Strongest man in the DOA community?

Dr Sexual

Anybody here lift or workout at all these days? I remember a few years back before I joined the military at tournaments and stuff I would joke around about getting into working out and one day looking like Jann Lee lmao. I'd say Im kinda close now I guess but not quite. Somewhere along the line I got more into strength training/powerlifting as opposed to the bodybuilding type training that someone really wanting to look like Jann Lee would need to do. So I guess now im chasing more of a Bayman physique.

Anyway, I was just wondering what everybody here does to keep fit and if there was anybody out there with impressive numbers. Im also willing to answer questions if you're thinking about adding Strength training to your DOA training routines as well haha

Oh also, does anybody know who is canonically the physically strongest character in DOA? Its Bayman right? Or is it Bass? As a part of the mental preparation for my first competition upcoming in 2013 from now on I will only use the physically strongest character in any game I play or if its an RPG I'll max out Str before any other attribute lmao

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
I used to do weight lifting and such. Been a while though and I'm trying to get back into it.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I believe canonically it's either Bass or Leon. Not sure about Leon since his goal was to prove he was the strongest man that his wife claimed, just saying that if it wasn't Bass then Leon would be a good candidate.


Active Member
Following DOA5 story, Jann Lee wins the tournament, so he'sthe strongest. Although he does mention there's someone else...

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Following DOA5 story, Jann Lee wins the tournament, so he'sthe strongest. Although he does mention there's someone else...

He mentions that someone else because he lost to Rig before the tournament outside the bar.

Also, winning the tournament is stating the one who has a better martial arts. It has nothing to do with one's direct physical strength.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
For cryin' out loud people, it's friggin' Bass.

The dude is made of Bassinium, the strongest energy on the friggin' planet. So when he says he's too dad-gummed strong, he actually friggin' means it. God help us all if he has Treble for an assist character... all the blenders in the world wouldn't contain him.


Active Member
I lift weights as a hobby. It's good for both body and soul.

Obviously bass is the strongest character, although even Kasumi (!) can use her powerful hips to launch an opponent 20 feet into the air. Pretty strong.


Active Member
Yeah the girls in this game have amazingly strong legs ;)
I think Bass is the strongest.. Look at that jump throw he does xD

I dont work out at all, so I'm more like a size -1..
Model size some would say :D