Which character do you have the most trouble fighting against.


Active Member
Ayane-- She's fast, evasive, and powerful-- and it's ironic cause she's one of my mains and can only beat her by using fire with fire orz

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
So its a clear consensus, we hate Mila. Its probably since she's a new character. Another annoying this about her is that if you low wake up kick then she does that front flip tackle and it goes over your kick. And if you mid kick there goes another mount. I almost never wake up kick Mila. I always have to tech roll.


Tina. A friend of mine is playing with her and she has soooo many set ups that when you are knocked to the ground you almost ALWAYS get ground thrown. also if you get hit by :4::1::2::3::6: + :F+P: on CH basically its good bye sweet life.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
Tina. A friend of mine is playing with her and she has soooo many set ups that when your knowcked to the ground you almost ALWAYS get ground thrown. also if you get hit by :4::1::2::3::6: + :F+P: on CH basically its good bye sweet life.
Yeah and they beat out lows too. At least her ground throws arent strong and take as long as Milas.


Well-Known Member
So its a clear consensus, we hate Mila. Its probably since she's a new character. Another annoying this about her is that if you low wake up kick then she does that front flip tackle and it goes over your kick. And if you mid kick there goes another mount. I almost never wake up kick Mila. I always have to tech roll.
Not only that, she likes to back away alot and she will spamm the Ground & pound move over, over, over, over & over again.
Frustration experience like this makes you want to throw your controller across the wall & wish you where in the game so can slam her face against the floor "God of War style" :mad:


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
"Everyone is my toughest opponent".

Nothing motivates me better to learn how to play against everyone with the character I love.


Active Member
Helena .. when she starts attacking I don't know how to stop her.
Kokoro .. same as Hele.
Lei Fang .. I hate her holds.
Tina .. her throws kills.
Ive only played one good Mila something-unique all others below average. Out of 1000 something fights. I'd say Brad, as im new to DOA hes slightly an issue. Mila I don't see it.

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
The characters I may have the most trouble fighting are Brad Wong, Jann Lee and Hayabusa. That's only if I play a player who actually know what they're doing, though. It's because the lack of facing good players who can use those guys so when I do run into one I can have problems. I need to actually start training with Jann Lee more.


Active Member
If they're flashy, I just can't do it. I have loads of problems against:

Skilled Helena play

As a Mila player, I can't get a bead on Lisa at all. She ducks highs so often and Mila has limited use and follow-up on her mid strikes so it's hard to adjust on the fly. Same with all of her tracking attacks, I SS a lot with Mila and it seems like every little thing tracks.

Surprised everyone has such trouble against Mila... Perhaps it's because no one's using her right now. She's very middle of the road, seems to have just enough to fight anyone on the roster but it's all about getting the correct reads from moment to moment. There's very little in the way of mindless tactics you can use to get the upper-hand with her, not to mention how little damage she does outside of her TD. I fucking love her though, I love her so much!


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised people are having difficulty fighting Helena, she's rather easy to predict and punish and she's only good a slaping you on the wrist.

One thing Helena has going for her is the ability to remove your wake up options. Handslaps FTW.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
I'm surprised people are having difficulty fighting Helena, she's rather easy to predict and punish and she's only good a slaping you on the wrist.

One thing Helena has going for her is the ability to remove your wake up options. Handslaps FTW.
Hands slaps all day. I literally use them as almost all my combo enders.


Active Member
Ugh Helena's handslaps are SO ANNOYING! It ruins my wakeup kick options and pretty much puts me at a COMPLETE disadvantage especially if I'm against a wall.Here's my list:
1. Skilled Helena
2. Hitomi (if she uses lows and most of her punches beat out Ayane's)
3. Mila (if they decide to use the annoying 3F+K, I think that's the right input, and then use the guranteed throw and also when you throw break her and she can still hit you)
4. Lei Fang
5. Kokoro
6. Jann Lee
7. Gen Fu

EDIT: Basically anything that's a force tech gives me trouble.


Active Member
A character giving me a difficult time at the moment is Pai.
A skilled bass player can also throw me off a bit as well...

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
A character giving me a difficult time at the moment is Pai.
A skilled bass player can also throw me off a bit as well...
Really?! Is there anyone online that can beat you right now. I can barely lay a hit on your Kokorro and her force techs.

Ace Flibble

Ryu & Hayate
Sometimes Jann Lee and Kokoro, if the lag's really awkward.


I don't know whether with Rig it's because he's just new and I still need to get used to what his attacks look like (not sure, since I've no problem with Mila), or whether it's his entirely different playstyle that is throwing me. Either way, I don't think I've won a single round against a Rig player. They start bulldogging from the second the round starts and that's me gone. You'd think, since I main Hwoarang in Tekken, I should be used to his style of play, but I can't even begin to handle him. It's getting to the point where if someone picks Rig online I don't even try, I just get the defeat over with quickly.

Oh, and AI-controlled on the harder modes:
Pai is plain glitched as far as I can tell, as I explained in the bugs thread, though she's also just a total nightmare to fight even when her throws aren't glitching.
Sarah, so many of her kicks and throws look similar in the first fraction of a second, I'm always going for the wrong kind of counter.
Bayman and Ryu, because just like in DOA4 these two seem to counter hold everything perfectly.

Heh, apparently I'm the only person that finds Mila easy. Standing block, crouch block at the end of her strings, generally keep low.


Well-Known Member
A few characters give me trouble but the fun part is that they are all pretty common. I'll list it from most to least.

Kokoro - Terror incarnate, she's relentless, stupid safe and it's as if when she gets started there are no openings to counter her, her range beats mine (Akira player) she's faster and when she gets started I just don't know what to do with her. I just have to wait for her to finishing a string and throw out something fast and hope it hits because punishing her is nonexistent.

Helena - She's unsafe and low tier like everyone says but generally any Helena player I come across has a good idea of what their doing and when she gets those mixups started I just can't get her off me, and wakeup kicks are nonexistent since she can just force tech me like a boss and leave me at even more of a disadvantage. If I can keep her on the defensive she's a non issue but if she gets started that's pretty much the round right there, especially if I'm at a wall.

Leifang - Holds holds holds, can't do anything, get mixed up like a noob, clipped with fast mids or kicks when I'm blocking low, clipped with lows or OHs when I'm blocking mid, parried like a scrub when I try to counter. If I can't keep the pressure on her I'm going to get steamrolled. Which is funny because she's a defensive character and I handle her best when she's on the defensive.

Ayane - Beat out in speed again and again and again and again and again. She was a non issue in 4 but here she gives me a lot of trouble. With Kasumi I can generally predict what she's going to do but Ayane spaces me out well, keeps the pressure on and it's hard to punish because she can just throw out her BT throw in an instant.

Jann Lee - Most Jann Lees have a clear gameplan and are easy to figure out but a good Jann is a nightmare, don't need to list his pros since we all know them. But he spaces me out so bad it's ridiculous. Everything he does is fast and has twice as much range as anything I do (as Akira), but it takes really good players to really bring out the trouble with him against me (Hi lopedo).

For the most part I just need to learn how to block better, these characters take the most advantage of my bad defense. Tina, Christie and Bass use to give me a lot of trouble but they've gotten a lot easier to handle.