tips against characters

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Active Member
Whatever your reasons, you're going to be there and I enjoy getting to see my friends. Even the crazy ones that act like a dick most of the time like you, Lopedo. Enough with the dogging on the game in threads, though. You've said your piece several times, both eloquently and...well, like your first post in here, and your point of view is well-known. At this point you do just come across as a troll, even to those who've read your posts where you actually explain why you feel that way, and I dislike having to deal with the posts people report you for. Try to behave, damnit.

Anyway, this thread needs to get back on track or it'll get locked. Angelo, if you got what you wanted out of it just say so and we'll lock it for that reason as well. You'll likely get more out of the character forums than you will here just by virtue of your question being mostly character-specific.
Im giving u trouble again?!sorry friend.plz do lock this or if u want ill delete it.this is getting out of control.i asked them to keep it civil but theres a lot of doa haters in here x 'D was able to learn a bit.thank u all again.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
You didn't give anyone any trouble but some people are fans of trolling and others just fall right into it and make it worse. I'll lock this but yeah head over to character forums for specific help.
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