn't like it. It's pretty obvious that kind of heavy handed storytelling was entirely him though -- it is seen in EVERYTHING he does. This leads me to believe he is the type of guy who forces his creative vision on something but goes into denial when people don't like it. Very dangerous personality to have on staff.

See I'm a realist here. He's taking a lot of flak, and he can't hold out forever. He gets too much, he'll get fired. What worries me is that I've seen this happen before when somebody rises to power and gets creative control. The question is going to be what happens first?

Hayashi gets fired? Or he wisens up?

Since he has already proven a willingness to throw others under the bus for his own mistakes and flatly deny anything is his fault, im leaning towards fired. If he must get fired, how much damage will we have to endure before that happens? He's willing to blame others, so if he's skilled at bus chucking it might be a while til the right people realize he needs to go. Will the company discontinue entire IP's as a result of this?

There is a lot to be worried about.