Summer Jam 6: The Experience

Prominent community member and hype man Gill Hustle has posted up a thread with a relatively thorough write-up on the entire experience of DoA5 at Summer Jam 6. It's great to see how our community reacts to events and the posts serve to show people who couldn't make it exactly why they should try to make the next one. I've excerpted a few standout passages below. Seriously guys, get involved as soon as you can.

As we went outside to enjoy a smoke break. We began to wonder what happened to Rikuto and CyberEvil. Lopedo pulled out his cell and as we suspected they were playing DOA5 in a "private room" :eek:

So of course we crashed the party!

Inside Mr. Wah was demonstrating Bass against Cyber's Hayabusa in a level that reminded me of the Ninja Hideout from DOA4 due to being in such an small area. Note: Bass is Very Scary.

Afterwards Rikuto took the controls and began bodying us with a lot of new Bayman Tech!

Next king on the totem pole was Lopedo taking names with Jann Lee. Afterwards more players " heard " where DOA5 was a made their way into the rotation. Surprisingly was one I chatted with in the lobby earlier by the name of "WolfKrone" yeah him.

Other players of notable mention were Blackburry, Demon, Low Sweep, Shakugan, Allan Paris, Chosen1, EMP Rabies, Smithy, Virtua Pai, and Dr. Teeth returned to join in on the fun.


All in all the matches were as you probably know a high point for DOA5. Meeting the group of individuals I knew only through text on a computer screen and online video is something I will cherish forever. And something I think a lot of you who have been reading should if you've been hesitant to try before, I highly recommend you do after DOA5 comes out.


There is a ton more in the original thread (pictures included), so click here to head over and get your read on!
There are a bunch of match videos on Jaxel's YouTube channel. Search 'DoA5 Summer Jam' and you'll find a ton.