Sources for DOA Podcast


New Member
I found the iTunes link for the FSD podcast but it's a bit outdated. Are there other podcasts out there by veteran DOA players with strategy/tips on improving at DOA5?


Well-Known Member
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I didn't really want to continue doing a show about a game I don't want to play... Rikuto and Mr. Wah insulting me didn't help either but I thought they were going to take it over. They even had a Team Ninja member lined up to be a guest. Maybe we could do an impromptu show tonight since I'm kind of bored... Any specific items you would like talked about?


I didn't really want to continue doing a show about a game I don't want to play... Rikuto and Mr. Wah insulting me didn't help either but I thought they were going to take it over. They even had a Team Ninja member lined up to be a guest. Maybe we could do an impromptu show tonight since I'm kind of bored... Any specific items you would like talked about?

Grap3 you were the only one tossing out non-stop insults and it's the the primary reason things stopped with the podcast. I know it, you know it, Team Ninja knows it, everyone with a twitter account knows it.

What you're feeling in regards to Mr. Wah and myself is not the negativity left from an insult. It's the guilt of knowing we called you out on what you were doing, and its the frustration of knowing you still can't accept it's actually your fault.


New Member
Okay. Wow.

Didn't realize that this side of things was going on and wasn't trying to rile things up.

That said, if anyone out there is doing a podcast which features general techniques not immediately apparent to beginning players and maybe some character specific work (I'm a fan of Christie myself) I'd love to hear about it.


Well-Known Member
Okay. Wow.

Didn't realize that this side of things was going on and wasn't trying to rile things up.

That said, if anyone out there is doing a podcast which features general techniques not immediately apparent to beginning players and maybe some character specific work (I'm a fan of Christie myself) I'd love to hear about it.



Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Grape, dude. Just chill, man. That wasn't even an issue that needs going back to. Just forgive and forget.

I've been looking into doing vidcasts in the future, using Skype and xsplit.

Any chance of seeing an episode soon? I'm not a big fan of those, but it may turn out alright.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Would take more planning than a podcast for sure, but would allow discussion of videos and such.


New Member
@ ExiLedSplaT: Really appreciate it. Do you anticipate more DOA5 centric episodes as more is discovered in the game?

Well someone on the podcast just got it and its his first DOA so we might discuss it more but I doubt it will be very in depth. However if enough people are interested we could do a separate all DOA podcast. Probably wouldn't be a weekly podcast but maybe one or two episodes a month.


Well-Known Member
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Grap3 you were the only one tossing out non-stop insults and it's the the primary reason things stopped with the podcast. I know it, you know it, Team Ninja knows it, everyone with a twitter account knows it.
This couldn't be further from the truth.

What you're feeling in regards to Mr. Wah and myself is not the negativity left from an insult.
It is from an insult actually. This one specifically:


It's the guilt of knowing we called you out on what you were doing, and its the frustration of knowing you still can't accept it's actually your fault.
What did you "call me out on" exactly? I know I was giving Team Ninja a hard time on Twitter, deservedly so. DOA5 turned out terrible, granted, slightly better than 4 but still a far cry from what it should have been especially with people like you and Wah giving gameplay "suggestions" basically explaining point-for-point how to fix the game. Team Ninja ignored most of those items and deserves the grief.

Grape, dude. Just chill, man. That wasn't even an issue that needs going back to. Just forgive and forget.
Chill? I'm not upset. I just explained what happened is all and I was willing to do a show again. I don't know how much more "chill" I can get than that. =P


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I do like to be in one episode just so I can finish my sperging regarding how DOA games render their scenes and how the AI works.

Chill? I'm not upset. I just explained what happened is all and I was willing to do a show again. I don't know how much more "chill" I can get than that. =P

Dude, you're obviously pissed at Rick. You don't have to pretend. Also, who gives a flying fuck if he said same shit? People always talk shit, dude. That's just how they are. I turned up on the podcast piss drunk and 90% of what I said was just shit spewing out my mouth.

What I'm trying to say is that you should just forget it.


Asking you to control yourself was not an insult, it was a serious request because you have shown almost zero capacity for doing so. We've been attempting to build bridges but you're only interested in burning them grap3, and you aren't even aware of when you're doing it. We tell you flatout when you're doing it and you pretend you aren't doing it and that you're justified in everything you say, even though you don't understand half of what it is you're saying. It's just nonstop hate filled ignorance.

Top it all off with the fact you continually throw out negative blanket statements about a game you don't even understand how to play correctly (to this day), why would we ever let you host the podcast?

There is a time and a place to rip on something. Like the netcode, for example, can be ass. We communicated that it was unacceptable, and why it was important we get a better netcode for the longterm life of the game. It's getting a patch because of that fact. Your solution would have been to get on twitter and start telling Shimbori he was a bad developer with a shitty attitude and that he should never have released the game. And yes, this kind of response has been your solution several times in the past.

Guess what, Grap3? Your attitude didn't help anything in any situation you brought it to. The Japanese didn't appreciate your attitude, just like I kept telling you they wouldn't, so they didn't take that feedback. Top it all off, the players over here didn't appreciate it either because you were saying a lot of negative bullshit that was 100% out of ignorance with nothing to back up your arguments.

We even asked you the problems you had with the game, and you couldn't even remember any of them. Just that you "had problems" with the game. We didn't let that slide, and after an HOUR of dragging your "problems" with the game out into the open, we refuted every last one of them and told you how you could get around them. You basically just ignored what we were telling you and went right back onto repeating the same stuff over and over again, because if you can't be negative about something there is nothing worth saying.

And that, at the end of the day, is why you aren't hosting podcasts anymore. You can't help but be negative about everything, whether its justified or not. People are not coming here to hear about why Grap3fruitman hates a game he doesn't know how to play (or care to learn), and why Shimbori is a bad developer because of it.