That Music...(Finish Sentence Here) Thread


Since there is an interesting group of people here i looked for a music thread...I didn't see any on the front page. Which is interesting cause when i see as much head phones in a crowded tournament room as was seen at Final Round. It makes me wonder what y'all are listening to...

Before you get carried away there are some Basic Ground Rules...why you ask...So the thread wont be locked day one by Good Organic or CORN|New York.
  • This thread is for the exploration of music...and Not to prove that Lil Wayne is the best MC or Slipknot is the best metal band (if you think its shit, say nothing unless you got a decent critique)
  • Try to find some stuff we wont usually run into everyday (OMG Base God..No.)
  • No obscene shit...(i.e. no one wants to hear your 1980's tape of your Grandfathers asshole neighbor who lived in the ass end of Stone Mountain rambling on about the "good old days" or as bad worse than Rebbecca Black...substance plz)
Other than that go sets...records new and old... hell, post your friends record or mix tape if you think its hot

Song of my day...I've went to my friends the other week and listened to some Jimi 45's from back in the day...So yea since then I have been banging out to some old stuff on Spotify. Here's some Hendrix for no reason other i cant really think of anything new at the moment. More posts hopefully soon...



Active Member
I've been listening to Funkadelic's Maggot brain (the record and the song). The guitar solo by Hazel is the most Hendrix-like I've heard from anyone who wasn't Hendrix.


Do VGM composers count?
Yea...If thats what your buzzin about at the moment...So go head and start posting. Just mind the content and double posting..
I've been listening to Funkadelic's Maggot brain (the record and the song). The guitar solo by Hazel is the most Hendrix-like I've heard from anyone who wasn't Hendrix.
Sounds a link???
PS: Consider it starred in my Spotify

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Anything from Arjen Anthony Lucassen is god tier. His main work would be that of the Ayreon project. His Ayreon works are progressive rock/progressive metal rock opera concept albums, seven in total, which are all linked together in a collective story about an alien race that creates and watches over mankind until we eventually destroy ourselves in the year 2085. It's all pretty amazing. The second album is not part of the story though, but is instead just a random one-off album of irrelevant prog rock tracks.

His other works include his two Star One albums. The first one being a collection of metal and space rock songs he wrote based off of various space-themed sci-fi movies, tv series, novels, and other media. Some examples being Alien, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dune, and Blake's 7. The second one consists of metal songs based on dystopian and post-apocalyptic stories, such as Planet of the Apes, Nineteen Eighty-Four, The Road, and The Matrix.

He's also done one album as part of his Guilt Machine project. It was a prog rock/prog metal album which focused on depression for its theme.

He rearranged several of his Ayreon songs as new ambient recordings for another side project called Ambeon.

And just last year he released an album titled Lost in the New Real that is separate from any of his various projects. It's a prog rock album about a man who was cyrogenically frozen and then reawakened sometime in the distant future. It tells the story of how he tries to adjust to how amazingly different the world is in this "new real" and provides some interesting insights into our future, such as extended life, the blending of all music genres, Big Brother, and the need for a permit to have children.

He and Marcela Bovio started the symphonic metal band Stream of Passion. The band has done three albums so far, though Lucassen left after the first one.

I just started listening to Mr. Lucassen's stuff last year and I'm hooked on it. If I had to pick, I'd say that my favorite album of his is 01011001 from Ayreon. The guy's a genius and I can't wait for the new Ayreon album; The Theory of Everything to come out later this year.

Here are a few samples:



Ok...(this thing is dead) Lets update this:cool:

so there are some interesting albums of some of my favorite artists. The first of which is that i am seriously hyped for is the new Queens Of the Stone Age album, Like Clockwork which is out June 4th... and if you never heard their sound here is a sample.

On a lesser note (or i just wanna down play it) Daft Punk is preparing to electronically seduce your ears again on the 20th. (or now if your down with that "life")

and i have been listening to some a lot of rap lately and found some old favorites

- Big Boi actually came to a campus close to me for a festival the day of NCR...So yea thanks community for fucking me out of a sick show(and possibly getting laid). but hey here is some of the stuff i was banging in the iPod on the way down (which i didn't charge tournament time...doe!)

-Also if you into just straight ignorant drug rap, Danny Brown has a pretty off axis take on it then from what your used to as well as crazy word play.

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Im about to put my arm around FSD and help your musical tastes mature.

Power of Zues - Couldn't be me

Jimi Hendrix - Sunshine of your love

Pete Rock/Cl Smooth - I got a love

Naughty By Nature - Feel me Flow

Mary J - A Dream (Trust me, load this onto your chicks playlist and then walk away. . .smash.)

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Oh and for anyone who ever really wanted to know the name Julius Rage is a combination of my middle name and my favorite thing on this planet - Streets of Rage. I can't go a day without humming a SOR tune and before youtube thats all I really had but now. . .jesus, I can fill hours listening to original tracks and remixes.

Heres a few of my favorites.

Snoop ft. Pharell - Drop it like its hot Remix

Ludacris Ft Dre, Pac and Fokuz - Back to industry

Slow Moon - Streets of Rage V5 Remix

And, I saved the best for last.

Tupac - Letter to my unborn/Loyal to the game