Team NINJA wants tweets for patch suggestions

I'm sure all of you have heard by now, but some may not.

Yohei Shimbori recently tweeted that the team is looking to the fanbase to see what they would like to have patched in Dead or Alive 5. The following is the official translation tweets from Ninja Gaijin.

[D-YS] As I mentioned last week, I'd like to explain the direction for balancing things moving forward. Please keep in mind that we're still considering what exactly to update, but this should give you an idea how we're thinking.

Direction 1: As a rule, we are not going to do anything that makes all of your practice up to now pointless.We will only tweak things we feel are absolutely necessary.

Direction 2: We will balance aspects we feel are not fair. Moves that are way too strong or which have strange motion, etc. Bug fixes are included in this consideration.

Direction 3: We will not change the concept and importance of keeping each character's individuality. Rather than kill personality to make everyone the same, we'll strengthen the weak characters to make a fair fight.

Direction 4: I will tweet questions about certain aspects to get your feedback.

We will consider your responses carefully when we make our final decisions. Please use the hashtag #DOA5_balance so we can keep track easily. So that's it! This will apply to all territories around the world, so we need to be really careful how we proceed. Also, the content and timing of the update is still being considered. We will let you know when those are set. I know a lot of people will want to deal with online issues first, so I'll touch on that a little here. We will deal with bugs as soon as we find the cause, and we definitely want to improve the overall experience. Different staff members handle bugs and balance, so we can deal with both aspects at the same time. If you don't agree with someone's opinion, talk about it! Discuss things (fight?) amongst yourselves! Use whatever language your feel comfortable in. Japanese, English, whatever! Get ready...FIGHT! (or tweet or...).

So that there is no misunderstanding, please write the reason of your suggestion about balancing (not bugs).
fix the matchmaking, especially throwdowns. 90% of the throwdowns fail after I hit select and sometimes it takes the entirety of the song in the matchmaking menu to get me a ranked match.

This is basically the most important thing.
i believe that the juggle window in doa 5 should be balanced more. In tag mode certain characters like Ryu ad Eliot can do one punch after a launcher over and over again AND still get off a descent combo and take up a good amount of damage while other characters windows are not even that big for juggles. I Like DOA 4 window, cause it was big but it was also more fair to me plus it made you be creative on your juggles. i m just saying take a look at that.