What would "Hold Counters" do to DOA's gameplay (positives/negatives)?


Well-Known Member
The whole stun and hold system is bad for the most part. I don't think a 'counter' to holds would solve it's problems.


Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
No offense, JannLeeVsLaw, I know you're just throwing an idea out there and that's cool, but this particular idea is quite possibly worse than anything even MaxDrago has pitched, lol.
Thanks for all the comments guys. To be clear I'm not putting down the Hold system, I think it is perfect the way it is now and I wouldn't change it nor suggest holds to be toned down etc. I am asking this because Counter Counter systems have been used in several very successful 3D fighting games (eg. Tekken & the Assassin's Creed series) and I was wondering how this would affect DOA's gameplay mechanics. I'm not throwing random ideas at the wall, this is a system that has been used successfully in fighting games before. But from the responses above it seems that it would have negative effects for DOA.

It seems that the main reason why this wouldn't work is because the DOA Hold/Counter system is a lot more intricate than the two games mentioned above. And so adding this additional layer of complexity would convolute the system and limit the "reward" one gets for using Holds, is this what people are saying?
Well, the way they could make it work is if you were able to break out of holds/grabs right during the beginning of it, the first few frames of animation giving you a chance to break out of it. And in this case, breaking out would result in a counterattack. Then breaking out of that counterattack with another counterattack and so on and so forth until one of the players loses the struggle.
Thanks, that's what I meant.


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This would not work at all. It wouldn't be that hard to figure out the commands needed to escape the hold. All the holds are pre-programmed and give out static results. If you could variate the out come of holds, than such a feature would be interesting to have.