The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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As much as I would love another DoAX (I really would), this is the very reason I don't want it. I really want the naysayers to shut the fuck up and realize there's more than boobs to Dead or Alive. A lot of people regretted thinking so already after trying it, one can only hope it gets better even.

Granted, if they removed the sexiness from the game entirely, I personally would feel it would be losing part of its identity.

(or something along these lines, I should be in bed)
This is exactly why DOA5U started to bring back the sex appeal factor. As stated numerous times in this thread, vanilla DOA5 was going to be the game in the series that was to tone down the sexiness of the female fighters. However, fans didn't like that and the FGC still saw DOA as just a game with boobs, so TN gave no fucks anymore. They started catering to the fans and are making hella bank from sexy DLC outfits, such as swimsuits. At the end of the day, people will find something to bash about the game, but the community will stand by the game. We're also very vocal, so make no mistake, TN is listening and has been receptive for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm not an expert tbh, but I feel that the growth is there... slow and steady but it's there.

Haters will be haters and that's all there is to it. If people aren't willing to give it a chance before judging, they shouldn't be missed either in the sense they probably aren't the kind of people that are helpful to the community anyway.


Well-Known Member

I'm tempted to make that last panel my avatar. It totally sums up my thoughts on bikini DLC.


Well-Known Member
Here's a grand idea, add fun mini games
make it like mario party or something
add the guys
make the tits look they're not possessed by satan

This is pretty much what I always wished DOAX was lol =\

DOAX2 was admittedly better in that aspect- the jet skiing though lacking in course variety reminded me of the old N64 wave race days hahaha.

Add the guys, tone down the boob physics, add more mini games into the mix and it could be an interesting variety game imo.


Well-Known Member
so the descount price on characters it's gonna be only when all come out in 6 months? i didn't understand that part, would't be better to make a season pass and give a descount right away, i mean a lot o people are gonna but them anyways why not make a season pass and give a discount price. (well TN discount price that would be probably like 5 dollars, maybe a little more).

Team Ninja said that just like the outfits are sold singularly and in a pack with a lower price (the half), the same will happen for the DLC characters: after the release of everyone singularly, on the market will be available a characters set pack (I imagine just with their basic outfits) with a lower price.

At first I thought when they talked about a character pack it meant just the characters after MR and P4, because there is no way they could be that stupid. Announce a character you're putting up for sale in several days will be available at a later date for less? :/

Sorry but why we have to define them "stupid" for having made a similar announcement? :/ Instead to keep the thing hidden, they decided openly to say to everyone: look, if you have the patience to wait you could get all the characters with a lower price (overall after the complaints by the fans for the DLC characters being not free).

This move can be anyway convenient for TN and surely it's convenient for the players. If now the fans they are stupid, not announcing it would have ended to define them much worse later, interested only to the profit of the company and not really caring for their fans.

I doubt the character pack will be for less when all the new characters are bundled together.

Team Ninja has already announced that the pack will be released with a discounted price, even because otherwise wouldn't make sense to relase a such complete set. We still don't know how much lesser but if we take like reference the DLC outfits, it should be exactly the half of the ordinary price getting all the characters singularly.


Well-Known Member
So, if game will be getting updates for at least 6 month, then do you guys think that we still have a chance of seeing more intros and winposes? I totally forgot that in arcade version there are not used in game quotes, like the one at the beginning of this video:
I'm sure I've already heard it, but Kasumi's voice was different, so it had to be re-recorded for DOA5. But why would they record it just to to be heard 1 on 100 times in Insert Coin screen? It sounds really good and Ayane still has more winposes than Kasumi, so why would they cut it from game? Also, anybody remember this Rachel's quote? (0:12):
I like how she sounds here and I have no idea why it's not in game.


Well-Known Member
The Kasumi one is probably from DOA2U since Houko Kuwashima re recorded everything intros and outros alike for Kasumi in that game.

Plus it's doesn't sound as high quality as most of the DOA5 stuff like its a remaster. (the same can be said with Eins intros and outros since they're directly ripped from DOA2U)

Baal bal

Well-Known Member
So, if game will be getting updates for at least 6 month, then do you guys think that we still have a chance of seeing more intros and winposes? I totally forgot that in arcade version there are not used in game quotes, like the one at the beginning of this video:
I'm sure I've already heard it, but Kasumi's voice was different, so it had to be re-recorded for DOA5. But why would they record it just to to be heard 1 on 100 times in Insert Coin screen? It sounds really good and Ayane still has more winposes than Kasumi, so why would they cut it from game? Also, anybody remember this Rachel's quote? (0:12):
I like how she sounds here and I have no idea why it's not in game.
Pretty accurate post man !
I think we will have some more intro, loose pose, sentence, coming.

I don't know for you guys, but i would totally buy win/loose pose DLC if it were to come. It's 100 time better than gravure ! ^^


Well-Known Member
Sorry but why we have to define them "stupid" for having made a similar announcement? :/ Instead to keep the thing hidden, they decided openly to say to everyone: look, if you have the patience to wait you could get all the characters with a lower price (overall after the complaints by the fans for the DLC characters being not free).
"Hey everyone, get excited about Marie Rose and go buy her next week!" and then right after "Hey if you wait 6 months you can get her for less!"

That isn't smart advertising, it is stupid. They killed their day one sales. I believe you yourself even said you're not going to get Marie now until the character bundle comes along.


Active Member
If you don't like it then cool don't buy, play, or support it and don't worry about it.

I just bored hearing this all the time everybody says same thing. People are so thoughtless.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I have to agree with MB, how could you guys be so selfish?

Now I'm not really a fan of the series (wouldn't even had played it had it not been for the DOA girls) but why hate something you don't have to play?

And to the people saying "Oh if they makethis it'll sell bad and make them not pay attention to our precious other games", please do everyone and jump over a bridge. We just got two DOA5 games, the current one which still continues with content and two Ninja Gaiden games that recently came out with a third coming soon and in development (NG4). What more could you want?

Also TN isn't some indie company, they have money. If the game is to fail (which no one at this point could say it would) then I'm sure TN will still have enough money to hop back on their feet.

BTW, I just wanted to add that just because a game is sexualized doesn't mean it'll be bad and/or fail and/or not sell.

For example, Rumble Roses was sexualized and was terrible and boring. Now let's look at the Seran Kagura series,that game also is sexualized (even more then RR) but it was still a fantastic and amazingly interesting game that is selling well in Japan and the west.

Being totally against a sequal of DOAX is like me being against Subway. I don't like food from Subway so I just don't go there. I don't try my best to shut the place down, make a petition, boycott, and more to the resturant because even though I don't like it, many others do.

I don't care for Tengu, but many others want him so I won't bash him and his fans and say he can't return and that he would ruin the game or crap. Why, because people enjoy him and want him back. So how is wanting another DOAX any more different.

If you don't like it then cool don't buy, play, or support it and don't worry about it. But don't be Anti DOAX3 and bash the game and the people who want it and hope for it never to return. Because not only does that make you look selfish as hell, but it makes you look like a douche.


Well-Known Member
You guys remember why we're talking here and not in the first DOA5U thread... yeah, we don't need the third one to be made but everything indicates that it will happen.


Well-Known Member
Anyway, I think it would be cool if the 3 new characters were

2.New Male Character
3.New Female Character

I would luv for a new male to either be a sumo, cocky bounty hunter, a punk, or an effeminate male and for a female to either be a russian/ukranian spy, a sassy black female, a gang member, or a cute non-japanese asian schoolgirl.

If it has to be anyone else then for males it should either be Donovan (use his fighting style from the movie) or Ryo fromShenmue. For a female either Irene, Nikki, or Miyako.


Well-Known Member
"Hey everyone, get excited about Marie Rose and go buy her next week!" and then right after "Hey if you wait 6 months you can get her for less!"

That isn't smart advertising, it is stupid. They killed their day one sales. I believe you yourself even said you're not going to get Marie now until the character bundle comes along.

Well, you can see the thing like you want... it's true, I said that I will not buy Marie Rose next week but honestly I'm glad for their news, and I also publicly thanked them for it on twitter. I'm not forced to buy the character in six months, on the opposite TN made me aware that I've a choice and I took my decision thanks to them.

You say that they killed the day one sales, but basically you are saying that they had to keep this hidden so to deceive the fans that wouldn't have ever imagined to have the possibility to get the same character with a lower price in future; the same fans that later then would have ended to send rage messages to TN declaring like TECMO it's a money whore for their behavior with the sponsorization of the DLC characters...

I think that on the opposite they openly put their cards on the table: "look, you can buy the character now or to wait for a discount", and that this was a great thing. They know - like they wrote - that many people will not be able to wait and will buy the character (someone also forced to do it for partecipating on the tournamentes with already the knowledge of the character), but TN cared because everyone was aware that could follow a choice without deceptions.

By the way I think that the majority of the fans of DoA5U will buy anyway Marie Rose now: believe me, it will be a torture for me to see everyone to play with her... XD
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