The Fight Stick Thread

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Street Fighter IV was the first one I could literally learn arcade stick with. I had tried numerous times with other games including VF4, VF5, and Guilty Gear.

But with the return of Guile in SF4 I could finally use my charge character again. Using a charge character requires you to learn the corner points of the stick and use tricks in input using rotations as well. At first I still had trouble with hadoukens and such but i could definitely go from one side to the other in a straight line. I still have trouble with quick movements like :6::3::4: to do just frame half circles and the like.

So yeah, thanks Capcom.


Active Member
I actually prefer square gates

Oh God. I hate my square gates. I just feel so inconsistant with the square and it feels stupid to be honest. I've never played on an real arcade that ever had a square gate. One day I'm going to fix me up a custom stick and have a circle or octagonal gate. And I also I want a Bat as well.


Well-Known Member
Real Asian arcades, especially the ones in Japan where all the best players play, use square gates. Once you stop riding the gate, you'll realize that it's better for execution and gives a larger engage area for the diagonals.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Square gate was insanely hard for me at first, but it's for exactly the reasons described above. Your execution improves immensely on it. I don't even know how people can play circle or octagonal.

Side note, how's the art coming along? I probably made it a little too difficult but I just want it to look cool.


Well-Known Member
If you want the feel of an American stick then by all means get an American stick. Trying to replicate the feel of an American stick with a Japanese one almost always never works.

Also, by American I mean European. The superior IL sticks are actually from Europe.


New Member
Here's a pic of my current sticks.


I got the Madcatz VS last week. I was actually planning on getting a SCV Hori but I came across this one for a very nice price, so I just couldn't pass it up. On the whole restrictor talk, I noticed that my VS has an octo gate in it and I can't use it for shiz, so I'm waiting for my GT-8F to come before I'm actually going to use it.
D3V I'm running into an issue with some art I'm working on, I'll hit you up about it on srk fsd hoping you can help me out.


New Member
In that case you can order mass produced stick directly from Hori's and Madcatz's e-stores:

You can also find these on Amazon.
If you'd want something more personal, you can check out Mr. Wah's link, check out some modders/woodworkers at SRK's techtalk section, go for a Tek case from Art: or a custom case from Jinxz at

For spare parts and such there are too many to mention but I believe has a pretty good reputation in the US


Well-Known Member
Just bought my first stick ever, an Eightarc Fusion Ebony. Can't wait to try it once it arrives. Thanks to CyberEvil for making me aware of Eightarc.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Just bought my first stick ever, an Eightarc Fusion Ebony. Can't wait to try it once it arrives. Thanks to CyberEvil for making me aware of Eightarc.

No problem. I have two myself, though I swapped both to battops since I hate balltop sticks. Waiting on final art from d3v and then I'll have some custom art on them, too! He does really good work, btw, so hit him up if you want to go that route.


Well-Known Member
No problem. I have two myself, though I swapped both to battops since I hate balltop sticks. Waiting on final art from d3v and then I'll have some custom art on them, too! He does really good work, btw, so hit him up if you want to go that route.

Custom art, eh? Sounds interesting but not for me. I'm more of a "beauty in simplicity" sort of guy. Though if I ever change my mind; how does stick art work? I'm sure you don't just glue it on the front panel, right?


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
No, you have to remove the stock top panel and replace it with a clear one. I'm having my art and panel laser cut and printed professionally. Honestly to do all of the mods I'm doing (stick, buttons, art) it's only about $75. I'm a fan of custom things. The eightarc sticks look great stock, though. Very slick and professional looking sticks and, unlike the Qanbas they're based on, don't have stupid Start button placement.


Well-Known Member
so the box is about done, Im using a wood top till i decide how I want the buttons. Im still trying to decide on how I want to paint it tho.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I have the DOA4 one, the Tekken 6 (360) one and a plain black for the PS3. I only play VF5, Tekken 6 and SC5 with them. I don't like using sticks for DOA.


Well-Known Member
First of all, you have great stuff dudes. Most of them look awesome.

Anyway, I've never used an arcade stick for a fighting game (other than in the, arcades, duh!). The thing is I'm having somewhat of a hard time playing DOA4 with the regular 360 controller. In the heat of the fight, I mostly have problems the holds... like I wanna throw a low hold, and actually pull a mid one. I blame the controller, since this don't happen on my 3DS (which has a good d-pad).

Would you recommend me a starter fightstick? or maybe a third party controller with a decent d-pad?

I went a little offtopic, sorry 'bout that.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
this don't happen on my 3DS (which has a good d-pad).


SF4 got me adjusted to an arcade stick, and then it was just using charge characters as they didn't have as much crazy circular commands - you could get used to where the corners of the stick were due to it.


Well-Known Member

SF4 got me adjusted to an arcade stick, and then it was just using charge characters as they didn't have as much crazy circular commands - you could get used to where the corners of the stick were due to it.

Well, I don't like 'floating' digital pads, like the one in the 360 controller. Diagonals are just messy for me on that kind. I'm more of a classic cross d-pad guy D:
Diagonals are hard to pull on arcade sticks?