[Oct 6, 2012] DOA World Series "Proof of Concept" Online Tournament (Xbox Live)


Active Member
Here is my question: Should I cap the entrants at 40 (making 4 blocks of 10 players, or 8 blocks of 5), making the tournament easier to run, or should I keep taking entrants? I'm not trying to have a tournament that takes 8 hours to run (as I have to pay to get hours to use a console), but I want the tournament to be fun... Thoughts, anyone?
Your paying to play? Do whatever you have time for. I think everyone can understand if you don't have the money to take further registrations.


Well-Known Member
Cap it at 40. As long as you don't have to kick anyone out, 40 is perfectly understandable and im sure people don't want to be playing for a super long time either


Active Member
Your paying to play? Do whatever you have time for. I think everyone can understand if you don't have the money to take further registrations.

Correct; I don't own a 360, so I play at an internet lounge here in my hometown (I represented them at the Hot Import Nights IGN Pro League tournament). I have extra money, I'm just trying to be frugal with it.

Cap it at 40. As long as you don't have to kick anyone out, 40 is perfectly understandable and im sure people don't want to be playing for a super long time either

No, I wouldn't have to kick people out, but there's two people who are on the outside looking in. If I was able to get two others, I'd have 44 and four groups of 11 (which makes everything even). Hrm... what a conundrum to have. Maybe I can get a few people who aren't signed up here to sign up? I mean, there's already some top tier people entered (Raansu, Rikuto, CyberEvil, NykNyks), but I think there's also some good online players that aren't in here (Renarism, Punishere, I'm looking at you two)... *shrugs*

I think I'll keep entrants open, but I'm going to cap it at 44, unless I know I can get people in groups of 4. :)


Well-Known Member
im watching a stream with punishere in it. i can ask him for you real quick...
that was creepily fast from me...


Active Member
Yeah, thanks. I posted this on DOA World: I'm capping the tournament at 44. First two to ask for entry either here or DOA World get in!


Active Member
I thought for sure someone would have stepped up to look after the PSN version of this by now:oops:. I admire the effort you're putting in and think it might be a good idea to chronicle what's involved in administering an online tourney bigger than the online system will accomodate. - I'd probably be willing to do some of the paperwork, but I think I'd bail before seeing the commitment through. Especially, since I have no idea what's involved.
Speaking of setting it up. When the tournament starts tomorrow are we just posting here to find out our "pools" or will there be an irc channel? Just curious how we are meeting up


Active Member
This is going to be one crazy long tournament if its not properly set up right.

No worries, every pool will be running somewhat concurrently, so it moves along at a decent pace.

Speaking of setting it up. When the tournament starts tomorrow are we just posting here to find out our "pools" or will there be an irc channel? Just curious how we are meeting up

I will be inviting people into a party chat (Same way AP does his online tournaments) to let them know their next match. I'll also have a post on here with a full schedule for each pool that will be updated as the tournament progresses.

Also, the tournament is now full. Thanks to everyone for entering! Keep an eye out for invites and messages from PowerPlayX2 at and after 4:00PM; those not accepting invites or away from their consoles may have that match forfeited (as a 2-0 win for their opponent). I've also updated the main list with the tiebreaker procedure for the pool play stage, as I felt it needed to be explained (maybe it didn't, but it makes me feel better knowing I've put it out there).


Active Member
I dunno for sure, I'm waiting to hear from Mr.Wah about it. If he can't make it, I'm going to ask CyberEvil if he can stream it on his Twitch.tv account.


Well-Known Member
4 hours until the tourney (On my time, EST, that is) any update on the streaming situation?


Active Member
I'm going to send Wah a PM here in a few minutes, and if I don't hear back from him, I'm going to ask CyberEvil to stream it.