Ranked Matches.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
Anyone else having a problem were you cant find any ranked matches. Its been like this for an hour for me.


Well-Known Member
Are you on the ps3? It takes me forever to find a match on the ps3 but the 360 its almost instant.

Darth Lotonic X

Active Member
For whatever reason, it seems that some people that are searching for rank get put into lobby matches. I was in a arty with Jack Schitt while searching for ranked and it put me into his lobby(then immediately booted me from it). I assume that this wasn't specific to his lobby.


Well-Known Member
Ranked matchmaking isn't the only issue here. I don't know if it's just me, but I have trouble accessing lobbies that come up on the search 100% of the time. And every now and then, I get a message saying "Unable to find opponent" or something along those lines. Same with Ranked. Is this some kind of developer oversight or something? Because this just hinders the potentially great online experience by a long shot.

Jin Masters

Yeah it's obvious that the matchmaking or rather online mode has alot of bugs and glitches.
I've recently had a situation when searching for a ranked match it had me spectate someone else's ranked match. I was bugged out


Active Member
Standard Donor
Ranked matches took me a while to find last night. The bigger issue for me is being invited into lobbies. Basically just freezes after a while, so I have to quit out of the game and restart.


Well-Known Member
Ranked matches took me a while to find last night. The bigger issue for me is being invited into lobbies. Basically just freezes after a while, so I have to quit out of the game and restart.

Yep, I can't join lobbies through my friends list or invites. I just get stuck at a loading screen. I can create a lobby and people join my rooms just fine though. It's kind of irritating.


Active Member
Standard Donor
Yep, I can't join lobbies through my friends list or invites. I just get stuck at a loading screen. I can create a lobby and people join my rooms just fine though. It's kind of irritating.

That's exactly the same thing on my end. I feel bad, though, because the guys I was facing in Ranked kept popping up again and again. Spent a good part messaging them saying I wasn't targeting them for points. ;)
For me if I had to average it out on the whole, I wait about 30 to 40s for a ranked match.

Makes me hate that fucking song, but not quite long enough to be annoying in the wait itself.


Well-Known Member
For me if I had to average it out on the whole, I wait about 30 to 40s for a ranked match.

Makes me hate that fucking song, but not quite long enough to be annoying in the wait itself.
I personally like the song, but hearing it while I'm on a freakishly terrible streak of lobby/rank connection fails makes me want to Dragon Kick the support beams of my house and send the entire thing crashing down on my TV.