Wall of Shame


New Member

^ This guy is Pei Mei. He gets mad salty when he loses, I don't know what's his deal.


I took this as a compliment, but then I caught this guy in a lobby shit talking, calling me trash and a fake. Like is it that hard to acknowledge someone for being good. I don't have beef with players until they start shit with me >.>


This idiot seems to believe Eliot is broken in DOA4 >.<!
LOL I Cant...This Whole Thread Is Giving Me A Good Ass Laugh This Morning


New Member
I like troll too. I enter to lobbies, with my 1 bar connection... and is funny...pretty damn funny. When I win, I usually get messages like this. Interesting fact is, that I receive hate mails, only from high level players haha


or this


It's a joke, man...don't be angry :bradwong:
If Thats The Case That You Really Do Lag Thats Not Funny...Cuz I Play Really Bad In Lag -_-' I Dont Send Messages I Just Rage To Myself Lol


Well-Known Member
If Thats The Case That You Really Do Lag Thats Not Funny...Cuz I Play Really Bad In Lag -_-' I Dont Send Messages I Just Rage To Myself Lol

Ya the thing about that day was he magically forgot to mention the part where he actually sent me a message first. I didn't say anything to him, I just kicked him from the room because he lags badly. Of course thanks to the patch he will never be able to enter any of my lobbies again =)


Active Member
Don't worry, even without the patch, I would never join a lobby with you...or idiots like Lopedo, that kicks me, even in Spectator Mode.


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Hayanooba: Scrubbier than a giant sized SOS pad.

In any case, I found myself on the receiving end of some online bashing a few days ago, so I wanted to get your feedbacks on this.

I was in a public room, where an S+ was whoopin some asses with Mila. Much respect for that, but what got me was the after victory hits on his opponents, who were ranked far below them.

I dust off Bass, they decide to mirror match me, and I win the last match (out of 5 rounds) with a Perfect. Hard fought battle, that went back and forth, but I digress. In the heat of the moment, I taunt. When I'm done my matches (meaning, Renarism kicks the living hell outta me with Tina), I have a moment to post Btw, GG man, thankful I didn't have to face your beastly Mila.

They demand a FT5. Now, I get this every time I beat a higher ranked player, and tell them that I'd be down for it later. It's not often that I can get in rounds with Ren, so I wanna stick around.

Nope, I get called out for being a troll, that it's people like me that have ruined the community, etc etc. I don't understand, I say. I won a hard match, said gg afterwards, where's the heat?

Because I taunted. Now, I'd be fine with that, if it wasn't for the case that they still did the after match win hits on their fallen opponents. But whatever. I'll do a FT5. Sorted stuff afterwards (we only managed to do 1 match due to sudden lag), and we friended on XBL.

Sorry for the novella. Anyhow, am I unknowingly trolling in this regard, or was there a higher than normal sodium count in their messages?


Well-Known Member
Bass taunts are like the most harmless of the bunch. Like seriously, who get's pissed because he pounds his chest, or stomps the ground?
I do it because he just oozes manliness, yet I too get flack every time for them, because people think I do them out of spite.

Now Ayane's taunts on the other hand, there's ragefuel for ya.....