DOA5LR Possible new "Tech"


as a fighting game noob and gaming scientist who loves to take things apart, I have discovered what I believe to be a new tech so please at least help me confirm this.

Let's say I did a combo and my previous strike was (2)24 and my next strike was a mid kick at 22 start-up frames and it got held, so the next time I decide to do a strike that left my recovery at (2)25 and attempted the same mid kick that had a 22 frame start-up but this time, the opponent couldn't hold it because they missed by 1 frame is this some type of new tech? i should note that nothing is being delayed between strings/strikes however the major difference is the frames which I had tested using active frames as well and results were this "(3)25 on 22 start-up can be held" I'm assuming because the active frames ended 1 frame later this caused the string to be held meaning I need to make the strike 23 on start-up. Another thing to note is the (2)25, 22 start-up can be held but you would have to do it a frame later or so which has me thinking what if I could use this tech to create a gap between strikes making it so my opponent can't necessarily hold the strike if I were do it several frames earlier?

This was found in training mode with the com options at critical hold - slow and critical hold type - mid k(optional)
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Well-Known Member
maybe you're talking about unholdable (but still "guardable") situations? Like this one at 22:35 -> 22:41


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I personally wouldn't consider it as "new tech" because it's more something like "doing the right thing to the right time" which can happen in literally ever situation of a fight. Since you wrote you've created this scenario in the training mode with the critical hold settings, you kinda set the pace of the hold timing by doing so. Just because the com is not able to hold the mid kick due to being "programmed" to react after a certain amount of time to the stun, it does not mean a human player cannot do so with the correct timing.

Since you never know how and when human players will react to something, this is propably nothing you can really set them up for in a match like you could do with force techs by using specific combos. I'm pretty sure that if you play a bit around with the slow escape, normal and critical hold settings, the com will be also able to hold the second attempt.
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Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Sadly, this is not new tech. It's honestly not tech at all.

You're forgetting to mention here what the two moves you are comparing are. In this case Mila's 4PP and 4PK.

4PP provides a lift stun which can not immediately be held out of, unlike her 4PK stun which is a standard stun that doesnt prevent a player from holding. All the COM option for CRITICAL hold speed does is change when the AI holds out of the available hold capable frames of a stun. If you set it to Fastest then the AI will hold on the first immediate frame, Fast on the frame 1/3 of the available hold window, and Slow at 2/3 of the available hold window. All that's happening here is you're hitting the AI before they get to the stun frame that is 2/3rds of the holdable window in the lift stun. Additionally a player can attempt holding any time in the window before that.
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