Team Ninja Twitter


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Shimbori just blew up Twitter. I have no idea what it says but for the sake of archiving here it is:

@TeamNinjaStudio via Twitter said:


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Actually, the Google Translate version is fairly readable:

Update the official site. I uploaded the video of "tag"!

Tag of DOA5 has become aware of the PvP game. Therefore, rather than the specification, such as DOAD, has become close to that specification for up to DOA4.

Has introduced a "tag power blow" as the main additional elements. This is referred to as "work together to invoke the power of the blow ahead of time less than half, and alternation in power blow to the operation of two physical strength."

Tag power blow, in order to change before blowing up in the human eye power of a blow, but it also reduces the damage from a power blow hit two shots, one large chance that the damage is possible.

When you activate power blow once per character, not to be used in that round, so, when should I use is up to the player's decision. Even though the situation is so rare to fire, and there will ... Tsuitsui want to use and, ultimately, "tag combo" connect will become the source of most damage hitting yourself. If the player's fancy spear, so put the tag combo than expected, we look forward to over there.

The victory also increased production, such as throw and tag also appeared. Combination, but this time I had did not show only a little, and not funny and we have added as much as possible. Is a busy situation, I will do my best until the last minute!

Later in the video tag, was published, Masukuman mysterious has appeared.

It may make people think a rose because I found it immediately if found DOA fan, wearing a new costume is "La Mariposa".

From my mouth I can not tell the identity, in the mask are hidden face of a beautiful woman.

Masukuman is a large body of people, is the new face of "Mr. Strong" again. He has something to hide have a reason to know that identity.

Of identity. Mr Strong has not yet been revealed. That he was shrouded in mystery, the day will come which will become apparent. "You would ○ ○" Please do not say so or.

I think it Let 's talk from, it came out a little screen shot, we have also enhanced training mode.

I myself, just because human beings play online matches and training, while also annoy programmers (but not all) want to put what has been put away roughly.

Or "recording operation" or was aware of the online simulation capabilities of the "pseudo-communication speed", was conscious of PvP Operations "player of the enemy."

Was to ensure that maintain a "critical speed" hold "recovery speed stagger" "passive" In order to investigate the combo and then confirm. Because the effective use in my own work adjustment, this element should be happy.

Find combo in development is very interesting, and much of my privilege to entertain as the developer. And do this work, I'll put away is not everyone addicted. (Fix is ​​found when the combo is very dangerous butterfly)

Two things to note here: he does confirm that you can change the recovery of the CPU during stuns in the training mode and he says if he finds a really good he "fixes it.."

The first part I like but the second item is very disappointing. Nerfing something is not "fixing" it and it's really disappointing to hear that kind of attitude coming from Shimbori.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
OK all this is very positive.
So they added alot more tag throws and tag win poses .. which is epic

It funny how he's like I can't say the names of the people under the masks .. lol ....

On a side note,
The record option in training mode (add to that the frame data option already there...) those two options alone will be a huge help for training. Also they will be a great help for Recording videos (without needing a friend on the other side ) lol.

I think this is all great news!


Two things to note here: he does confirm that you can change the recovery of the CPU during stuns in the training mode and he says if he finds a really good he "fixes it.."

The first part I like but the second item is very disappointing. Nerfing something is not "fixing" it and it's really disappointing to hear that kind of attitude coming from Shimbori.

1. Wait for a better translation before you Jump! to conclusions.

2. Here's a wild thought. How about you don't tell the director of the game we play, who also sympathizes with us greatly that he has a shitty attitude? There are better venues of communication then simply trying your hardest to piss someone off.


Yes, you're sincerely trying to piss people off. You do, and you know you do. You're doing it under the guise of saying something beneficial, but you're still mostly just doing it to piss people off.

And even if that was not the desired effect, it's what you are doing. So stop.


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I'm pretty sure you read my tweet in the wrong tone. I wasn't trying to piss anyone off under the guise of anything. You've expressed the same exact concern I have but yet now I'm this bad guy for tweeting it. What?


Well-Known Member
grap3, you're the epitome of a negative nancy. There's criticism, constructive critisicm, and then there's shit my 6 year old sister does when she can't get a happy meal.


grap3, you're the epitome of a negative nancy. There's criticism, constructive critisicm, and then there's shit my 6 year old sister does when she can't get a happy meal.

I'd actually like to hear more about this.


We've really tried to design Tag Mode gameplay more for playing against other people. So it's closer to DOA4 than DOAD.

Haven't played DOAD, so I don't know what that really implies...But the acronym DOA4 raises hair behind my back...

You switch characters before the first character lands the Power Blow, so it does less damage than two separate Power Blows.

:( (for Artistic direction purposes...)

The characters also have more tag throws as well as tag entrance and victory animations.


The other masked wrestler is Mr. Strong! And there's a reason he's keeping his identity a secret.

Probably an attempt to make Tina jealous...

Stuff like a network speed simulator to train for online fights

Pre-excuse for poor netcode? lol

Matt Ponton

Staff member
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I really wish I knew who Mr. Strong was! He's so secretive. I mean it can't be Bass, as Bass is a much more heavier guy than Mr. Strong. Plus, Bass' last name is "Armstrong" not "Strong" so it can't possibly be him!

Haven't played DOAD, so I don't know what that really implies...But the acronym DOA4 raises hair behind my back...

I think he's talking about the removal of 2v1 and not being able to tag out hold. In DOAD you could tag out while you were in stun to perform a hold.

Dr. Teeth

Active Member
Standard Donor
I really wish I knew who Mr. Strong was! He's so secretive. I mean it can't be Bass, as Bass is a much more heavier guy than Mr. Strong. Plus, Bass' last name is "Armstrong" not "Strong" so it can't possibly be him!.

It's like that whole "Hulk Hogan definitely isn't Mr. America" storyline from years ago.


Active Member
I really wish I knew who Mr. Strong was! He's so secretive. I mean it can't be Bass, as Bass is a much more heavier guy than Mr. Strong. Plus, Bass' last name is "Armstrong" not "Strong" so it can't possibly be him!

I think he's talking about the removal of 2v1 and not being able to tag out hold. In DOAD you could tag out while you were in stun to perform a hold.
i bet that mechanic sucked


I really wish I knew who Mr. Strong was! He's so secretive. I mean it can't be Bass, as Bass is a much more heavier guy than Mr. Strong. Plus, Bass' last name is "Armstrong" not "Strong" so it can't possibly be him!


You never know...It could be Bass' rival: Mila, the Bearded Hermaphrodite!

*gag reflex*


Active Member

Wario-Man came to mind. But Bass clearly wears the superior visible underpants version.