Pre-Alpha Full Trailer Discussion


Well, the phrase "turned it around on hayate" lends itself to thinking that you can counter straight out of it.

A few things to bare in mind though people.

First, for this cliffhangar thing to happen busa had to roll towards the edge of the stage. Im sure if he was right next to the ledge itself, he would've just flew right over it with no additional mechanic. Let's think basic physics here people, it just wouldn't look right otherwise.

Second, If we've got power blows that let you aim your opponent from all the way across the level towards mega damaging dangerzones, it should be fair enough that there is a mechanic for them to try and salvage their predicament.... SLIGHTLY. I am in favor of Busa being able to climb back up through some kind of slow escape method and then block hayate, or if he's really damn amazing accurately counter after the slow escape (we know this never happens in practice, so no worries). I am not in favor of an automatic counter guessing game with no real work done on the part of busa though.

And of course, if they fail to slow escape fast enough (that sounded awkward) it should be a free hit for the attacker.

I can't think of a better way to balance this mechanic and still make it appealing.

Also, thanks for the re-tweet raansu. If anyone else with a twitter account would do the same, I'd appreciate it. Whoever is in control of the team ninja twitter account has a lot of tweets he has to trudge through every day, but if he sees the same one re-tweeted a few times he's more likely to notice its value and pass it on.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
"Pass it on".

Hey, that's something I'm competent at doing. I'll re-tweet that statement too.


Not sure if this was as a result of that, or the questions mr. wah sent, or perhaps a combination of the two.

but we got an answer!

TeamNINJAStudio Team NINJA
Some of you like @FreeStepDodge have questions about the core systems and moves you see in the pre-alpha gameplay. #deadoralivegame

TeamNINJAStudio Team NINJA
In the footage, they haven't changed very much from the past. Just keep in mind that we're still pre-alpha. #deadoralivegame

TeamNINJAStudio Team NINJA
We do have a new concept for the core fighting as well, though. #deadoralivegame

TeamNINJAStudio Team NINJA
And we'll definitely talk to you more about it when there's something solid to show. #deadoralivegame


Well-Known Member
I think it's funny that they pretty much knew it was the FSD ppl spamming him haha. I wonder if its Peter running the translations and answering the questions.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Not sure if this was as a result of that, or the questions mr. wah sent, or perhaps a combination of the two.

but we got an answer!

As much as I would like to believe it's due to the questions and feedback, it's more probable to believe it's on response to the site's tweet asking about confirmation of the high defensive hold discrepancy from Hayabusa.


New Member
IMO if they make it so you can't Hold off the wall or be able to Hold after Counter Hit Stuns (higher counter blows) the game could be much more solid. Too many times in the game do you get a CH just for them to insta hold and you get nothing for it or have to just insta guess throw.

You could get medium height launch for the HC so it won't be a full launch but you will still be able to get solid damage or you could go for more damage and try to extend the stun for a higher launch. ( I would personally like CH = highest launch height but I know people won't like a game where when you get caught pressing buttons you die. . . .)

This would also make the tiers stand out much harder because obviously if you can't hold after CH's then characters with fastest jabs and mids will be the best. And characters with moderate damage from a medium launch will be strong. That would completely balance out the randomness I think. . . .I didn't think it out too hard but it seems legit in my mind.

What yall think?


Not being able to hold off the wall is gold, I think everyone loves that.

Under DOA 3 style stuns (ie where they are very limited), then yea. I wouldn't mind counter-blows not being holdable.

If everything stuns like DOA 4 though, i imagine it'd be overkill because somebody sneezes and then WHUPS, all your life gone. high counter-blows should definitely make it impossible to hold in either case.

Launch height... i'm not exactly juggle heavy, so i'll leave this to people it actually affects.


New Member
Holy Izuna drops! This looks so crisp in 720.... O.O I wonder what it would look like in 1080 on my 24 inch LED :D Thanks for the link Sorwah!

Oh and some of my "analysis" haha!




With regards to the "cliffhanger" My thought is that there would be an option to jump up with an attack or something. Sort of how we already have a rising kick maybe inputting k while in cliffhanger would lead to a kick headed at Hayate (which could then be blocked/ held/etc..).


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
I think it's funny that they pretty much knew it was the FSD ppl spamming him haha. I wonder if its Peter running the translations and answering the questions.
-They knew because a lot of us have the website in our profiles :)


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
With regards to the "cliffhanger" My thought is that there would be an option to jump up with an attack or something. Sort of how we already have a rising kick maybe inputting k while in cliffhanger would lead to a kick headed at Hayate (which could then be blocked/ held/etc..).
-It could very well be a move that once it connects with the aggressor, it knocks the opponent down instead of you. Something Like Lei Fang's :4::F::+::P: reverse position wall throw. If not successful, you will be the one who is knocked down.


Well-Known Member
You didn't tell anyone so. We still know absolutely nothing about the mechanic, and for all we know things will change.

Hurricane Rev

Active Member
You didn't tell anyone so. We still know absolutely nothing about the mechanic, and for all we know things will change. Why are you in this thread anyways? Go back to your blog that you felt the need to advertise on other forums.

Well, of course we don't know anything about the new mechanic. I just find it strange how people would think that DOA5 gameplay will end up the same as DOA4 gameplay, judging on the Pre Alpha built. I'm not trying to create an arguement or anything. My previous post might be a bit over the top but we just need to see how the gameplay will turn out in DOA5. If its good, its good. If its bad, its bad.