The DOA5 Ultimate Mila Wishlist


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
What do you want to see changed with Mila's gameplay, costumes, quotes, character interactions, etc.?

I would like to see her SS Takedown with a much smaller startup frame rate and a removal of the crouch at the end of the recovery. Adding 9 frames was WAY too much, maybe adding 3 or 4 would be okay but 9 is way too much and with her crouching at the end of the throw it leaves her in a very open position. I have almost completely stopped using it simply because it is too damn easy to counter now.
Maybe increased range (0.25 meters to .5 meters).
Also make it function more like an offensive Hold as it is supposed to be rather than have it operate like a Special Hold. As it is it is very easy to knock Mila out of her SST with a mid or low strike.
This would be asking way too much but also make it hit people low striking and low Holding. Act normally against Low Blocking.

More punches that lead into Takedown. She already has a good number of attacks that do that except all but one are kicks. I would like to see at least two more punches that can lead into Takedown.

More Tag Throws (discussed in another thread).

A character interaction when facing against Bass or Tina or other characters (like Ayane's opening and closing against Hayabusa and Hayate or Bayman talking to Leon in previous games).

:6::P:, :6::6::P:, :K:, :P::+::K:, :P::P::K:, :1::P:, SS:P:, :9::P:, :7::P:, :3::P::P:, and :4::K: nerfs reverted. These moves were unnecessarily nerfed. The only one that was slightly justifiable was the :4::K: just because you could really easily loop Takedown.
If any to be reverted, :P+K: and :K::P: are a must because seemingly everybody else in the cast gets very accessible SDS on critical except Mila who is currently limited to :3::P::P: on critical.

No knockback on :3::P::P: in any form. Currently she is really screwed with her lack of SDS near walls.

:6::H+P: to have a bigger advantage. Being only able to :K: out of it makes that throw very dull despite the free damage.
If no more advantage then a bigger window of stun on :K: so that you have to SE to hold the followup :P:

Make her Takedown Feint Attacks safer on Guard (maybe 2-3 frames fewer each).
Having her string finishers 1 to 3 frames safer on block would be nice too but that would be stretching it a bit with some of her strings.

More throws and changed into a Grappler. Right now she doesn't have a lot of throws (probably because of all her Takedown variants) but I would like more command and combo throws.
Edit: Fix "Wall Power Slam" so it can actually be used near any wall. Near useless as it stands (see the Notes of Interest in the Frame Data thread).

A stance similar to traditional boxing stances. Her neutral animation (standing still doing nothing) looks similar to what it looks like but actually having a stance that you can use similarly to a Hold that leads into a quick combo throw (best example of this that is currently in the game are hit-throws) with multiple options seems to be something she is really missing.
Ex. Stance :6: Block/Hold hit :6: Quick "Combo Throw" :6: Command Input/No Input :6: Result.

Costumes I would like to see are some more MMA style outfits with MMA gloves instead of boxing gloves, the two costumes she currently has are her Red and Orange Training outfits. MMA gloves look like the ones in her Bass DLC but aren't knuckle-less and have more padding on the knuckles.
More costumes that show her tomboyish attitude (Outfit 2).
And for kicks one in which her hair isn't dyed.
Edit: And a Brad Burns style outfit.

Quotes. I think every character should have at least four openings and closings with extra based on character specific interactions. More tag in character names as well with her hopefully expanded number of tag throws. Also, make her voice louder. She is hard to hear when tagging in as she stands now.

Pretty much I want to see Mila closer to her power at launch. She was a good character and was considered top tier but I think that was (and still is) because people didn't know how to fight her due to how new she was to the series. Look at the recent NCR, Galen the Wise/Incognito did a great job playing as her but I think some of it was because of the general lack of fighting Mila experience (was also stated at some point by one of the shout casters). I personally have a hard time fighting against Mila, even level 1 AI, because I never face her online or offline and because of how differently she can be used. Patch 1.03 absolutely wrecked her (I call it the Mila Treatment) and she lost an enormous amount of potential and as she stands as of this post she really is a mid to low-mid tier character. With some of these changes I think she could potentially be a solid high-mid to high tier character, more or less make her a more tournament attractive character that could see more use in high level play.
She still has a lot of potential but right now her playstyle is "Very High Risk, High Reward."

What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
All I want is for them to make SST not suck ass again. And if she's not getting buffed they need to bump her up to middleweight

Aven Kujo-Gin

Well-Known Member
Since Leon is back they surely are going to change some aspects of her gameplay. I´m sure her move list will be extended too.


Well-Known Member
How do you figure that? They could just copy/paste Leon and I still wouldn't see any similarity. Mila's all about 4K mixup and SST... Well at least she was before 1.03. Not sure what people are doing now, I pretty much dropped her since the nerf


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Well, :3::3::P: got buffed to Super Launcher status.

AND SHE HAS A FLURRY PUNCH!! Comes out of her TD Feint.

New costume. New winning pose.

Takedown seems to have a faster startup if that Feint is anything to go by.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Saw your post just now in the 5U discussion.
Change stuff
Right now I would assume Mila will pretty much play the same if her SST turns out to be the same as it is now. It looks like her TD game is opening up a bit and getting better, not by much unless she also has a new TDFeint kick followup alongside that new punch.
Looks like that rapid punch still acts like her current TDF punches by crushing highs and possibly getting more damage off with a knockback. Would be cool if it also is added to her Mount Breaks (Hopefully opponent advantage is lessened on that).


Well-Known Member
Saw your post just now in the 5U discussion.

Right now I would assume Mila will pretty much play the same if her SST turns out to be the same as it is now. It looks like her TD game is opening up a bit and getting better, not by much unless she also has a new TDFeint kick followup alongside that new punch.
Looks like that rapid punch still acts like her current TDF punches by crushing highs and possibly getting more damage off with a knockback. Would be cool if it also is added to her Mount Breaks (Hopefully opponent advantage is lessened on that).

Would also be cool if she could tackle midair opponents to the ground for a literal Takedown. Yaknow, launch em, then leap at em into a takedown.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Mid-Air Takedown would be kind of stupid, primarily because you can just :P+K: at a high enough launch for the guaranteed ground throw into Mount (which is all that would happen anyway). Plus she doesn't really need an air throw.

Rumor is she lost her SST.


Well-Known Member
Mid-Air Takedown would be kind of stupid, primarily because you can just :P+K: at a high enough launch for the guaranteed ground throw into Mount (which is all that would happen anyway). Plus she doesn't really need an air throw.

Rumor is she lost her SST.

1) Saying she lost her SST is like saying Ayane lost her spinning or Helena lost her stance. It makes no sense. That's the cornerstone of the entire character.

2) But the a leaping takedown would look SO much cooler.

I love Mila, but I may be dropping her entirely if they do that. Between what i've seen in trailers and that rumor, seems like they are trying to take her away from MMA and into just being a regular kickboxer.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
SST isn't as much of a key move/signature as it used to be. Saying it is her cornerstone is wrong, it might be for the way you play her but it just isn't for Mila in general. It still has its uses but not like before 1.03 when you could just throw it out there and catch everybody and their mom off guard. It is still good but you can see it coming a mile away because of the enormous startup, it is way too easily beaten out by mids (despite the Offensive Hold properties), and as it stands is always begging to be punished because of how easy it is to beat it out.


Well-Known Member
SST isn't as much of a key move/signature as it used to be. Saying it is her cornerstone is wrong, it might be for the way you play her but it just isn't for Mila in general. It still has its uses but not like before 1.03 when you could just throw it out there and catch everybody and their mom off guard. It is still good but you can see it coming a mile away because of the enormous startup, it is way too easily beaten out by mids (despite the Offensive Hold properties), and as it stands is always begging to be punished because of how easy it is to beat it out.

It's not that the SST itself is the cornerstone, its the takedown that is (Most of her counters and grabs and strings going into it) so completely getting rid of the "standard" way of landing it is really odd.


Well-Known Member
Mila lost her SST in 1.03, TN removing it in 5U only sucks because they chose that instead of making it useful again. Anyway that's not the big news for Mila in 5U... She lost her + from mount break lmao

To make up for it, TN made it possible to enter tackle from new moves. Sure it's useless now, but isn't that neat? :p


Well-Known Member
Mila lost her SST in 1.03, TN removing it in 5U only sucks because they chose that instead of making it useful again. Anyway that's not the big news for Mila in 5U... She lost her + from mount break lmao

To make up for it, TN made it possible to enter tackle from new moves. Sure it's useless now, but isn't that neat? :p

I still constantly use the takedown, the patch didn't remove it, just made it not as OP lol. Its far from useless.

But flat out removing it, it is STUPID.

Like I said, it looks like they are trying to get rid of her being MMA and just make her a standard kickboxer.


Well-Known Member
You're forgetting that she has other guaranteed follow ups after 6F+P. On Bayman, Bass, Jann, and Rig she gets 8PP guaranteed. You can also use 8PPP but the third P is holdable. But it does stun on the last P. And nobody seems to know that so it's pretty handy. Not only that, if you have your opponent trapped against the wall, 8PP will still be guaranteed against anyone since they won't be pushed back. Although if you're at an angle, don't bother. Her 8PP will randomly whiff. This is just a F.Y.I. so nobody counts it out. On a side note, she also has a natural combo against opponents if they're blocking. 1H+K, PPP. As long as 1H+K makes contact on normal hit, the three other P's will eat through your opponents block. Make note, this is only a viable option if you bait out holds since 1H+K takes so long to make contact. It again has to be on normal hit or 1H+K will trip them. The third P again is holdable I believe. I just wanted to throw this knowledge out there. Maybe it'll turn some heads.


Well-Known Member
This was really a response to the 6F+P section from Zero's breakdown. Sorry if that confused anyone. I rarely go on the forums anymore.


Well-Known Member
Just want to correct something, earlier I said you can tackle from new moves in 5U but actually it's a new feint technique. I got no real details on the feint, seems like there's no followups but I'm hoping she gets advantage from it

Also it's been so long since I played Mila I hadn't even realized a couple of those feint cancel strings are new (7PP, PP4PP).

Finally, since she has 41236T now I'm hoping they sped up her grabs and improved damage to make her a true grappler, but nothing's confirmed.


Well-Known Member
So there is a lot of bad information coming out about Mila.
-11 after TD break with no follow ups.
6T != K

If it comes down to this, what tools does she really have any more to try keep pressure?
As such I'm hoping other people may be interested in a twitter campaign. Pretty much spamming TN to keep Mila viable. Perhaps once a day (or if you really want to crusade every 10 minutes) with a buff suggestion or fix for Mila. Use the same ones or whatever but personally I've been at this for a couple of days asking for information and pushing for things when I can (to no avail). For me if they ruin Mila with the other games that are out there... DOA5U has nothing.

Everyone may not feel the same but I'm sure you'd all like her to be a strong character. Time is short and the gold disk may even be headed out... but we can still try!

#DOA5U #SaveMila