Team Ninja Twitter


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You know, by the early 2000s, DOA3 was probably the only fighting game I knew that didn't show hit levels. I thought that was very very silly and unhelpful.


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DEAD OR LIVE 5 αバージョン体験版では、DOA Dimensionsのスキルインフォにも対応してます。フレームや属性確認に使ってください! You can see MOVE Details anytime in DOA5.


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Seems like perhaps Hitomi hit a half wall then. Then again, that would say 10 damage with a 50% revision, wouldn't it?

Matt Ponton

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no, it would be 5 damage with 100% as it was a half wall. It would be 10 on a full wall, and 20 with dangerzone.

Honestly looks like Busa was attacked as he's motion blurred for coming out of a stun.


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そういえば…ガマガエルはCGスタッフが途中までモデリングしてくれてた気がする…。今後なにか使えるものが思いついたら使いましょう!DEAD OR ALIVE 5で使う?

Unshaken Faith

New Member
これはーだいたいウケるんじゃないかな^^冒頭がスゴイもんね(゚∀゚ )DOA5新トレーラー観たいw
Just stumbled on this while browsing the main page's twitter feed. Not sure but the poster[@homimakku] seems to say that there will be a new DOA5 trailer monday.

A proper translation will be appreciated, don't wanna get my hopes up.


I just somebody who is saying it's look like very promising. And he wants see a new trailer of doa5.
Well, who knows, may be there will a new trailer. But I don't think so :(


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DEAD OR ALIVE 5 の体験版はαバージョンと銘打っていますが、かなり細かくバランス調整しました。新しい「やられ」や「技」も入っています。

また折角、発売前に触ってもらうので、なにかしら皆さんの意見を貰えるような仕掛けを考えています。 決まったら連絡しますね。

私のツイートのうち、タイトルの仕様などに関わるものは「お気に入り」にしてみました。 最近、フォローしていただいた方はそちらをみていただくといいかと。 ちなみに同時に開発中ですので、内容に関して変更の可能性がある点はご了承下さい。

Several tweets in a row, all seem to about DOA5. I'm butchering the tweets but I am trying my best considering I don't speak any Japanese outside of a few phrases.

"The Dead or Alive 5 trial, an alpha build, has a nice balance. It also contains a lot of new tricks and ways to beat your opponent.

It's very difficult, so we'll be in touch before release and I think it's best to get your opinions also. We'll contact you once we determine who.

I have 'my favorites' from my tweets as who should be involved in the game. Recently, who would be good and which of you to follow. At the same time, the game is still in development and content can change."

Despite my horrible translation, it looks like Team Ninja is seriously considering people for getting their input on DOA5. This is great news! Unless, of course, they send Master again. Then we're doomed.

Relius Starkiller

Active Member
I'm going to start pestering Team Ninja to keep the online mode the way it is. (I.e All matches are ranked)

I think it would be a huge mistake to take the game down the same online path as every other fighter.


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I don't know about that. The online mode could definitely use some improvement. I really like Soul Calibur 5's method of ranking where you get points whether or not you win, you just get significantly more if for winning and they aren't taken away from you for losing. DOA's method seems kind of harsh and discouraging towards newer players. I think giving players even something for losing and telling them they can get more for doing better is much more of an incentive to play than just punishing people right out the gate. This really isn't the thread for that discussion however.

Relius Starkiller

Active Member
Not a bad i idea, but I'd rather not have a bunch of hohum players whos volume of play artificially inflates their letter grade.
God knows we have enough C- players who glitched to SS and ended up rubber stamping an S on a lot of subpar players.
Anyway, I'll just create a thread to discuss this issue because I really don't thinks its one thats touched upon enough.

Arnell Long

Active Member
Like you stated grap3, I think the players should be giving an "Option" on which event to tackle online. I myself is a "legit" SS on one Account that isn't functional anymore and a S on my recent one, but 80% of the time I rather play "Non-ranked" matches, definitely with friends. Relius, games have evolved, us as players should be giving a choice, not forced into something such as Ranked. I know not one "right minded" player who would prefer only "Ranked" when they visit a online match.


I don't know about that. The online mode could definitely use some improvement. I really like Soul Calibur 5's method of ranking where you get points whether or not you win, you just get significantly more if for winning and they aren't taken away from you for losing. DOA's method seems kind of harsh and discouraging towards newer players. I think giving players even something for losing and telling them they can get more for doing better is much more of an incentive to play than just punishing people right out the gate. This really isn't the thread for that discussion however.

The points given to you in soul calibur are not used for ranking though, just unlocking content.

All matches done online, even casual ones, are kept on record. There is no difference.