DOA5U Vote for Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate at's Year End Poll

We over at are holding our annual year end reader poll for the best fighting games of the year. Naturally Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate is in the running for a couple of categories.

Team NINJA's updated fighter is currently nominated for "Best Update/Rerelease" and "Best Fighting Game" overall, however it's far from the top spots in either. With this in mind, it's time for the DOA community to get together and vote for DOA5U - arguably one of the best releases of the series to date.

Be sure to head on over to and vote. Voting ends on January 7 so you all need hurry.
YESH! I knew there were more of you guys out there somewhere! :)
I can't believe for Best Update, DOA5U is behind Skullgirls Encore and that Guilty Gear is way ahead. What in the world? DOA5U added 4 characters (2 completely new), new stages, more unlockable costumes, and better online features. I voted DOA5U in all categories it was in.
5 actually, Rachel Momiji Leon Ein Jacky

It should NOT be a question of IF we support but how many of us can take a moment to come together to show we exist as a community!
Also how fast we can spread the word too. LOL

As soon as I read "Poll", SAY NO MORE!!!! BEEN VOTING DOA before it was cool!!!

Side Note: All the other games are awesome as well in humble respects but they have all had the spotlight shine on them even if just for a brief time. Where DOA has been shund on and undermined to an extent.
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