updated 20th august - functional stage mods (redelbe)


Active Member
we have some ability to mod stages for gameplay now via redelbe and some new dev tools from @AlexXsWx

these mods are technically independent of my gameplay mod but they will cause desyncs if you don't match your opponent so I'm going to be mildly cautious and (for now) stick to the stages that don't show up in ranked: Chamber of Potential, Douglass Memorial, and a few out-of-bounds substages added to the 6++ menu select. ("seafood", a weird part of lost paradise, and maybe a secret room on APO if the camera problems are fixable)

To install: once you have REDELBE installed, put the folders FieldEditor4 and KIDSSystemResource into your ...\Dead or Alive 6\REDELBE folder and then launch the game.
To uninstall: remove the .g1co files from FiedEditor4 and remove Field_S1501GRD.stage.kidsobjdb from KIDSSystemResource. You probably don't have any other file in KIDSSystemResource but you may have other files in FiedEditor4 if you were doing cosmetic stage mods.


update August 20:
Memorial stage expanded to the full extent of the courtyard
lots of database editing and custom collision meshes to expand the floor out beyond the stairs and add walls to... pretty much everything, the only original wall in the stage was Fame's statue and the invisible boundary around the ring, literally all other walls and the floor outside of the raised area is something I converted or added.
removed most of the grass for framerate.
added some weird floor geo under the goddess statues to make the camera go up instead of being blocked
added several start positions for round 2+
changed the post-fight outro position.

still to do on memorial: there's some more camera clipping issues to be addressed like the remaining trees and the planters along the outer wall. The cafe furniture needs to break or be removed, more start positions can be added once the outer areas are cleaned up. I should either enclose the moat with bridge pieces, block it off with an invisible wall, or incredibly optimistically: maybe we find the old style cliff edge mechanic and you could be knocked down there like the kyoto stage. and finally, the sunken planters by round 1 start don't need to hide from the camera since they can't be in the way.

chamber: no changes, and I doubt there will be any. certainly not changing the floor angle unless one of you is a math professor who can teach me quaternions.

note this upload does not include my UI mods nor the retexture of the walls/floor, only the mechanical changes to the floor and adjusting the wall collider to match


and again, communicate with your opponent to make sure you have identical stage mods to avoid desyncs.
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Active Member

using the loverslab tools you can rip the g1m files from FieldEditor4 with qrdbtool and convert them into 3Dmigoto format with g1m tool (export with vgmap probably helps things look nicer) and then use ausgeek's blender importer for .vb/.ib to get all that stuff into blender. here's part of unforgettable because it was convenient:


trouble is, blender and the game are relatively y/-z swapped by default and the game uses quaternions for the placement of objects that aren't nicely world-spaced like all the cars, benches, fences, the tank, etc that aren't in that screenshot.

when you see <Prop Name="0x27D889E5|WorldPosition" Type="Single" Value="11164.5732421875 -4.78955078125 12583.3935546875"/> in the stage.kidsscndb.kidsobj.xml you need to put (11164.57 -12583.39 -4.79) in for blender's xyz coordinates to visualize things properly, and the reverse for what to type in the xml property value if you want to reproduce translational movement in-game.

when you see
<Prop Name="0xF52EA910|WorldQuaternion" Type="Single" Value="0 -0.708716094493866 0 0.7054938077926636"/>
you need to get a math degree and a drinking problem have wolfram alpha right-multiply (1+1i+0j+0k) by that quaternion (also the game uses ijkw rather than wijk) to turn the couch or whatever you're trying to place the right way in the blender workspace.

when you see some wxyz values in blender after you manually rotated something you need to have the computer right multiply that by (0.5-0.5i+0j+0k) to get the game's relative orientation for the rotation back out, and remember the game puts the scalar part last in that prop line.

and that's why i generally don't rotate things in my stage mods.

the process for the colliders is similar although since alex's g1co import/export is quite good (and since we generally don't ever need to compute rotations for colliders), i've just been moving, transforming, or creating the colmeshes in worldspace and exporting them and don't have to think about any math.
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