The current state of DOA


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as usual I've been hopping from forum to forum of various fighters and I've noticed something interesting. Back a few years back if DOA was brought up in conversation it was rarely for a good reason and was often the subject of ridicule for its emphasis on fan service.

TN really didn't really help much purposely advertising it as such and occasionally remembering it was a fighting game. even when DOA5 they supposedly seemed to backpeddle from their earlier statements of focusing on the fighting aspect with all the bikini DLC and gravure videos. The inclusion of the Loli and gender bend of an old fan character seemed like that was going to be it and DOA was just doomed to drown in tits.

Flash forward to now and it's stronger than ever and people proudly admit to play it as a fighter ...wait what? "But the tits, and the perversion, and the fanservice" yes those are all still there, but have you noticed what has been plastered all over DOAs Facebook? Matches, tournament announcements, player map updates, etc... no longer can you mistake this game for softcore porn instead you see it for what it is a compeditive fighting game...with the option to perverted as fuck lol

We can't blame the lack of popularity on TN anymore they're doing their part. could they be doing better? Yes I would love to get some patch notes and for the old gen to get stages from last round,every game has their issues but perversion isnt one of ours anymore.


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DOA5 has really pushed the series forward in terms of getting attention. Team Ninja has been very proactive within the community, which is what all developers need to take note of. Sure, people will still try to dismiss DOA due to fan service, but all fighters have fan service. We play DOA because we love the fighting aspect. The fan service is just extra.


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> People still thinking Marie Rose was a bad idea

Man I hate this community.
She wasn't a bad idea.

I just preferred that she came with a ball gag accessory, much like I preferred Zinnia Su to reprise her role as Leifang, or Piccolo to reprise his role as Jann Lee.

But as the old saying goes, it's no use crying over spilled aphrodisiacs.


Well-Known Member
Oh! Reading this actually makes me feel much better.
I hope all my preoccupations are just me being mistaken or misinformed, then!:eek:

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
LR will be the determining factor of how successful the game can really be as a current gen port is the best way for it to get as much exposure as possible. If you look online at Gamestop for current PS4 fighters you can buy right now you will see: GG Xrd, Injustice, and EA Sports UFC. That's it... The preorders as of right now include DOA5LR and MKX. MKX's release date is 4/14, almost 2 months after LR's release date which is 2/17. And who knows when T7 will finally hit consoles. So this is TN's window of opportunity and I'm glad they're taking the chance.


Well-Known Member
> People still don't believe you can look like Marie Rose and be 18, or even older

My point still stands.

It's true and not only for asians: a colleague of my university course - even her with a small height - appeared as a 23/24 years old and actuall was 34 or 38 years old (I can't more remember well). No one could believe to it and she had 2 children too.


Well-Known Member
> People still don't believe you can look like Marie Rose and be 18, or even older

My point still stands.
those people don't still have the babyface of a toddler. If she was just petite it wouldn't be an issue, but she literally has babyface, so (especially in her c2) its just creepy as hell.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Her C2/recolor isn't that bad (have you seen the swimsuits parents let their 10 year olds wear?). Overall TN has handled the character fairly well in terms of outfits and I don't think we'll have to worry about seeing a venus swimsuit for her any time soon.


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Is Marie Rose's design still an issue with people? Look, she's 18. Deal with it. I'd take her design over Lucky Chloe any day. At least with Marie Rose, she's adorable and her costumes aren't as revealing as the other girls. Team Ninja has done a great job with keeping her cute, adorable side to the forefront.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Is Marie Rose's design still an issue with people? Look, she's 18. Deal with it. I'd take her design over Lucky Chloe any day. At least with Marie Rose, she's adorable and her costumes aren't as revealing as the other girls. Team Ninja has done a great job with keeping her cute, adorable side to the forefront.

I'm going to avoid the "she's 18" argument and just say she was based off of a 10 year old girl, Ekaterina Kurae from an anime called Seikon no Qwaser. They have identical heights, weights, body types, appearances, and have very similar outfits. Hell their Japanese VA's even worked together in Lucky Star.



Well-Known Member
I'm going to avoid the "she's 18" argument and just say she was based off of a 10 year old girl, Ekaterina Kurae from an anime called Seikon no Qwaser. They have identical heights, weights, body types, appearances, and have very similar outfits. Hell their Japanese VA's even worked together in Lucky Star.

Oh god... isn't Ekaterina Swedish too if I'm not mistaken?
Also, Seikon no Qwaser is as creepy as hell lol
Edit: Nope, she's Russian... WELL CLOSE ENOOOOOOOOUGH
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