Smash 4 Call To Arms Article


Well-Known Member
This is a great article, that many people of this community I feel should take a read and see if we can implement something like this, or similar to this with our own community in order to make it grow.

  1. Smash 4 players - this is a call to arms. It is mandatory that you read this if you have any sort of stake in its competitive future.
  2. We need to get our act together.
  3. Too many days have gone by on which our counterparts in Melee have seen a meteoric rise to the forefront of eSports, but the Smash 4 community has lagged behind. How is it possible that a 13.5 year old game is accelerating at a faster pace than a brand new one--one with developer support and exposure on national television commercials?
  4. The answer is simple and two-fold, and no, it’s not because “Melee is just a better game.” First and foremost, the Melee community has been so successful recently because they have structure and leadership, two things that Smash 4 desperately lacks. The centralized entity of MeleeItOnMe alone is a huge step in the right direction. Whenever anything transpires in their community or metagame, you can find out about it from one singular source.
  5. The owners and operators of MIOM are recognized as leaders, movers, and shakers within the scene, and people look to them for guidance. They plan events, streams, podcasts, rankings, articles, and basically every sort of content you can imagine. Their staff features the best, brightest, and hardest-working in the community.
  6. Secondly, they have an insane amount of drive and work ethic. A project like MIOM is not possible without the collaboration of countless content producers. Not only does it depend on the input of community members, but it also rewards their efforts by granting contributors the prestige and exposure of having something hosted on the community’s primary news outlet. In short, they’re putting in more work than us, and they have an optimized structure for conveying that work to the masses

You can read the rest of the article here, if you so choose to do so. Definitely a good read. ^^