Official NorCal Regionals thread. (The most critical stand for DOA on the west coast ever! Sticky! )


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Top 4: Pool 1 and 2 Winners A1R GEAR, Sweet Revenge Losers: Nykko, Galen the wise. top 4 will be streamed on iplaywinner at at 7:00pm pst saturday.


Active Member
Everyone tried hard, shytzoo was losing his shit over Galen picking Brad Wong out of the blue after having extensive match play against his Akira and lost the match, Air Gear beat Nyko in pools and was hype beyond measure. I know nothing of Finals.


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Shoutouts to Nykko, Shadow and CJ (SomeWhatMental) for getting things rolling and on the ball for NCR. Especially CJ, seriously, you worked so hard to get players ready and out to Sunnyvale and showed nothing but hospitality and grace to everyone who showed up. You will forever have my respect as a person, player, and contributor to the community and NO ONE can ever say otherwise.

NCR was pretty great, glad I was able to make it out and see my friends and new faces. Wish I was better prepared to make Top 4 and to combat Sweet Revenge, but I'm content with placing 5th with such a lack of practice for competitive play. Lost to Galen, but I believe he's a solid player. It's great to know we have a solid Akira (main) and Mila player out here in Cali. Wish I did beat you for Top 4 but I have no regrets, you did well and you deserve it. Be proud of how far you made it man. Was a pleasure to finally meet you as well.

Same to you, Air Gear. I am really proud a teammate of mine was able to make Top 4 and play his best. You did well bro, you deserve it. And I've gotta give my props to my bro Nykko as well for staying strong with Leifang and plowing through the brackets as he always does to make it to the top spot. It was great seeing you again man. You and I need to do a FT10 ourselves next time.

Was great to see CJ and Shadow again. Both of you played well too, Shadow tying for 5th with me (fantastic Lisa player and very strong with Kasumi).

And congrats to Sweet Revenge for winning NCR. Also, it was great finally meeting you in person man, after all this time. I've known you since way back in the DOA4 era.

DOA westcoast isn't as solid as we'd all want it to be, but we're getting there. And we'll get stronger, both in numbers and in higher skill (for newer players). I admit, I wish I was a stronger player (I could be if I had the luxury to play regular like the majority do here), but that will come with time as I wish to continue supporting the community as an Ayane player.

NCR 2013 was great, and I'll be looking forward to another major I may possibly be able to make it out to.


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I think it was 27, but there were definitely new faces I've not seen before at the tournament.

Also I forgot to add it was cool finally meeting Punishere as well. Our pool match was close, and intense.

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
NCR was definitely amazing and I did better than I expected but I was SO close to top 4 I could taste it! Me and NukNuks went to damn war! I wish those matches could have been recorded! I am so proud of my Cali bros(NukNuks ikodomo Incognito for making it in the top 4! Purple Rain Galen the Wise is definitely the future of this game! After the best in the world(me) retires of course.

Also shoutout to SweetRevenge117 for winning. Congrats man. Although we had our differences(Not that big of a deal) in the past it was definitely awesome to meet you in person. Hopefully I'll see you again offline. Like I told you I'm definitely hoping to at least be at the next DID.

Also thanks to all the new players who showed up. Dii, Chris, MajesticBlue it was a pleasure meeting you guys, and hanging out with you for the weekend. Hopefully it'll happen again in the future. Sorry if I missed any names. I am still getting over a hang over. Also it was a pleasure seeing old faces again. Koompbala aka Koopa Troopa Balla Punishere aka Big Pun. It was awesome seeing you guys and everyone else again. GGs and thanks for the great experience Westcoast DOA/FGC community!

thrust07 You will always be my awesome bro! Love being around you! Keep improving!

-Nai- I am always glad to be around you and shytzoo! I will always love you guys! Lets do more drinking sometime! Hopefully next time will be my treat!

Also it was a pleasure to see my ninja bro HajinShinobi again! I'm proud that you went out there and showed why you ARE the BEST Ayane player! We know you could have done better, and I'm sure you will next time, but I am proud! Also GGs on that FT10. Sorry I couldn't give you a better fight, I wasn't completely into it like I wish I was, but you know I didn't want to call it off because so many people wanted to see it. Glad I could give you a fight regardless! Fk your Ayane. GGs XD.

Edit: Last but never least. I also wanted to say NukNuks SomewhatMental you guys will always be in my partners in crime in the WC DOA community! I love you guys. If it wasn't for CJ I wouldn't be able to have been a part of any of this and I love the passion Nykko has for the game. You guys are awesome.


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Aw, guise.. Thank you so much for the support, for the love, and the dedication you all showed towards NCR. This was a great way to introduce myself in this community I think. And I accomplished twice the amount of things at NCR compared to what I set out to do. I think now, players on here can see that Akira and Mila are great if you put hard work into them. I hope to see people respecting them and even using them more often. Hajin, it was nothing but an absolute pleasure meeting and getting to play against you. Same to SweetRevenge, AirGear, and of course, Nykko. Punishere and Koompbala, thank you for commentating over top 4. I know you two did great. Blue, it was great meeting you. I hope to see you again soon. Aegis, your Mila is good. You've got some ways to go, but please, stick with her; I wanna see you as a top Mila player soon. This entire experience has increased my love of offline tournaments, and especially the love I feel for this game. I hope to be at another tournament for this game again real soon. CJ, thank you for your hospitality, your professionalism, and your hard efforts; We could NOT have done this without you. Nykko, thanks to you too for letting me stay in your room. Means a lot to me. Nice meeting you, Chris, Harribel, Lloki (or however you wanna spell it -.-..), and Thrust07. Shadow, Lemstring, CJ, I love you guys. Thanks for pushing me to go. I'm eternally grateful. Sorry if I forgot anyone. I'm exhausted.
I think it was 27, but there were definitely new faces I've not seen before at the tournament.

Also I forgot to add it was cool finally meeting Punishere as well. Our pool match was close, and intense.
27 is the correct number, as far as I understand it.

I'll have more to say about this later, I think. But I really do want to thank everyone for showing up. The matches were good, the conversation better, the sleep unfortunately not quite there, and it was all worth it.


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Koompbala-You picked me up from the airport and made really sarcastic jokes the entire time. You were a blast to chill with. sorry about those casuals man, its weird that we didn't play once. i have faith that you'll rebound from your performance at NCR

Nykko- I've known you forever know and this is the second time i've been to a cali tourney with you and i can say I had a wicked good time. I wish i could have stayed longer so we could have partied more thorougly but eh what can you do? good shit on making top 4 and taking punishere down in a ft5.

Galen the wise- Not to shabby for your first offline tournament. Taking out Hajin,Punishere, Nykko, somewhatmental, and air gear. You ran through the gauntlet. You're an upcoming player and you should feel proud about your placing. also your a fun guy to chill with.

Air Gear- another player i've played with a million times in 4. Good shit on 3rd place man. You came out guns blazing against me and i had to come back a few times against you. im proud of your performance man. your also really funny when you get hype in a tournament match lol

CJ- You helped make this turn out possible man and i want to applaud you for it. NCR wouldn't have had half the people if it weren't for you. also thanks for paying for my pizza that one night. you're doing good for your first DOA and I look forward to seeing you at future events.

Hajin- we used to have epic matches back in the day so it was good to finally meet you. It sucked that the power kept going out in our matches lol but good shit getting 5th place. I know if you had time to practice you'd be even more a force to be reckoned with. good job taking punishere out

Shadow- Yeah we had beef at one point but it was squashed a while ago and dont remember what it was about. we need to play casuals next time man. and im sure you'll see me again at some point. the cali doa crew is fun as hell

Harribel- I hated you before this tournament but i squash beef. Having fun with the community and helping them out is what i enjoy most so of course i let u use my pad. You're a cool dude

Majestic Blue- it was good getting casuals with you man. i see you have potential and as long as you keep going to tournaments and working hard it will pay off

Lemstring- It was fun hanging with you man. we need to get casuals next time but you played lloki too much hah.

Lloki- Putting you in the trash bag was in your destiny and you couldn't avoid it :) haha but good games man and hope to see u again

Shun- youre a cool guy offline, just cut out some of the stuff you do in the facebook groups and we'll be straight lol

Punishere- It's always fun to crack jokes like old times man. It's hella unsafe!!! get yo dome rocked sonnn! haha good shit.

History- we finally met but didn't get to play :( next time man! thanks for coming out.

If i forgot anyone let me know


Active Member
I had somethng posted but there was an error and Fsd losted it.

Wanna thank CJ for all the help and hard work he did. Hope one day I can return the favor. Glad we got to meet but next time we need to get some games in! Shadow, it was awsome, glad you pushed me to go and kept me from freaking out to much. I found it funny how almost everybody I knew I got hardly any games with xD.

Nykko. Nobody can deny your love for the game, thats for sure. Next time we need to talk and play more. I was a little overwhelmed so I was nervous at times. Hope you didn't take that as rude. Yeah, we need to get together more though. If I wasn't so highly strung I bet we could have lots of fun hahahah. There were some killers at NCR, nothing wrong with top 4. Keep on fighting as there will always be a next time.

History. You were very fun to hang out with and awesome at tag. Remember, we won all the important ones lol, thats what counts. Plus your Doa fight stick is legit. Hope we get to play again soon. Oh yeah, I enjoyed teh mahvel too. Next time we meet there just might be a mahvel runback lol. Also I weighed our tag team down so much xD.

Air Gear. Congratz on making top 4. We didnt get to talk all that much until the end but very glad we did. Thanks to you I got to stick around till the end of the tournament. Also you went out of you way to take me back home. Even though we can only do so much online It would make me happy if we can practice and work on match ups and stuff. One day we gotta go some bitchin burgers lol.

Galen. I only met you online a few days before the tournament and was looking forward to meeting you. Made me glad to see you do so well right out the gate. Hope we get the chance to hang out again soon. If my playstyle doesn't bug you anymore we should play online some more as well haha. You had to go and take my closet though >_>. Tsk Tsk. I don't know if I ever can forgive you, You awful person you. It was awesome we got to meet up. Congratulations. You made a hell of a debut.

Hajin Shinobi. I learned a lot from talking and playing with ya. Really enjoyed our games. The spacing was EPIC. The gameplay discussions were golden. Nice to see players that understand the game so well. It was cool to get some recognition for my SE. Like my only skill hahaha. Gonna have to remember to pick your brain sometimes lol. Shame we can't even play online a little.

Koop Shinobi. Ah, Koomp. The guy you think you know where he is but then he just isn't. So sly. I gotta admit. I didn't get to talk enough with you. Looking forward to the next time we meet. You seem to approach fighting games in a way pretty close to mine. It made me sad we didn't get to play. At least you live semi close by. Maybe we can work something out one day.

Punishere Shinobi. You might even be stealthier then Koomp. People standing next to you sometimes miss you! We haven't really had the chance to talk all that much in tournaments. Wanna say you live pretty close by as well so maybe we can practice or something. You had some of my favorite matches there. Did great at commentating as well.

Sweet Revenge. Very glad we got to play. I figured that it might be a while till we meet up again so dammit we had to get some games in! It was cool hanging out with you. I hope your right about the potential becuase Im gonna keep trying my best to make it out to tournaments, improve and keep on learning. Gotta keep ones eyes on the prize. It was great to have you over here in Cali.

Harribell. Hope I was at least a little helpful to ya. Enjoyed are games. Christie is awesome isn't she? Take good care of the Doa history you got on your phone lol.

Lemmy.You had some very deep things to say. I respect you for that. You care a lot about the scene too. You have the right ideas. We just need to make them happen. I think we are going in the right direction though.

Thrust. Like I said to you there, your arcade stick is badass. I can't wait to make my own. Next time I hope we can play more. Things were just a little hectic at the end there hahaha. Really regret we didn't get more games in. Or much time to talk for that matter. Next time dude. Next time!

Lloki. I still need to hear how you did in VF with all my awesome sarah training. GGs in the casuals as well.

Aegis. Nice to see you again buddy. Did you have to take off early after the finals? Was looking forward to seeing you around after. Anyways It was nice seeing you again. When you get some time were gonna get your Mila in tip top shape!

Madian. I loved seeing some Doa goodness on hit box. The casuals we had over at your room was one of my favorite times I think. You have such a neat Hayate. So many cool ideas and set ups. Also your movement. I can't wait till we get to play again. btw I was acting really funny the next morning so I was pretty akward sorry lol. Wish I had the chance to say good bye too.

Chris and Shun. Nice seeing both of you again. GGs. Chris once you work on throw punishing and spotting CB! you will improve so much. Stick with it! Shun we will get our rematch next time for sure. Do I smell a runback? Muhahah. Havent used Busa as much though so get ready to fight whoever my new main is. Oh Yeah, Dragunov. That is all.

If I missed anybody it was the sheer fact that it all was mind blowing.Oh yeah that reminds me of how epic Paul was. I barely got to meet him.

The tournament was epic. It was nice meeting ALL of ya. Thanks to everybody who helped me out. I really think that west coast has a shot if we can manage to get together more. Lots of us are just lacking experience. I think we had a pretty good showing. Special thanks to those who made it possible.